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Female VN character types


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I say a question earlier about the types of VN protagonists but i wanna know what you guys think on the other side of the spectrum. What's your ultimate type of VN/anime love interest. What traits do you love about them and which character have you seen that matches most if not all of these traits. I would put up a poll but it doesn't have the 100+ options button yet  :P.

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Well I'm just gonna copy what I put in my profile. 

Favorite Character Archetype(s): Imouto or Onee-chan of any type, the full deredere's and somewhat pushy types(Ex. Amane from Grisaia series)

Speaking in characters in particular, I would choose the one Tsundere that I truly like Tohsaka Rin from F/SN. Otherwise deredere for the win.

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Ahh. Time to fill this thread with Kuudere/tsundere fever XDD


I personally loved Yumiko. She had all the traits I had in mind. Long blue/violet hair. Aggressive at first but later on becomes more calm. She was my ultimate character. She influenced my Vn game play so much that I even started looking for characters with Blue or violet hair :D even if their personality was not exactly Kuudere. For example in Sharin No kuni, I found myself chasing touka without even realizing that she is in fact a tsundere. I never really liked tsunderes up until that point but after my encounter with touka I found myself slowly starting to passively accept tsunderes :P

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Tsundere,tsundere oh and tsuntsundere....

seriously i just need tsun in the tsundere. i eat them for breakfast,lunch and dinner

For char that that i think closest to my tsun harem are

Sena from Haganai, Nate from Kyoukai senjou no Horizon and Aiesu from Majikoi.

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The -dere part is the more essential part of any dere, in my opinion. However, an equally high priority to me is believability. I want my 2D girls to have at least some semblance to those in that 3D world, rather than fitting perfectly into a cliche. Some deredere personality is okay, but I don't want an infallibly lovey-dovey heroine whose words and actions are terribly predictable based on that premise. I'd use the literary term "three-dimensional character", not only to refer to the heroine's resemblance of an actual person, but to the fact that she should have a realistic number of diverse motives and feelings.

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The -dere part is the more essential part of any dere, in my opinion. However, an equally high priority to me is believability. I want my 2D girls to have at least some semblance to those in that 3D world, rather than fitting perfectly into a cliche. Some deredere personality is okay, but I don't want an infallibly lovey-dovey heroine whose words and actions are terribly predictable based on that premise. I'd use the literary term "three-dimensional character", not only to refer to the heroine's resemblance of an actual person, but to the fact that she should have a realistic number of diverse motives and feelings.

truth, a bit of realism is always refreshing in the midst of all the surrounding impossibility when it comes to VNs. 

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For me it is just who I like at the time, there isn't anything to stop me from liking any female character except how she acts. However if I look back on the female characters I do like then slightly more of them have been kuuderes or danderes.

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Everything depends on the character in my opinion. It varies from game to game because I am more judging towards characters. I can dislike characters just because their stance or how they talk normally. No matter what type of girl it is. Everything depends on so many things. Hard to explain in words. 

Do you mean the holistic factor or the characterization of the heroine? Yup, I agree that you will fall in love with heroines when her role was played well.

However in this topic, we are asked what kind of character do you usually incline to? Or let me rephrase, what character type are you turned-on to? It's like asking if you're a opai person (big boob lover) or petanko person (flat chested lover)? I love flat chested girls!!!! XD

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What's your ultimate type of VN/anime love interest.

You're dwelving into a dangerous territory, man. Fictional characters aren't supposed to become your love interests.


I'm not sure whether you're simply talking about character traits, or something more. Just like with protagonists, a lot of heroines are often flat (and by that I don't simply mean being flat-chested), two-dimensional and written in the kind of way, that serves it's purpose only as the background for the work itself. They are created to suit the reader's tastes, as most of eroge simply serves to satisfy their peculiar needs ("girl's galore" games, as we often call it). Like with everything, exceptions happen, but they are rare. I'm not simply talking about traits - if you're looking at those characters like that, then it's perfectly fine. But the issue arises when you try to relate to them on a personal level; most writers fail tremendously when that happens. It's quite repulsive, to be honest.


I like when writers put effort in the characters they create. When you read a novel, and see them as living, breathing beings with their own share of problems; when story gives them a definite reason to exist in the first place, instead being just a bunch of preety girls protagonist can toy with, you know they did a good job. Sadly, the vast majority of visual novels aren't like that.

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I personally like various types of VN personalities when it comes to VN 'love interests'.


To be honest it is hard to find a 'favourite' kind of personality per se, but I like characters with deep, emotional (preferably dark or depressing) backstories.

The specific personality of the character is secondary to me however, so it can vary and keep me interested.


The reason for my desire for a 'deep backstory' is simply to relate me better to the character and keep me hooked and interested in learning their 'deep dark secrets'.

