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Summer 2014 Anime Discussion


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I've watched SAO 1 and am currently keeping up to date with SAO 2. But in all honesty I don't particularly hold it up to be as great as some people.

Particularly a few people at my school believe it to be the 'best anime they have ever watched' but I suppose they have different tastes/expectations for an anime than I do.


SAO 1 was too fast paced for me, and skipped over a lot of Sword Art Online (the actual game) and cut to the end boss too soon. As I have not read the novels I'm not sure if it is the same but either way the abrupt end was unappealing. ALO arc however seemed to have been even more rushed, and barely skimmed the surface of the game and its lore. (Again I'm unsure of the comparisons to the novels)


SAO 2 however has taken the complete opposite spin, and is going far too bloody slow.

Minor spoilers in my next point, not sure if I should post this outside a spoiler, despite it being revealed early on...

The death game aspect has also been abolished, (like they did in ALO) which was by far my favorite aspect of SAO to begin with. Instead they have the danger represented through the 'death gun'. A cheap imitation if you ask me; but that is my personal opinion and taste, so it isn't really very credible.


However I do like the set up of GGO, which is relatively good world building because of the season's pace. But I would rather it happen a bit more immerse rather than getting simple 'this-that' explanations. 


SO that is my two cents. Needed to get the rant off somewhere and everyone seems to be discussing SAO, so there we go.

If I repeated discussions I am sorry, and I am a terrible person worthy of lynching. 



okay here is an answer from someone who has read the novels.


The novels in generally are better paced than the anime exept for the first arc wich for some odd reason only spawns one novel. Aka the Sword art online novel.

Now i know there has been a redo of that novel wich splits it up in more than one i believe.


As for the first season it did indeed go way to fast and skipped world building almost entierly wich result's in people not really caring about the world.

The character development on the otherhand was good.


Now for the second season they have indeed taken a different approach and slowed things down wich was neccesary.

Now not only are the characters developed but so is the world. And the reason that you like the GGO setup is because it actually does it world building very well. unlike the first season.

however i must admit they might have gone overboard on the slowing things down part. I don't really mind as i prefer slow paced anime that still actually goes somewhere.

 It could have been a little faster but they can't speed the pace up to much at the same time.


as for me I like SAO but i would not call it the best anime ever.

Also that is very subjective as my favorite anime changes based on its setting.


Space: Crest/banner of the stars, some of the best developed characters and world building i have ever seen.

Sci-fi: mardock scramble: good wordlbuilding with nice characters and a good plot.

Fanasy: kara no Kyoukai. good characters and great plot.

Slice of life: ARIA the Animation; great characters, very good background.


Now all these series do have one thing in common they get the pacing right.

They are neither to fast nor to slow paced.

They only exception being aria the animation but that is not a action anime. that one is there to relax so the extremely slow pace fits there.


And SAO anime fails twice in this department.

First season was to fast with resulted in poor world building

Second season is a tad to slow wich result in people with short attention spans to get bored. And sometimes results in too much heads talking and not enough going on. But at the same time does world building a lot better because of the slower pace.

( i personally prefer slightly slower paced anime because of the excessive amount of anime that are going way to fast )

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I've watched SAO 1 and am currently keeping up to date with SAO 2. But in all honesty I don't particularly hold it up to be as great as some people.

Particularly a few people at my school believe it to be the 'best anime they have ever watched' but I suppose they have different tastes/expectations for an anime than I do.


SAO 1 was too fast paced for me, and skipped over a lot of Sword Art Online (the actual game) and cut to the end boss too soon. As I have not read the novels I'm not sure if it is the same but either way the abrupt end was unappealing. ALO arc however seemed to have been even more rushed, and barely skimmed the surface of the game and its lore. (Again I'm unsure of the comparisons to the novels)


SAO 2 however has taken the complete opposite spin, and is going far too bloody slow.

Minor spoilers in my next point, not sure if I should post this outside a spoiler, despite it being revealed early on...

The death game aspect has also been abolished, (like they did in ALO) which was by far my favorite aspect of SAO to begin with. Instead they have the danger represented through the 'death gun'. A cheap imitation if you ask me; but that is my personal opinion and taste, so it isn't really very credible.


