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MoeNovel announcing something Monday 17/11


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Milking a game that everyone knows sucks doesn't make a novel popular. That's the thing, the visual novel community is in and of itself small, so I doubt people who see this on Steam will be awestruck since they already know the game was butchered.

The game isn't bad. The translation is. But as Ezeefreak said too I don't got such a huge problem with it if I can understand it.


But this announcement was a disappointment. I also thought they would've released something else. Like the fandisc or another game. But oh well. Thanks for lifting the information before I had time to post it. I was asleep because of the timezones.

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There were quite a few parts I actually couldn't understand. And even if this wasn't the case, "understandable" is way too low of a bar. A story being merely understandable doesn't allow it to resonate with the reader as well than if it was properly translated. The humor isn't as funny, the emotional moments aren't as touching, and so on. Moenovel did a big disservice to Konosora and its fans. I'm actually a little annoyed that people here are excusing Moenovel's work as good enough. Are you kidding me?

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There were quite a few parts I actually couldn't understand. And even if this wasn't the case, "understandable" is way too low of a bar. A story being merely understandable doesn't allow it to resonate with the reader as well than if it was properly translated. The humor isn't as funny, the emotional moments aren't as touching, and so on. Moenovel did a big disservice to Konosora and its fans. I'm actually a little annoyed that people here are excusing Moenovel's work as good enough. Are you kidding me?

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There were quite a few parts I actually couldn't understand. And even if this wasn't the case, "understandable" is way too low of a bar. A story being merely understandable doesn't allow it to resonate with the reader as well than if it was properly translated. The humor isn't as funny, the emotional moments aren't as touching, and so on. Moenovel did a big disservice to Konosora and its fans. I'm actually a little annoyed that people here are excusing Moenovel's work as good enough. Are you kidding me?

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Maybe I was a little too harsh but I just cannot understand the mentality that is actually appreciative of Moenovel's work. To be honest, I'm of the opinion that they did more harm than good. I think the more people who are complacent with things like this, the worse off the industry as a whole is because they feel less pressure to improve. 

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Maybe I was a little too harsh but I just cannot understand the mentality that is actually appreciative of Moenovel's work. To be honest, I'm of the opinion that they did more harm than good. I think the more people who are complacent with things like this, the worse off the industry as a whole is because they feel less pressure to improve. 

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It's not an easy topic and there are a lot of factors. But we are derailing that here a bit ;)


Back to the topic:

- Announcement -> Wtf?! I had preferred a new (of course) better translation of another VN (at least Flight Diary). I really want to have a Hotaru Route, she's so adorable ;).

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The quality of a translation is something I can easily deal with, however the quantity of a translation is where it seems to upset people the most. Taking out the h-scenes is one thing, but taking out lines about panties or sexual jokes is going too far considering games like Outlast make it to steam. For those of you who aren't aware of that game, it has people getting eaten alive by naked cannibal twins and dicks getting sawed off by a man who wants to put his seed into his future "wife." You're telling me panties are bad?

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Recently heard about the steam release.  I've heard people liked it after MoeNovel's severe removals were...well, un-removed, so considering this has popped up again it seems kind of...


I lost my track on that sentence.  ><


Anyway, is there any news on whether or not the steam release will change anything, at least in terms of removals?  Truth be told Cho Dengeki Stryker didn't have any removals too noticeable aside from nudity and the main sec scenes, so it certainly seems like at least a bit of risque'ness is appropriate on the platform.  Is there any news on pricing as well?  Chances that Fuwanovel's patch (I seem to remember Fuwa being one of the main sources for it at least, though I can't say for sure) will work on the steam release as well?

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Recently heard about the steam release.  I've heard people liked it after MoeNovel's severe removals were...well, un-removed, so considering this has popped up again it seems kind of...


I lost my track on that sentence.  ><


Anyway, is there any news on whether or not the steam release will change anything, at least in terms of removals?  Truth be told Cho Dengeki Stryker didn't have any removals too noticeable aside from nudity and the main sec scenes, so it certainly seems like at least a bit of risque'ness is appropriate on the platform.  Is there any news on pricing as well?  Chances that Fuwanovel's patch (I seem to remember Fuwa being one of the main sources for it at least, though I can't say for sure) will work on the steam release as well?

The price is 13.5$ if you preorder/buy it the first week or 15$ if you buy it after the first week. It is released on the 24th of November. 


That's all I can say.

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Oh, so they won't butcher anything new? That's good to hear.

Will they really slap that trainwreck of a translation on Steam? I guess there are bound to be some illiterate idiots among gamers... but why would they read something like this to begin with? It's not a bad-nukige-without-porn aka Sakura Spirit, it's aimed at people who actually appreciate reading to some extent...


Any news on the (unlikely) translation fix would be appreciated though, it could slightly decrease the amount of work needed to finish the Re-translation patch.


The quality of a translation is something I can easily deal with, however the quantity of a translation is where it seems to upset people the most.

