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C9 vs TSM was... interesting

Burgerking rekt Incarnation early-mid game CS-wise but gg late game Kog Luden's Echo poke too stronk + that end game fight they had where TSM gg choke-point vs. Ball's 16-0 LCS record Rumble

Looking forward to seeing how CLG can stack against these two.

Also, Ekko looks hella fun. Can't wait to see some LC$ Plays

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I still really only care about the 3s bracket.  I spend most/all of my time there, unless friends pulls me into 5s.


If I could find a jungler and an AP who knew how to watch a map, getting Plat in 3s would be a joke.  Everything else would require more than just staring at the screen and saying "Woosh" (or whatever term you feel like putting there).

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I still really only care about the 3s bracket.  I spend most/all of my time there, unless friends pulls me into 5s.


If I could find a jungler and an AP who knew how to watch a map, getting Plat in 3s would be a joke.  Everything else would require more than just staring at the screen and saying "Woosh" (or whatever term you feel like putting there).

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Fnatic <3 

Origen <3 



EU is looking stronger this split. It's going to be fun to watch. 



inb4 Koreans will still win it.


HSMS NOO! Message me some day and I can play with you. not rankeds tho

Well in addition to this stupid overpowered complicated ekko, I am going to stop playing this game seriously. y u gotta be so mean ;-;

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He's pretty damn broken

I played againts few and he isn't that broken. Of course he is good cause riot makes new champions always good but Ekko isn't still as good as certain champions (or idk if they nerfed someone haven't read patch notes)

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*cough* Azir *cough* *cough* Lucian *cough* *cough* Gnar *cough* 


Lucian only received minor buffs (to his ultimate, mainly) and he ended up getting nerfed several times as a result

Gnar, same thing. They buffed him because people complained he was weak. Then people discovered they just needed to go full tank on Gnar and riot had to seriously nerf him and guess what, he's still one of the best top lane tanks in the game.

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Lucian only received minor buffs (to his ultimate, mainly) and he ended up getting nerfed several times as a result

Gnar, same thing. They buffed him because people complained he was weak. Then people discovered they just needed to go full tank on Gnar and riot had to seriously nerf him and guess what, he's still one of the best top lane tanks in the game.

Gnar is still so annoying if you time his transformation in teamfights. People fail to that... but then again I am speaking from my silver scrub elo ;-; 

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Lucian only received minor buffs (to his ultimate, mainly) and he ended up getting nerfed several times as a result

Gnar, same thing. They buffed him because people complained he was weak. Then people discovered they just needed to go full tank on Gnar and riot had to seriously nerf him and guess what, he's still one of the best top lane tanks in the game.


Gnar boomerang was bugged af. Lucian everyone thought was trash, can't say much  cuz' fuck adc.

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Lucian only received minor buffs (to his ultimate, mainly) and he ended up getting nerfed several times as a result

Gnar, same thing. They buffed him because people complained he was weak. Then people discovered they just needed to go full tank on Gnar and riot had to seriously nerf him and guess what, he's still one of the best top lane tanks in the game.

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