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What games are you looking forward to be made into a movie?


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  • 2 weeks later...

One game franchise that i would absolutely love to see on the big screen is Mass Effect, so long as it is in the hands of a competent director(s) such as Neil Blomkamp or Steven Spielberg imo. The last thing i want to see is some unknown director screwing up a movie adaptation of one of my favorite sci-fi RPG's.

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inb4 Oscar Nomination


Rock Paper Scissors.  I'd camp out for days just to see a movie adaptation of a game with as much tension and strategy as Rock Paper Scissors.


Seriously, though, I wish Prototype would get a movie adaptation.  With a proper screenplay it could be even better than the game's story could have ever been.  It's too old, though...*sigh*

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  • 2 weeks later...

If you consider that Fallout was partially inspired by Mad Max, yeah. Another thing, I fear it would have looks of Fallout 3. I don't think I will ever touch that game...


Elder Scrolls movie? If they would make something like LOTR... or at least Willow/Conan the Barbarian. I saw movie long time ago placed in Elder Scrolls world... it was grade C movie, if not worse.

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  • 1 month later...

I would like to see a decent movie adaptation for the S.T.A.L.K.E.R games. Something that could capture the eerie atmosphere and complete desolation that the player feels when roaming through the mutant infested zone and especially the Agroprom facility. It's a bit hard to get into these games because of the vast amounts of time needed to travel from point A to point B and the steep difficulty in the beginning, but once you get past that you'll grow to love learning more about the mysteries of the zone.


For now I guess I will have to make due with this short film.



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Years ago there were plans for a Fallout movie but that totally flopped considering how many post apocalyptic movies already exist. I still think it would have been a good movie though.

An Elder Scrolls movie would be interesting as well.

I feel as though Fallout would work a lot better as a TV show instead of a movie.

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  • 2 weeks later...

How has No one mentioned halo??!?!?! HOW?? I would 100% go see a movie about the halo trilogy, there is a clip on youtube that was part of the movie, but they cut the movie for some reason and it never came out... and I agree with what has been mentioned so far, any game made by bethesda or Blizz would make a great movie 

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One game franchise that i would absolutely love to see on the big screen is Mass Effect, so long as it is in the hands of a competent director(s) such as Neil Blomkamp or Steven Spielberg imo. The last thing i want to see is some unknown director screwing up a movie adaptation of one of my favorite sci-fi RPG's.


inb4 Michael Bay decides to direct the intro of ME2




I would like to see a movie based on the Half Life series.



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