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Fuwanovel League of Legends Thread


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I haven't quit but I typically only play one game a day or two arams. Most of the time it seems like I don't even do that. Probably since most of my pals that I played with can't for health/computer reasons it slowly got boring and more boring. RIP League maybe one day I will play thee like I have before. 

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wow I totally forgot about this thread , maybe cuz I hate league in general :makina:

Might as well admit it: I quit League.  The Veigar changes really pissed me off, especially since they're still touting them as buffs even though they completely butchered his playstyle and gave him random buffs in other areas instead.  He plays like a half-assed poke mage now, and he basically has 3/4 of a kit, since his W is useless against people that have a brain.  I also got sick of Riot's BS about how they're going to fix various things, like assassins in general (we all know that's never gonna happen), the Bruiser problem, Nid's toxic as fuck kit, etc., yet there's been little to no progress on any of those fronts, and it's been years since they promised to fix them.  In fact, they're even making more problems, with Kalista being the poster-child for inherently flawed champ design.  I just got sick of Riot's empty promises and League's horrible community.


That said, I hope you all still have fun.  Don't let my negativity ruin your fun.

U should know that all these problems would never be fixed unless they do totalt reworks which will ptobably butcher the champ like what happened with veigar (people were complaining about how he oneshots people and then rito didn't even focus about that , changed other points instead like wtf) assasins can just butcher squishy targets and get out of there safely and it won't be changed (imma just keep worshipping qss for saving my ass from zeds as an adc) bruisers will still be the most annoying champs when they get tanky, like tons of damage and tons of tankiness... I wish I could quit this game but I don't know why I keep coming back... but at least for now I don't play more than 3 sr games per day and playing ranked when I am in a good mood


*Sits in URF spamming the ? icon in champ select cuz genuinely don't know what champ I want to play*

*Gets called out on 'being a showoff'*


kids these days with their assumptions

And here I thought his only happened to me
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I'm surprised that I still haven't gotten chat ban. I have been trolling and flaming in the chat for the whole last year. Making kids mad is so fun :D

oh pleeeease, people like u are so evil desu.... like basically I am not saying that the community isn't full of kids who would rage at any lose in a game to the point where they would want to destroy their keyboard but that doesn't mean it's ok to troll and flame : <

Like there are people who play for fun and u are still destroying their fun 

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oh pleeeease, people like u are so evil desu.... like basically I am not saying that the community isn't full of kids who would rage at any lose in a game to the point where they would want to destroy their keyboard but that doesn't mean it's ok to troll and flame : <

Like there are people who play for fun and u are still destroying their fun 

But I'm doing it for the fun too xD

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  • No MR Wu Kong snowball flash+dash engages 1v5 against Lissandra Janna Anivia Nidalee, dies not even 1 second, then complains team is bad 
  • Glass cannon Sion tries to follow up with Ult but crashes into tower ('first time sion' gg)
  • Enemy Eve Warmogs+Thornmail 1v2 our ADCs (Ashe Varus)

Fking RIP man. I was a Glory+Aegis+Spirit Visage Volibear and I couldn't peel for shit nor tank for shit

Btw they should really up the cooldown on the snowball. 20 sec is fking op.

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  • No MR Wu Kong snowball flash+dash engages 1v5 against Lissandra Janna Anivia Nidalee, dies not even 1 second, then complains team is bad 
  • Glass cannon Sion tries to follow up with Ult but crashes into tower ('first time sion' gg)
  • Enemy Eve Warmogs+Thornmail 1v2 our ADCs (Ashe Varus)
Fking RIP man. I was a Glory+Aegis+Spirit Visage Volibear and I couldn't peel for shit nor tank for shit


Btw they should really up the cooldown on the snowball. 20 sec is fking op.

I only play aram for the lulz so idc who wins and who loses and rarely do I not troll (for some reason ap malphite is a troll nowadays, I don't grt this community in the slightest). And yeah the snowball thingy has such a low cd make it 40 or 60, this is not the poro event ffs.
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I was playing aram. Didn't play too seriously cause it was aram. Our Katarina and Soraka start flaming me. I say I only play it for fun.

According to them you can't play online games to have fun. You must try to win no matter what. I was like cmon this is aram, don't take this too seriously.


Where do these people come from? 

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I was playing aram. Didn't play too seriously cause it was aram. Our Katarina and Soraka start flaming me. I say I only play it for fun.

According to them you can't play online games to have fun. You must try to win no matter what. I was like cmon this is aram, don't take this too seriously.


Where do these people come from?

lemme tell u : they come from a place where winning=fun and losing=notfun .... hmm that's about it .. really plus I don't know if there were some streamers or said it but many people have been saying it : you can't get better at lol unless u tryhard in every mode

ffs what would I get from getting to diamond other than high self esteem resulted from the friends who basically worship their diamond friends and think of them as gods but other than that u are nothing, u are just good at a game and gained a high rank in it. Some people can try every possible way to get better if that's what they want but I am not obliged to tryhard with them.

I mean plz I come back from school and study and after such a tiring day, I go to play a game late at night to relax after this long day I find people flaming me cuz I am not trying my hardest to win , this is even worse than teachers and parents nagging u to get better grades.

Then again it's not their fault, it's my fault for going to play lol, I shiuld have just played smth like I dunno hearthstone or just read a vn or a book. Sigh....

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lemme tell u : they come from a place where winning=fun and losing=notfun .... hmm that's about it .. really plus I don't know if there were some streamers or said it but many people have been saying it : you can't get better at lol unless u tryhard in every mode

ffs what would I get from getting to diamond other than high self esteem resulted from the friends who basically worship their diamond friends and think of them as gods but other than that u are nothing, u are just good at a game and gained a high rank in it. Some people can try every possible way to get better if that's what they want but I am not obliged to tryhard with them.

I mean plz I come back from school and study and after such a tiring day, I go to play a game late at night to relax after this long day I find people flaming me cuz I am not trying my hardest to win , this is even worse than teachers and parents nagging u to get better grades.

Then again it's not their fault, it's my fault for going to play lol, I shiuld have just played smth like I dunno hearthstone or just read a vn or a book. Sigh....

I understand them if it would be normal 5v5 but it was ARAM cmon

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I understand them if it would be normal 5v5 but it was ARAM cmon

They start tryharding in norms then suddenly while they are tryharding , their minds start to think of one think : winning and they start to think that if you don't win, it's not fun, it eats their soul. And boom ... nothing else happens, that's it.

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