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What do you think of incest?

Dark Ariel7

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There is nothing wrong with lust, you're human and every human feels lust because it's just instinct. The problem is when the relationship is solely bound on the idea of lust, and if you are going to treat a human being like an itch then we are seriously going into some deep ethical issues.


The reason age pops up in this is because younger people tend to make stupid decisions, and that's okay because it really is just a part of growing up. However it doesn't really matter what age you are I don't think you would want to make a decision that you will have regret making for the rest of your life because you were jumping the gun. That's my opinion on the matter anyways.


And the idea of relationships starting from lust is something that I haven't really thought about in awhile. You actually have a point on that though I won't say that every relationship starts out that way but I will never deny that they do. Thank you for the interesting conversation, I have learnt something from it.

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Yeah. I mean you love because you lust.

Lust is a valid reason to love, but definitely not the only one. I've been in love with people I'd flat out refuse having sex with. 

Again, love is not born only out of looks and awkward small talk. When I was more idealistic and way less cynic, I've been in love with people because of their ideas, actions and personality. 


I'm not looking down on loving because of lust nor calling it less "pure", but you should be aware that people have different reasons to love others. 

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This is why i always mention consent from both parties.

It's not impossible to have a relationship based on lust just like it's not impossible to have an asexual relationship.

It's all about what both people in the relationship feel about it.

I think if there's an agreement between both then sure go for it have sex 10 times a day if that makes you happy. Just don't be dishonest about how you feel about the other person, that way you're not being a douchebag.

But we're starting to go into relationships and derailing off of incest.

Though i'd apply the same concepts in incestual relationships. Both parties should have a serious talk about how they feel about their relationship and what it means to them, if they feel the same way wether it's based on lust or not then whatever makes them happy.

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I was going to answer Ariel on this issue before it'd got into this but seems I reacted late...


Let's clear first a missconception about what is Lust:


Lust is an emotion or feeling of intense desire in the body. The lust can take any form such as the lust for knowledge, the lust for sex or the lust for power. It can take such mundane forms as the lust for food as distinct from the need for food. Lust is a powerful psychological force producing intense wanting for an object, or circumstance fulfilling the emotion.


In which case, you don't have to lust in a sexual way to "love" someone. What you seek, what you desire is, certainly in most cases, a sexual relationship with the other person. But this longing can certainly be for recognition from someone we admire or someone we depend upon, among other, more twisted, situations.



Now, getting into the specifical sexual lust, I still find it neccesary for getting a long term relationship with a partner. The calm love of the elderly derives, ussually, from the passionate love (or lust) of the young.

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In fiction - anything goes.

In reality - there's nothing morally wrong about, and nothing biologically if you're not having children, and from what I've heard (don't quote me on this) the effects of a single case of incest are pretty much negligible. If you have several generations in a row making kids through incest, then there's a problem, but if it's just once it's usually okay.

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I think I made myself slightly misunderstood. When I say a relationship built on having sex I do not meant that it is a relationship that will last a lifetime. What I mean is that one should not look down upon a relationship built for the satisfaction of Mutual carnal attraction. Lust  in terms of sex is the lust I mean. I did not mean that there is not other kinds of love. You love you bro but you don't want to have sex with said bro. I mean in lamest terms booty calls are a fine type of relationship. That I think also applies to incest. You might be sexually attracted to your family and they in turn sexually attracted to you. So why not? Maybe I am weird but I really dont put much stock in sex as a type of love per say. I think you can have sex without loving a person just fine. I think it is better if you love that person but if there is no one you love at the moment why not? In the words of Einstein "I was young and she was willing."

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In fiction - anything goes.

In reality - there's nothing morally wrong about, and nothing biologically if you're not having children, and from what I've heard (don't quote me on this) the effects of a single case of incest are pretty much negligible. If you have several generations in a row making kids through incest, then there's a problem, but if it's just once it's usually okay.


In regards of the dangers of inbreeding:


You'd be forgetting that incest isn't only applied to sex bettwen siblings and that there are a lot of inescroupulous bastards out there.

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In regards of the dangers of inbreeding:


You'd be forgetting that incest isn't only applied to sex bettwen siblings and that there are a lot of inescroupulous bastards out there.


But yeah, I was only referring to anything consensual - nonconsensual sex, whether incest or not, is wrong.

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But yeah, I was only referring to anything consensual - nonconsensual sex, whether incest or not, is wrong.


The limit of what can be consexual is certainly a bit hazy on those cases, specially when one of the sides is overwhelmengly stronger than the other and has a "close relationship" to boot.


It's not surprising that more than 85% of child abuse cases are perpetrated by close family members like fathers, cousins, uncles, etc. Also, think about arranged marriages done bettwen people of the same family only separated by 2 or 3 degreesof consanguinity.


PD: And yeah, unscrupulous. Got my spanish mixed there since it's inescrupulosos here.

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The limit of what can be consexual is certainly a bit hazy on those cases, specially when one of the sides is overwhelmengly stronger than the other and has a "close relationship" to boot.


It's not surprising that more than 85% of child abuse cases are perpetrated by close family members like fathers, cousins, uncles, etc. Also, think about arranged marriages done bettwen people of the same family only separated by 2 or 3 degreesof consanguinity.


PD: And yeah, unscrupulous. Got my spanish mixed there since it's inescrupulosos here.

Consent is very often hard to pinpoint, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't try, preferably on a case-by-case basis.

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The limit of what can be consexual is certainly a bit hazy on those cases, specially when one of the sides is overwhelmengly stronger than the other and has a "close relationship" to boot.


It's not surprising that more than 85% of child abuse cases are perpetrated by close family members like fathers, cousins, uncles, etc. Also, think about arranged marriages done bettwen people of the same family only separated by 2 or 3 degreesof consanguinity.


PD: And yeah, unscrupulous. Got my spanish mixed there since it's inescrupulosos here.

I wouldn't call these cases incest though i'd just classify them as rape since one of the parties doesn't have a saying in it.

And that's wrong regardless of blood relation or not.


Though i do agree it's hard to define consent. That's why i think both people need to be mentally grown up before getting into something like this.

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Not my sort of thing really, but I'm not gonna knock anyone who enjoys it. In real life, it's the kind of thing that would be based on or inevitably result in a power imbalance. So I don't really think it's a good thing. Still, consenting adults and all that.

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Im An Incest In Real Life XD I Love My Little Sister So Much WAHHAHA!

まじで? In actuality or as a joke?


Well I don't think it has to lead to a power imbalance if they are both of the same age like cousins.

Also rape is not the kind of incest I meant.

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In 3D i'm not close to my family and i specially dislike my sister, so even if i don't care whether other people are into it or not i can't really understand it and so i won't comment anything on 3D.


In 2D i don't relate to the protagonist as i read whatever comes my why and therefore i'm only seeing two people into incest instead of imagining myself in that situation but i wouldn't mind being in a incest relationship if i could.


The thing i do understand perfectly is that humans feel more pleasure from going against morals than many other things, so i think incest is actually something natural.

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Incests makes me really uncomfortable.

Main reason is I have a little sister.

So I can't enjoy watching insest.


There is no reason that a brother and sister wouldn't love each other but when it comes to sex it doesn't work biologicaly. 


As for relationship with parents ...No, just no.

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Incests makes me really uncomfortable.

Main reason is I have a little sister.

So I can't enjoy watching insest.


There is no reason that a brother and sister wouldn't love each other but when it comes to sex it doesn't work biologicaly. 


As for relationship with parents ...No, just no.


To be honest, this sometimes happens to me... I've got 2 litle sisters and when I fap to incest, there is this pinch of remorse after it :unsure:

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