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How many hours of video games do you play daily?


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Depends.  I've been playing League a little more often, especially since I got my new processor.  Plays like a dream now, and is only slowed down by my >5 mb/s internet connection  >.>


I'd guess ~3-4 hours a day, but that's assuming I don't have a lot of schoolwork to do.  On weekdays I can usually only fit in 1.5-2 hours.

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Maybe 1-2hours a day after work.. sometimes more if I'm really into it.  On my days off, if I'm in gamer mode, it'd probably be all day.  Ever since I started studying jp though, it seems I game less since I use my free time to invest in that too. So I'd study instead if there isn't a game I'm yet totally interested in.

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