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Love Live! School Idol Festival Thread


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Oh yeah, I wrote this text wall asking who do you think the protagonist is on reddit- I'll copy-paste it here (except for title and stuff~)


This is something I've been asking myself, and after thinking for a while, I came up with a few ideas. If you have any others, I'd love to hear them.
1- A male student. I'd say this one is unlikely. Otonokizaka is an all-girls school (as you can see in one of Eli's stories and just by looking at the anime)... There shouldn't be any male students in that school.
2- A female student- aside from the obvious passes and "I love you" phrases and stories, this one has no logical inconsistencies that I could find. It'd mean muse is full of lesbians, but I think that's fine.
3- A teacher (pick your gender)- this one, surprisingly, has a few things going for it. Muse is a club, and clubs often have teachers as advisers or managers. You pretty much dictate who dances what, when and how, which is weird for a complete outsider or a newcomer to the group. Normally, japanese people have to treat teachers with a certain level of respect, but that's also true for seniors, and we know how muse goes about that. The problems here is that you had to be introduced to a few members- one of them Eli (it is weird for a teacher not to know about the student council president, specially if she's a third year)... There's also school trivia thrown around that a teacher would probably know. 
Another problem with the teacher explanation is that, looking at phrases and stories, you're probably into romantic-ish relationships with all of them. This isn't looked well upon, specially in Japan. Because of those, I'd discard this option.
4- A professional idol manager. Muse is a fairly popular group, so it wouldn't be weird that they'd eventually enter contact with a manager- possibly someone trying to make them into an actual idol group after graduation, though that's just one of many possible reasons. This would make being introduced to the students much more reasonable, as well as dictating what they'd play from the get-go. This explanation also incorporates the N cards- muse isn't the only idol group you manage. You're throwing several school idols together, looking at possible combinations, picking clothes and who plays what... Just general group-managing work. This would also make the romance smoother and less weird- you're not part of their school, after all.
 5- A fellow muse member. Your perspective would be changing in-game from several members of muse (though looking at the type of work you do, you'd probably be Umi or possibly Eli most of the time). This one works more than fine, and is the smoothest option possible for your relationships with the girls (not just romantic)... The only problem with it is that it'd make the beginning very weird. The group is already formed, and yet you need to be introduced to at least one member (Eli) and general idol-ish things, which are things you'd probably know already. 
What do you think? Who is the protagonist?
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It's weird because they only reference what you could interpret as a protagonist in the first chapter and in the side stories.

In the main story you pretty much aren't there, it's just like watching an anime.


When I read their side stories I just imagine they're talking to their corresponding partner in muse and all is good.

So yeah, number 5 for me.


But really it's up to the player to decide how they feel when reading the stories, that's the intention of the game.

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So, my friend and I were talking about how my teams are stronger but his playing is waaaay better, which I really can't deny.


This made me wonder:

If you could pick between having strong teams from the beginning or being really good from the beginning, what would you go with? 

In the end, you'll get stronger and better as you play, so it sort of becomes mute at one point, but for starter's sake...

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So, my friend and I were talking about how my teams are stronger but his playing is waaaay better, which I really can't deny.


This made me wonder:

If you could pick between having strong teams from the beginning or being really good from the beginning, what would you go with? 

In the end, you'll get stronger and better as you play, so it sort of becomes mute at one point, but for starter's sake...

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Strong teams for sure! We were all horrible at first but getting better was exciting after 2 months FCing first expert... :D


@Marie: I sometimes imagine them talking to other u's members like when Maki goes all lovey dovey I imagine Nico is in front of Maki or im seeing the picture from Nico's sight :D But sometimes I wanna  take those to myself :P 

At the beginning I thought we were like normal cards a girl from outside and no way no boys no no no  won't accept them telling those stories to a boy! Never! :D

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