However I do like the set up of GGO, which is relatively good world building because of the season's pace. But I would rather it happen a bit more immerse rather than getting simple 'this-that' explanations. 


SO that is my two cents. Needed to get the rant off somewhere and everyone seems to be discussing SAO, so there we go.

If I repeated discussions I am sorry, and I am a terrible person worthy of lynching. 



Exactly my thoughts.


Though I just can't understand how some people think SAO to be the best anime ......

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Exactly my thoughts.


Though I just can't understand how some people think SAO to be the best anime ......

Arguing with fanboys is like asking a wall what's the meaning of life.


I also agree with Insania about SAO 1 and 2.

They have reoccuring flaws and it seems that they won't get fixed anytime soon, it's just the way it is, but it doesn't make SAO the worst anime of all time, definintely not, however it also doesn't make it the best anime of all time either.


SAO is just a good anime that you can watch, not be bored by it most of the time and be done with it and you won't feel dissatisfied, it's easy to watch because it's straightforward and pretty shallow most of the time which makes it good especially if you don't want to think too much and just want some easy entertainment. It's flashy and some characters are interesting.

But that's it. For me it's a 7 or 8 out of 10 which is not bad at all.


Yet apparently for fanboys if I don't feel like it's a god tier anime I just didn't understand the deepness of it and I don't understand anything about anime..

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Well, if there's one thing to take into consideration, it's that SAO is a colossal gateway anime. The show probably stands above many others when it comes to raising interest (this includes non-gamers), and as such, there will be many anime newcomers that will inevitably be drawn to it. Not only that, but because it knows how to deliver entertainment, albeit sloppily, it tends to "sink in" with newcomers really well. Thus, the hype builds up, and the interest factor becomes substantially greater. And that's how SAO's popularity works! It makes sense too, because there's probably a good number of anime I loved at the time, but probably wouldn't be as enthusiastic for now. That was long before I started getting a little more anime savvy from experiencing less-known, but far-superior shows. Most newcomers won't always have that experience, and they may still be prone to taking to shows like SAO as if it were something amazing. That said, even as a veteran, I still enjoy SAO despite its lack of real quality, I'm just not a hard fan of it.


I like the sequel as well, and I do, kinda somewhat, appreciate the fact that it's taking more time to flesh out the story elements, but I liked it a lot more when it just skipped through most of that stuff and got into the exciting scenes. I prefer going to the LN for story elements, and the anime for seeing the fun stuff in animation.

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Arguing with fanboys is like asking a wall what's the meaning of life.


I also agree with Insania about SAO 1 and 2.

They have reoccuring flaws and it seems that they won't get fixed anytime soon, it's just the way it is, but it doesn't make SAO the worst anime of all time, definintely not, however it also doesn't make it the best anime of all time either.


SAO is just a good anime that you can watch, not be bored by it most of the time and be done with it and you won't feel dissatisfied, it's easy to watch because it's straightforward and pretty shallow most of the time which makes it good especially if you don't want to think too much and just want some easy entertainment. It's flashy and some characters are interesting.

But that's it. For me it's a 7 or 8 out of 10 which is not bad at all.


Yet apparently for fanboys if I don't feel like it's a god tier anime I just didn't understand the deepness of it and I don't understand anything about anime..

thats another reason i am not fond of this series,the fanbase is shit and the extreme ones are just....annoying

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Arguing with fanboys is like asking a wall what's the meaning of life.

Don't underestimate my walls. I rant to them about a wide range of stuff, they must be fairly well educated by now. Not sure if I can say the same about some fanboys.


...On another (not very constructive) note, last SAO episode had me having a sudden illumination.

There has to be a doujin of Kirito x His female-like GGO avatar. Selfcest ftw. Internet has disappointed me so far though.

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Don't underestimate my walls. I rant to them about a wide range of stuff, they must be fairly well educated by now. Not sure if I can say the same about some fanboys.


...On another (not very constructive) note, last SAO episode had me having a sudden illumination.

There has to be a doujin of Kirito x His female-like GGO avatar. Selfcest ftw. Internet has disappointed me so far though.

