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Samurai Quest - A Very Low Budget MSPaint Visual Novel


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"Indeed, since you now have such a great warrior with you, I'd guess you don't really need my services, do you? Since she'd very easily best me (or so you say), I'm, in the end, unnecessary dead weight for your cause".


I just love how out-of character my speech pattern is. :D

Its beinf foreshadowdx that our mc has multiple personality disoder

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A lot of visual novel protagonists have undiagnosed mental health issues. Shirou Emiya has a Savior Complex, Kazami Yuuji has severe PTSD and low self worth, Rintaro Okabe is narcissistic and delusional....



Say, 'I'm honored to be in your presence then, Kanra-dono.'

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A lot of visual novel protagonists have undiagnosed mental health issues. Shirou Emiya has a Savior Complex, Kazami Yuuji has severe PTSD and low self worth, Rintaro Okabe is narcissistic and delusional....



Say, 'I'm honored to be in your presence then, Kanra-dono.'



Unfortunately, too few in my taste.

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Continuing on... you and your new lord Kamakura Mikado went and searched for the Takeda hideout. On your way there, you were stopped by a beautiful young woman clad in a kimono. She seemed to carry a kodachi with her. The moment she saw you two, she looked surprised.



Um....is it just me..but htat girl...really looks like Yukiko form persona 4??


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(Hah! As if id be bested by a girl.)

By the way why is babe chan following us?


Say, 'I'm honored to be in your presence then, Kanra-dono.'



"Indeed, since you now have such a great warrior with you, I'd guess you don't really need my services, do you? Since she'd very easily best me (or so you say), I'm, in the end, unnecessary dead weight for your cause".


Well, the guy looks like the protagonist from Persona 3, and the armor seller looked like boxer senpai also from Persona 3. Par for course.

The armour salesman was a poorly drawn samurai Kurosawa.


Um....is it just me..but htat girl...really looks like Yukiko form persona 4??


I knew someone would notice >.> It was faster to draw characters based on others than to draw new ones from scratch. Besides, Persona characters look cool.


Im waiting for the pony tail heroine who flirts shamelessy.

Don't get hyped. There will be none.

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Say, "Well, then, if you've got nothing to say perhaps you should go back to your pub while we go on our way. Unless you happen to know where we can find the Takeda Clan Hideout? After all, a pub is sure to have plenty of people coming in and out."

And as you suggested, Kanra left for her pub.  When you asked her for information, she didn't seem to hear you. Now you're left with Mikado. What should you do now?

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