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What makes a thread interesting to you?


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It comes down to having something to say in matter or not, that's pretty much why I don't usually post anything in the VN subforum.

Still, you don't post in every single thread you have something to say, right? (or do you?)

Do you have any priority?

A title about something I would be interested in talking about or seem relevant to me.

Uah. That kinda feels like "I'm interested in things that are interesting to me." Can't you be more specific, kouhai of mine?~

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I do post whenever I have something to say, though. It's not like I post that much, you know.


Anyway for the sake of giving you more feedback. I rarely post in "what whatever are you whatever" they seem aimless to me (even though I made one myself...). So I think I post more in places where feedback is asked and I happen to know what to say.


If that doesn't count as priority, then I don't have such a thing.

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Aside from the obvious "I'm interested in things that I like", I enjoy well formated/made threads, something organized and that the first post (if in a discussion thread) explains well enough the point of discussion and the creator gives his input about the matter so there is a solid starting point to talk.


As for priorities, I'd say threads in which I feel like I can truly compliment the talk with something are kind of on top for me. I mean, I wouldn't know what to say if Clannad was the topic, but I think I can add something if Grisaia was the topic. 

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Eye popping threads and witty dialogue. There is a reason I spend a lot of time making posts and formatting it into something that is appealing. Simply spamming text on the screen makes me want to not read something, but if you throw in some interesting formatting along with some witty and original dialogue, I'll be hooked.


Now the issue with those 2 things is that good formatting comes with practice. It's like looking at an awesome award winning newspaper design. While this post is quite old (from 2008), just take a look at some award winning designs to understand what I'm talking about. This kind of stuff interests me:




Yes, threads can only do so much in that regard, but having a balance of this sort of stuff makes reading the posts easier. It makes me understand the "key points" of it (i.e. = using colors and bold words) without having to sift through it pointlessly. For example, take my Cocoro@Function! stream thread. I constantly update the first point with changes so it's a lot easier to find what the important stuff is without having to read pages upon pages of posts and assuming you are introducing something new into the thread. On that regard, I love the feature to edit original thread posts as it saves a lot of time and space.


As for the witty dialogue, that comes with mastery of the language of choice, which in this case is English so it comes more naturally to me than about 99% of the people on this forum. Jokes fail, you can't always be spot on, but these kinds of threads with this kind of text interest me.

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A nice, organized bit of text. When I start reading a post that is just a huge wall of un-organization,I just start skimming and eventually skip what is written there. It needs to be well written and not too wordy for something to catch my interest.

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An interesting thread is a thread that :

- Creates a relevant discussion

- Exists to make an improvement

- Does not step out of it's bounds and is not filled with spam and private jokes/conversations

- Presentation is a good bonus which helps making a thread attractive. Doesn't make it more interesting though but it's way better when some efffort is made.

- Pointless threads I do not like, at all !


That's all I can think of at the moment

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Anything that can spark some friendly controversy and interesting thought provoking dialogue. I can understand how starting arguments with people can be a bit weird with people you don't really know but I enjoy them as long as someone doesn't get a stick up their ass and decides to take offense or say offensive things to people. This is why these types of discussions are usually hard to have and even harder to keep under control. The incest thread wasn't bad but I guess the 2D vs 3D one got out of hand.

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An interesting thread is a thread that :

- Creates a relevant discussion

- Exists to make an improvement

- Does not step out of it's bounds and is not filled with spam and private jokes/conversations

- Presentation is a good bonus which helps making a thread attractive. Doesn't make it more interesting though but it's way better when some efffort is made.

- Pointless threads I do not like, at all !


That's all I can think of at the moment


Basically the opposite of this.

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I usually click "view new posts" and check if any topic titles are appealing enough. In general they aren't because:


1. The name / subject of the topic makes it uninteresting already.

2. I've seen it discussed on the board before (a disease contracted by being here too long w.)

3. There are already 20 replies, and due to my personal forum ethics I'd have to read through all of them before I post. While I am obviously a super-more-enlightened being than everyone else, it's still fairly likely a similarly illuminated correspondent has already presented a sufficient approximation of my position, making any further contribution unnecessary.


If I do actually check the topic, I look at the OP and consider if I can really add anything much to the thread.


Obviously, if the OP has issues like severely deficient formatting with regards to paragraphs (or is in all wacky unreadable colors,) I'll be more likely to lose interest. Not sure if extensive formatting work is worth it unless it's for something more "official" like a stream announcement or whatever. Just writing it straight down is usually preferable for a pure discussion thread - you're walking a fine line between added value and pretension if not.


Depending on my arsedness at the time I may or may not post a reply.


Anyway, interesting topics to me are analytical ones like "trait x in vns", usually. Fun community events like when boomer got a da capo hardcopy from astro or something also amuse me. If you use a thread title indicating that I will shortly consider you WRONG ON THE INTERNET, I'll prolly be around as well.

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