This desire is what keeps Grisia one of my favourite VNs, followed swiftly (or possibly tying) by Ayakashibito and Katawa Shoujo. The common theme of these being a dark, emotional, backstory to the love interests. 


Soooo, that's me I guess.

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You're dwelving into a dangerous territory, man. Fictional characters aren't supposed to become your love interests.


I'm not sure whether you're simply talking about character traits, or something more. Just like with protagonists, a lot of heroines are often flat (and by that I don't simply mean being flat-chested), two-dimensional and written in the kind of way, that serves it's purpose only as the background for the work itself. They are created to suit the reader's tastes, as most of eroge simply serves to satisfy their peculiar needs ("girl's galore" games, as we often call it). Like with everything, exceptions happen, but they are rare. I'm not simply talking about traits - if you're looking at those characters like that, then it's perfectly fine. But the issue arises when you try to relate to them on a personal level; most writers fail tremendously when that happens. It's quite repulsive, to be honest.


I like when writers put effort in the characters they create. When you read a novel, and see them as living, breathing beings with their own share of problems; when story gives them a definite reason to exist in the first place, instead being just a bunch of preety girls protagonist can toy with, you know they did a good job. Sadly, the vast majority of visual novels aren't like that.

I understand  where you come from. But don't be a spoilsport, he only pertains to his ideal girl. I got 2 girlfriends even if I'm an otaku who loves loli. So otakus are not helpless people. You're always a negative person. I think you must relax your stiff shoulder and be hugged with my bear hug...if you're a loli girl... Come on show us your dere side once in a while... Gwehehehehe.... > ^_^<

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I personally like various types of VN personalities when it comes to VN 'love interests'.


To be honest it is hard to find a 'favourite' kind of personality per se, but I like characters with deep, emotional (preferably dark or depressing) backstories.

The specific personality of the character is secondary to me however, so it can vary and keep me interested.


The reason for my desire for a 'deep backstory' is simply to relate me better to the character and keep me hooked and interested in learning their 'deep dark secrets'.

This desire is what keeps Grisia one of my favourite VNs, followed swiftly (or possibly tying) by Ayakashibito and Katawa Shoujo. The common theme of these being a dark, emotional, backstory to the love interests. 


Soooo, that's me I guess.

I agree... Back story makes a character meaningful and triggers your empathy towards them. Have you tried Yume Miru Kusuri? If not, i recommend that to you since each character have deep back stories which will move you... XD

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I agree... Back story makes a character meaningful and triggers your empathy towards them. Have you tried Yume Miru Kusuri? If not, i recommend that to you since each character have deep back stories which will move you... XD


I shall add it to my mountain high VN pile. One day it will outclass Everest. 

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I understand  where you come from. But don't be a spoilsport, he only pertains to his ideal girl. I got 2 girlfriends even if I'm an otaku who loves loli. So otakus are not helpless people. You're always a negative person. I think you must relax your stiff shoulder and be hugged with my bear hug...if you're a loli girl... Come on show us your dere side once in a while... Gwehehehehe....

You're quite the worker, aren't you?


The common issue with most otakus is that they do not reach beyond their point of interest, which makes them susceptible to any kind of bullshit creators of these mediums shove down their throats, no matter how absurd they are. It often makes them biased and unable to perceive differences, or truth. I'm actually glad there's a bunch of people around these corners, who know a thing or two beyond just chit-chatting about favourite waifus and Majikoi; it provides some sort of a ground for reasonable debates.


I like heroines with deep personalities and these can't evolve without some sort of a solid trigger. Traumatic backstories and troubled pasts often accompany them like a shadow.

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The common issue with most otakus is that they do not reach beyond their point of interest, which makes them susceptible to any kind of bullshit creators of these mediums shove down their throats, no matter how absurd they are. It often makes them biased and unable to perceive differences, or truth. I'm actually glad there's a bunch of people around these corners, who know a thing or two beyond just chit-chatting about favourite waifus and Majikoi; it provides some sort of a ground for reasonable debates.


:lol:  I'm sorry that this is so sudden, but I want you to marry me.


To keep this on topic:


I haven't read nearly enough VNs or watched enough anime for most of the pervasive archetypes found amongst the two mediums to outright put me off. I can recognize a flat, 2-dimensional character for what it is, but I do get some base enjoyment out of osananajimi and kuudere heroines. That said, and what pretty much goes without saying, a well-written and realized character will always be more palatable to any of my preferred archetypes.

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I like heroines with deep personalities and these can't evolve without some sort of a solid trigger. Traumatic backstories and troubled pasts often accompany them like a shadow.

Yippee... He showed his dere side!!!! ヾ(。⌒∇⌒)ノ


Yup I agree on your taste. As I have stated earlier, back story makes a character meaningful and triggers your empathy towards them. It gives a believable/near-realistic (because it explains their behavior) character that will let you be engrossed in the story. The right word for that literary technique is called characterization (building the character). XD

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