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Fuwanovel Confessions


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Does this mean I still have hope?!?!?! :mare:


No, no hope for you. But, no, of course. But you have to try a little bit too, there were the guys in the military who did stay quiet and didn't say shit. No idea how they managed to get through it because it was definitely the people that made it possible for me.

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Communication! :P  If you don't know, just ask~ (or acquire mind-reading powers)

I'll go with the latter, someone teach me how to read minds! :holo:



No, no hope for you. But, no, of course. But you have to try a little bit too, there were the guys in the military who did stay quiet and didn't say shit. No idea how they managed to get through it because it was definitely the people that made it possible for me.

Yeah, if I were conscripted I would have been one of those guys for sure. >.>

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No, no hope for you. But, no, of course. But you have to try a little bit too, there were the guys in the military who did stay quiet and didn't say shit. No idea how they managed to get through it because it was definitely the people that made it possible for me.

I'm not quiet guy if I have even something little to say I'll say it. I have just been spending too much time pfft this isn't possible in the Lands of Moe lately.

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Haven't you read Da Capo II? Then you should know that's not necessarily so great, just look at poor Nanaka!

Everything has a a downside, and you'd need a much bigger downside if you wanted to make knowing exactly what other people are thinking undesirable. :P



That's what I thought, but in the end it is easier to talk.

What exactly do you mean by talk, in the context of the military?

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I often feel like I can't keep up with an extrovert.. being boring to them. Sometimes there's this pressure that I need to keep talking and entertain. 

You know what, you're right. Extroverts are also a flip the coin for me. The ones on the really really talkative end of the spectrum who can shoot out 1000 words a minute in a conversation are death and I can definitely not keep up with them

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What exactly do you mean by talk, in the context of the military?


The whole military is more or less built on comradeship, from the very beginning you are all treated more or less like shit and have to go through the same shitty exercises  and are all affected by the same stupid rules. Then no matter who you are and what background you have you get something in common with your fellow conscripts, you all hate that sergeant(or whatever) and you will start talking. If you don't start talking with the guys you will just have a really shitty time with no outlet.

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The ones on the really really talkative end of the spectrum who can shoot out 1000 words a minute in a conversation are death and I can definitely not keep up with them


My little brother is like that.  Like, holy shit sometimes it makes my head go around in circles.  Doesn't help he's so damn big too.  xD

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Information is very important!  That's what the internet is for!


Communication is important as well, though when it tends to have issues the lack of a real-life link means a lot of guesswork ends up happening as to the reason why.  Answers range from 'super-ultra busy' to 'internet died' to the rather unfortunate possibility of having creeped them out beyond belief.  Communication is necessary but setting it up seems to be easier said than done ^^;;


When you manage to get someone interested, you will know it. Keep trying and keep natural communications going~. Respect their excuse whether it's busy or internet died. Think that if they wanted to be your friend, they will try from their end as well. Not to say that if they don't try means that they don't want to be your friend.

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When you manage to get someone interested, you will know it. Keep trying and keep natural communications going~. Respect their excuse whether it's busy or internet died. Think that if they wanted to be your friend, they will try from their end as well. Not to say that if they don't try means that they don't want to be your friend.



Don't underestimate how dense some people are. :P


Either I'm very dense or my track record has about zero people who have been interested in me.  This is why I've mostly turned to self-improvement, at least in theory.

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Elementary school is one thing, high school is another.  :P

I dunno, that was about as blunt as you can get at that age and I still didn't get it.  I think most people at that age would have gotten that quite easily; I think it was in 4th or 5th grade, so I was around 11 or 12.  Although, yeah, not getting something like that at high school age is pretty lolwtf.


Did you make a promise?

Nope.  I don't think I ever saw her again after that year (she might have moved away, I dunno), either.  I don't even remember her name, I just have a very faint recollection of her facial features.


In a few years she'll show up and say "Zeno-kun, remember when you promised to play tag with me?"

Too much of a commitment, run away at full speed.

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Nope.  I don't think I ever saw her again after that year (she might have moved away, I dunno), either.  I don't even remember her name, I just have a very faint recollection of her facial features.

Dude, that's an even bigger flag!



Too much of a commitment, run away at full speed.

So naturally, since you're playing tag, she'll chase you, then you'll trip and fall, she won't react quickly enough and fall on top of you and BAM H-scene.  :makina:

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Dude, that's an even bigger flag!

Why can't I hold all these flags?


So naturally, since you're playing tag, she'll chase you, then you'll trip and fall, she won't react quickly enough and fall on top of you and BAM H-scene.  :makina:

Japanese logic at it's finest.  Both protag and heroine are only clutzy right before they bang.  Of course, I'm clutzy all the time because I have long-ish legs.  Thanks, genetics.

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