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Fuwanovel Confessions


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nails, huh?

confession : i had this weird nail disease (?) once , called onychomadesis.


Confession: I'd never torn a nail before now.  I tore the nail on one of my big toes this morning, and it hurts like a bitch.  It stopped bleeding within 30 minutes, but I have to limp or it twinges.  Right now I have it in a band-aid with duct tape wrapped around it because that's the only way I can keep it on.  Pretty sure it's tie-dye duck tape, too  xD


But yeah, my dumbass of a sister did it.  Still pretty pissed at her.

advice : you definitely don't want a bit of the broken nail get into the flesh part unknowingly when you apply the bandaid. just, don't.

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nails, huh?

confession : i had this weird nail disease (?) once , called onychomadesis.


advice : you definitely don't want a bit of the broken nail get into the flesh part unknowingly when you apply the bandaid. just, don't.

Don't worry, it's not splintered or anything.  Believe me, I'd know.  I'm just covering it so it doesn't get infected, and it seems to make it hurt less, for some reason.

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Confession: I have learned tonight that I am terrible at bar trivia. I used to be good at "academic" trivia stuff in high school and college, so it's kind of disappointing. Anybody have a good "weird news" source that I can keep up with, so I can at least do well on the "current events"?


Edit: Wow, I almost never use scare quotes, but apparently I just went to town on them in this post. ... I'm sure that says something about my feelings towards the bar trivia thing, but I don't really know how to interpret it.

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Confession: The idea of a torn nail really hurts me. The thought of it just gives me these tingly sensations. Ugh.

Yeah, it's...not nice to think about.  Some jerk at my elementary school told stories to everyone with working ears about the time he dropped something really heavy on his foot, and something very unpleasant happened to one of his toenails.  The way he went on about it, you'd think he enjoyed the experience or something.  I mean, the guy wouldn't shut up  >.>


Sorry I brought it up, I just needed to vent, since my friggin' sister still hasn't apologized for it, and actually said that it was my fault she kicked me.  She has the shittiest habit of kicking me whenever I don't do what she wants me to do, and ever since I trained in Shōrinji-ryū I instinctively grab people's feet in self-defense when they kick me and pull, and, well, she stomped really hard on my foot because she got unbalanced.

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No need to say sorry man, lol.

It doesn't bother me much. I also instinctively grab people's feet. Maybe it's because I prefer grabbing people and applying pressure on their bodies instead of doing a fistfight or something. Anyway,


Confession: I have no knowledge in any martial arts. I just like training my arms.

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No need to say sorry man, lol.

It doesn't bother me much. I also instinctively grab people's feet. Maybe it's because I prefer grabbing people and applying pressure on their bodies instead of doing a fistfight or something. Anyway,


Confession: I have no knowledge in any martial arts. I just like training my arms.

Joint locks and throws are actually really satisfying.  Someone comes at you with a punch?  Dodge, twist their arm, then use their own momentum against them and flip them.  Admittedly, I've never used them in a real fight, and I haven't practiced karate for a few years now, but I still remember how to do them.


Anyway...a really simple joint lock is pressing your thumb against the spot right underneath the knuckles of the last two fingers on the back of the hand while gripping the wrist with your other fingers and pushing forward, bending the palm forwards, towards the wrist.  If it's applied correctly, you can get someone onto the ground from a standing position.  You can actually try it on yourself, just be sure not to hurt yourself doing it, and don't push too hard.  I also learned a really brutal way to get out of being grabbed from behind and pulled backwards that involves a twist using the opponent's momentum followed by a vicious uppercut to the crotch.  They sure don't play around in karate  :P

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Joint locks and throws are actually really satisfying.  Someone comes at you with a punch?  Dodge, twist their arm, then use their own momentum against them and flip them.  Admittedly, I've never used them in a real fight, and I haven't practiced karate for a few years now, but I still remember how to do them.


Anyway...a really simple joint lock is pressing your thumb against the spot right underneath the knuckles of the last two fingers on the back of the hand while gripping the wrist with your other fingers and pushing forward, bending the palm forwards, towards the wrist.  If it's applied correctly, you can get someone onto the ground from a standing position.  You can actually try it on yourself, just be sure not to hurt yourself doing it, and don't push too hard.  I also learned a really brutal way to get out of being grabbed from behind and pulled backwards that involves a twist using the opponent's momentum followed by a vicious uppercut to the crotch.  They sure don't play around in karate  :P


confession : I have wet palms, i dont know what causing it, but some said it's likely a heart condition. it just soo awkward when i shake hands with others. :amane:

i definitely won't do well in that kind of grappling techniques. i have wet palms literally everytime. except when i'm sleeping.

tho i learned tae kwon do back in junior high school, and my mom made me quit since she didn't like seeing those bruises on my feet. and i became thinner after 3 months i signed myself up. so i think i still have the edges on my feet, so i could say i have a good feet techniques. :illya:  :illya:

but surely have gone rusty by now.

i'd sign up for 'dojo' in a blink of an eye if there's one.


karate, capoeira, and tae kwon do seems fun.


confession 2 : i was a fatty back then.

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Same here. :(


I can only tell my surgery story.

Confession: I don't have any surgery stories either, the only time I've ever been in a hospital was when I was around 8, and even then it only lasted a few hours. I started having trouble breathing a few hours after having gone to sleep, my mom called an ambulance. Long story short I'm pretty sure it was croup, and I was better within a few hours so we went home.

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Confession: I don't have any surgery stories either, the only time I've ever been in a hospital was when I was around 8, and even then it only lasted a few hours. I started having trouble breathing a few hours after having gone to sleep, my mom called an ambulance. Long story short I'm pretty sure it was croup, and I was better within a few hours so we went home.


Do you want to hear my surgery story?

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Joint locks and throws are actually really satisfying. Someone comes at you with a punch? Dodge, twist their arm, then use their own momentum against them and flip them. Admittedly, I've never used them in a real fight, and I haven't practiced karate for a few years now, but I still remember how to do them.

Anyway...a really simple joint lock is pressing your thumb against the spot right underneath the knuckles of the last two fingers on the back of the hand while gripping the wrist with your other fingers and pushing forward, bending the palm forwards, towards the wrist. If it's applied correctly, you can get someone onto the ground from a standing position. You can actually try it on yourself, just be sure not to hurt yourself doing it, and don't push too hard. I also learned a really brutal way to get out of being grabbed from behind and pulled backwards that involves a twist using the opponent's momentum followed by a vicious uppercut to the crotch. They sure don't play around in karate :P

No they don't but they also aren't as brutal as they could be. Small joint manipulation can be brutal and isn't something you practice in Karate generally. I believe it was among the more brutal elements of Karate that were phased out with it's transition to the mainland from Okinawa in the 20s. At least the Karate I learned was mostly void of the stuff and as far as I know it's a huge no-no in most any competitive sport . If I ever was going to get caught in a fight, the first thing I'd do is go for a finger and destroy it. That's my two cents, anyhow. Not that we were talking about it anyway. Whatever. CoC life, yo
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