That way of thinking is very harmful to the TL-scene/industry. If people gladly swallow whatever BS you throw at them, why should fan-translators/companies even bother? Making a poorly written guesslation is much easier, faster and cheaper than making an actual translation after all (not to even mention a good one).

Besides, even if MoeNovel released an uncensored version, with the current translation level it would remain an unreadable crap all the same. It doesn't matter whether a sexual joke is removed or completely lost in poor translation, the effect is the same - it's not funny.

Also, translating and re-inserting removed H-scenes is 1000x easier and faster than re-translating the entire damn VN (that includes said H-scenes anyway...).

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This is very disappointing.

Though it could save other games from the shame brought upon by MN's translation.

That is if they haven't improved.


I don't really care for Steam releases since I'm not a user, so it doesn't really matter to me.

I'm interested in the people who defend MN's translation though.

I won't attempt to derail again though.


GG Moenovel. You won. You killed my hope again.

Not that I hoped for anything.

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That way of thinking is very harmful to the TL-scene/industry. If people gladly swallow whatever BS you throw at them, why should fan-translators/companies even bother? Making a poorly written guesslation is much easier, faster and cheaper than making an actual translation after all (not to even mention a good one).

Besides, even if MoeNovel released an uncensored version, with the current translation level it would remain an unreadable crap all the same. It doesn't matter whether a sexual joke is removed or completely lost in poor translation, the effect is the same - it's not funny.

Also, translating and re-inserting removed H-scenes is 1000x easier and faster than re-translating the entire damn VN (that includes said H-scenes anyway...).

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I will say it again: Moenovel's quality of translation did not ruin this game. It's lack of quantity did. Removing scenes which were crucial to character development in the routes and removing dialogue are what destroyed the game, not the choice of words they used.


It doesn't have to be one or the other. 

The quality of the translation may not be the sole greatest factor in why the localization was so piss poor, but it's a legitimate issue.

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What people need to realize is that once anyone decides to translate anything from an L1 to an L2, be it a book, a paper, or even a speech, you will lose some of the original meaning in the new translated work. Certain individuals constantly complain about the quality of a translation and how it isn't comparable to the original. No shit sherlock; bad English is one thing, but most of the time the individuals who complain about a translation bash it for the wrong reasons.


Most editors think they are the king's of the world because they know some (please note the some here) Japanese. Guess what? English does not equal Japanese. The same is true for any language, so no matter how you want to look at it, translations will never be or come close to the original. Is it possible? Yes. Is it needed? No.


Visual novel readers need to stop worrying about the quality of words chosen in a translation, and instead focus more on how translations bring a new spin on the original work. Shitty English is shitty English, that anyone can see, but Moenovel's game is not unreadable, and people need to realize that. Is it Shakespearean quality? Is the vernacular on par with Koestl's Grisaia level translation? Just because a novel doesn't blow the original work out of the water and just because it isn't "exactly like the original" doesn't mean readers should bash it for it's poor language choice, especially non-native English speakers. Fancy vocabulary does not make a game readable, nor does nitpicking every single goddamn line in a novel that has been translated; sometimes simpler is better.


I will say it again: Moenovel's quality of translation did not ruin this game. It's lack of quantity did. Removing scenes which were crucial to character development in the routes and removing dialogue are what destroyed the game, not the choice of words they used.

I disagree with this, actually. While it is only obvious that each language has its quirks and that making a 1:1 transition is nearly impossible - let alone between languages that have close to nothing in common - it is the translators job to localize the product with all the nuances as close to the original as possible. I'm not asking for a word-to-word literal translation, that in itself is a bad translation; what I mean is, if there is a certain nuance in language A, the translator should find the closest thing to it in language B and replace it with that. Every language has different idioms, for example - rather than translating the saying mechanically, you should use the closest one your language has to offer - thus still staying close to the original, in respect to the languages at hand.


I'd also disagree that bad English has no effect on the quality of the translated work. Of course it has. You can all me a grammar Nazi, but if I am presented with two stories and one of them is riddled with spelling and grammar errors, I will prefer the well written one. And I'm not even talking about official products here - if you are selling something in a certain language, you'd better make damn sure it's written well. Whether it's your first language or not should be beside the point - if you can't write it in your second language well enough, don't write/translate it into that language at all in the first place.

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Visual novel readers need to stop worrying about the quality of words chosen in a translation, and instead focus more on how translations bring a new spin on the original work.

What I posted about Valkyria Chronicles (not really VN but close enough) in fuwa IRC not so long ago (sans typos)

<MeruP> What I hear: atashi Cherry Stijnen, yoroshiku! What I read: I'm Cherry Stijnen, like with a "j." It's silent... But, um... I'm not!

<MeruP> holy shit that's some 1st class translation

<MeruP> I kinda wish this EN version never happened. Then it probably would be fan-translated without this bullshit

New fucking spin to the original work indeed. I'm spinning in my chair after reading this bullshit.
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