Ohh, now im wondering how did I not think of this already. Its time to probe the internet ....
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Don't underestimate my walls. I rant to them about a wide range of stuff, they must be fairly well educated by now. Not sure if I can say the same about some fanboys.


...On another (not very constructive) note, last SAO episode had me having a sudden illumination.

There has to be a doujin of Kirito x His female-like GGO avatar. Selfcest ftw. Internet has disappointed me so far though.

Never thought of this... Also his avatar is still male. He is a trap. Not a female.


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I've watched SAO 1 and am currently keeping up to date with SAO 2. But in all honesty I don't particularly hold it up to be as great as some people.

Particularly a few people at my school believe it to be the 'best anime they have ever watched' but I suppose they have different tastes/expectations for an anime than I do.


SAO 1 was too fast paced for me, and skipped over a lot of Sword Art Online (the actual game) and cut to the end boss too soon. As I have not read the novels I'm not sure if it is the same but either way the abrupt end was unappealing. ALO arc however seemed to have been even more rushed, and barely skimmed the surface of the game and its lore. (Again I'm unsure of the comparisons to the novels)


SAO 2 however has taken the complete opposite spin, and is going far too bloody slow.

Minor spoilers in my next point, not sure if I should post this outside a spoiler, despite it being revealed early on...

The death game aspect has also been abolished, (like they did in ALO) which was by far my favorite aspect of SAO to begin with. Instead they have the danger represented through the 'death gun'. A cheap imitation if you ask me; but that is my personal opinion and taste, so it isn't really very credible.


However I do like the set up of GGO, which is relatively good world building because of the season's pace. But I would rather it happen a bit more immerse rather than getting simple 'this-that' explanations. 


SO that is my two cents. Needed to get the rant off somewhere and everyone seems to be discussing SAO, so there we go.

If I repeated discussions I am sorry, and I am a terrible person worthy of lynching. 



I've read all the novels and can tell you that they are pretty much the same, not skipping much at all (In the novels, it pretty much starts around the 70 somethingth floor, the 1st floor an the other parts were either side stories or from later novels). They even added some from different novels, not just the first one (side stories and first half of another one) for the SAO arc. They actually kept it fairly well and in order for these ones. However, in GGO, they seemed to add a bit of extra things and that hs made it slow. Otherwise, it is kept fairly similar to the novels as well.


That said I do believe that SAO was very fast paced and so was ALO. As I said earlier, I do believe GGO is wayyyy too slow but having read the novel i can conclude its pretty much the same, not much filler was added.

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Railwars Episode 9


Is there any doubt in my mind that Tsunderes can win you over too? 

I can confidently say I've hopped on the train, and I train Takayama x Sakurai. 


Thanks to Sakurai, I now know why I hate past Tsunderes:


Flat chested princess syndrome. Sakurai ain't no flimy girl. She's got curves and kuu to boot.


Sakurai is a Kuu+Tsundere.

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Starting to catch up the last couple weeks. 


Akame ga Kill is amazing.  It builds you up with all the humor and extensive character love that Fairy Tail gives you but then takes it and smashes it into tiny little pieces.

Yeah, a friend used a great analogy. Its like you are watching a  dumb bar fight that has got nothing to do with you when suddenly, you see a bottle fly over and hit your friend/ girlfriend and then they die in hospital because it cracked their skull, puncturing their brain.

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I really should start Akame ga kill. I was thinking that I'd wait till it finished airing.

I know a few people who are doing that, it depends on your taste honestly (I personally can't marathon more than like 3-4 hours a day so watching a bit a week is fine for me).   It definitely has enough action and excitement to keep you interested with the week long gaps. 

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I know a few people who are doing that, it depends on your taste honestly (I personally can't marathon more than like 3-4 hours a day so watching a bit a week is fine for me).   It definitely has enough action and excitement to keep you interested with the week long gaps. 

Yeah I watch it all at once as I think then I have a better over the anime. If I'm watching weekly then when I reach even the 10th episode, I don't remember the first episode properly which was watched nearly 2 months ago. I prefer to properly know one series than watching many series.

This season I'm watching 3 anime as they air. I think I might start Akame ga Kill once kuroshitsuji has finished.  

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