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Hello, everyone! I got into visual novels a few years ago and through a series of chance encounters and events, I'm now working as a part of the Noble Works translation team.


My favorite visual novel is and always will be Little Busters. I have a fascination with tsunderes, but have been told that I'm a lolicon as well.


I've been running out of visual novels to play, so I welcome any recommendations, though I am somewhat of a picky reader (I tend to lean more towards visual novels that are more romance/character-focused, though if the story is good enough, I don't mind those taking a bit of a backseat; I also like comedic visual novels like Majikoi as well).


That being said, I hope we can all get along and share our love of visual novels, anime, eroge, moege, nukige, or whatever else our fancies may be.

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Osu!Osu! welcome n have fun

enjoy a pun and a pic

What are you when you're running in front of a car? Tired What are you when you're running behind a car? Exhausted.


Do you like traps? If you do, you are one step closer to paradise on earth.
Read Sharin no kuni~~~ its my fav vn, and i hope you will like it too.
P.S i like Tsundere too, in fact its my breakfast,lunch and dinner.
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Welcome to the community~

Good luck on translation work and hope that many great visual novels come your way


Since you have already been playing visual novels for a while you might want to link your VNDB account (or make one) so that we can know what you have already played before we make recommendations

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Hello, everyone! I got into visual novels a few years ago and through a series of chance encounters and events, I'm now working as a part of the Noble Works translation team.


My favorite visual novel is and always will be Little Busters. I have a fascination with tsunderes, but have been told that I'm a lolicon as well.


I've been running out of visual novels to play, so I welcome any recommendations, though I am somewhat of a picky reader (I tend to lean more towards visual novels that are more romance/character-focused, though if the story is good enough, I don't mind those taking a bit of a backseat; I also like comedic visual novels like Majikoi as well).


That being said, I hope we can all get along and share our love of visual novels, anime, eroge, moege, nukige, or whatever else our fancies may be.


Yo Keisuke!


Welcome to the forums :) ..

read Grisaia yet ? I really think your should if you have yet to. Also, would you like a signature ? I would be more than willing to make you one :) 


"been told that i'm a lolicon as well " .. What's this I see?! another Lolicon :D 

You have to join our Alliance :D 


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Have you read Key's other VNs such as Clannad, Kanon and Rewrite?


I have played all of Key's visual novels except for Planetarian, Air, and parts of Rewrite.



Since you have already been playing visual novels for a while you might want to link your VNDB account (or make one) so that we can know what you have already played before we make recommendations


I quickly setup an account on vndb and listed all the visual novels that I have played (in my recent memory): http://vndb.org/u77955/list

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