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Fall 2014 Anime Discussion


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Didn't take long for KyoAni to throw their characters to the doujinshika and the Comiket industry. I guess they're worried about sales.

I miss the time when they didn't feel the need to over-sexualize their characters.

Otherwise it's still going kinda good although I'm not too sure how they'll keep making things interesting until the end.

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Didn't take long for KyoAni to throw their characters to the doujinshika and the Comiket industry. I guess they're worried about sales.

I miss the time when they didn't feel the need to over-sexualize their characters.

Otherwise it's still going kinda good although I'm not too sure how they'll keep making things interesting until the end.

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Moeblob differs from sexualization. As far as I remember from K-On season 1 the characters were pretty much never sexualized. Then of course there's Haruhi if we go back a bit further... But as far as I'm concerned KyoAni reached their peaks in 2011-2012 with shows like Hyouka and Nichijou, and they definitely didn't need to put any kind of fan-service in there.

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I see. I guess it's just that I see so much sexualization these days.

Not that I'm hating on it. I guess they just need to find their place sometimes.


Moeblob differs from sexualization. As far as I remember from K-On season 1 the characters were pretty much never sexualized. Then of course there's Haruhi if we go back a bit further... But as far as I'm concerned KyoAni reached their peaks in 2011-2012 with shows like Hyouka and Nichijou, and they definitely didn't need to put any kind of fan-service in there.


I don't mind sexualization. I just thought this last episode was really degrading its characters in a forceful manner. It's all about context and this felt like it wasn't an appropriate situation for it. It was sad in that pathetic way. I was embarrassed for Sento's character. 


Imagine forcing your child in the street to do humiliating tricks to bring in money. That's how I felt when I saw Sento and Latifa, in contrast with those 4 knuckle headed fairies.

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I don't mind sexualization. I just thought this last episode was really degrading its characters in a forceful manner. It's all about context and this felt like it wasn't an appropriate situation for it. It was sad in that pathetic way. 

Imagine forcing your child in the street to do humiliating behaviors to bring in money. That's how I felt when I saw Sento and Latifa, in contrast with those 4 knuckle headed fairies.

Yeah, I don't mind sexualization either - anime has always been sexualized, or at least since the 80s. It's part of the medium. It's completely cool in, for example, Kill la Kill where it's part of the whole delirium.

Then there's the line where you basically start whoring your characters for sales - it might sound exaggerated but it's really not all that different I think.

There's also a gap between KyoAni's usually rather high standards against sexualization of their characters and that blatant call to the otaku, which makes it stand out.


But then again there's much worse than that out there... Like Cross Ange... God...

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Yeah, I don't mind sexualization either - anime has always been sexualized, or at least since the 80s. It's part of the medium. It's completely cool in, for example, Kill la Kill where it's part of the whole delirium.

Then there's the line where you basically start whoring your characters for sales - it might sound exaggerated but it's really not all that different I think.

There's also a gap between KyoAni's usually rather high standards against sexualization of their characters and that blatant call to the otaku, which makes it stand out.


But then again there's much worse than that out there... Like Cross Ange... God...

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Log Horizon is probably one of the hardest game I've seen. I mean, could take a month for a high level raid? Wow...

Also Fate, Illya is love Illya is life.

Uwah that new OP and ED of SAO. Talk about a boring arc but whatever, we got Leafa saying that a tentacle monster is cute.... wait Leafa just said a tentacle monster is cute... uh....

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That awesome uncensored gore of Cross Ange episode 3. Them awesome soundtracks. That awesome deus ex machina mecha. That unexpected death. Finally went badass mode....

Honestly thought that yuri-rape-harem-master will still live longer


It's not bad.... but... too much.... fanservice.... and although the character development for Ange looks nice... it seems... forced.... 

Also did she just pissed herself before that deus ring machina? OMG WTF. Sunrise you exceeded my expectations again

Oh on that next ep preview LOL


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