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What do you think of incest?

Dark Ariel7

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I'ma semi-copy Down's format on this one.


Biologically: Oh, please, God, don't reproduce.

In my own life and family: So much no, I can't even

In real life (not my own): I don't give a fig as long as it's consensual and there's no coercion or threatening of any kind involved at any point in time.

In a simulated, non-real sexual setting: Rather titillating, I have to admit.

In a real sexual setting: nope nope nope hands are staying out of pants.

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I have a sister, and the thought of doing it with her is just fking no.

In general real life still fking no.

When it comes to VNs however....

Still fking no.

"fking no" sums it up perfectly. It's a big "DO NOT WANT" for me; both in fiction and reality.

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The other thread was locked so I will post it here:


Kiriririri, on 25 Apr 2015 - 11:08 AM, said:snapback.png

Hey incest is totally okay

japan and france agree with you on that :scottsune:



That was a joke, A JOKE. (even if what I said was true because it's not illegal, it was a joke)




Btw I don't think there is any country that criminalize the incest itself if it is done by adults, marriage however it is, at least in mine.

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The other thread was locked so I will post it here:


Kiriririri, on 25 Apr 2015 - 11:08 AM, said:snapback.png

japan and france agree with you on that :scottsune:



That was a joke, A JOKE.




Btw I don't think there is any country that criminalize the incest itself if it is done by adults, marriage however it is, at least in mine.


Dunno about other countries, but...

Under Canadian law, incest is defined as having a sexual relationship with a sibling (including half-sibling), child/parent or grandchild/grandparent while knowing the existence of the blood relationship. It is punishable by up to 14 years imprisonment. A person who commits incest with someone under the age of 16 is liable to a minimum imprisonment of 5 years.
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Dunno about other countries, but...

I was gonna make another joke about countries but I wont this time :P


Now seriously that's pretty harsh to be honest, it might be morally wrong but why should the gob forbidden such a thing in the first place if it is carried over by adults? I'm interesting to know if there is any case where that law was applied or not, do you know of any judgement?

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I was gonna make another joke about countries but I wont this time :P


Now seriously that's pretty harsh to be honest, it might be morally wrong but why should the gob forbidden such a thing in the first place if it is carried over by adults? I'm interesting to know if there is any case where that law was applied or not, do you know of any judgement?

I'm afraid not, I just remember having looked it up before (probably when this topic was originally created) and finding that the incest laws in Canada seem to be ridiculously strict. Even Russia, a country you'd be hard-pressed to call accepting, only forbids incestuous marriage.

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Just gonna leave this here. 





Yes, in the past it was like the Royal Families were competing to see who could produce the most fucked up descendants. I'm sure everybody can agree those crazy monarchs were tons of fun.


If you're going to screw around with direct relatives, do everybody a favour and never reproduce.

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I'm afraid not, I just remember having looked it up before (probably when this topic was originally created) and finding that the incest laws in Canada seem to be ridiculously strict. Even Russia, a country you'd be hard-pressed to call accepting, only forbids incestuous marriage.

Well the thing is when you have this types of laws they are never applied in reality(or very very rarely), they are more like a dissuasive tool more than anything else.

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whoa whoa whoa. The government is not meant to have the power to differentiate between good and bad. At least not in the US. It is MEANT to follow the will of the general public who decided what was right or wrong. Does it do that? well no, but that is what it is supposed to do.



What gave you this impression? 


America was made a Republic because the common people weren't meant to have a say in the specifics of running the country. You elect people you think will take it in a good direction, that's pretty much all. In fact, I'd shudder to think what a country run by the people would be like. I'm seeing rivers of lava, explosive conflicts, and people worshipping a deity called "Greed."


The de facto decision of the law should not be "no, unless you can prove it is OK." it should be "OK, unless you can prove it is wrong."



Since when did laws have anything to do with "right" or "wrong"? It's more about order, stability, and forwarding the country.

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Are we talking about incest in real life?  I don't think i'm a fan of that.  It's pretty fuckin gross, and it's even grosser when they produce offspring.  I love ero products that have incest, but i just can't see myself ever getting excited about anyone in my family.  Yeah my sister's an attractive female, but physiologically, i'm so repulsed by the thought that there've been times when i used to live at home where i'd be fapping and she'd knock at my door or something and i'd go flaccid within seconds.  It's so fast that i think it's not just psychological, but there's probably something instilled within the average human being's genetics that keep you from seeing kin as potential mates.  That said, i don't think everyone has these biological safeguards, especially if their family tree is all kinds of fucked up, for instance the DuPont family of America.  Watched foxcatcher a while ago, and then the dupont video from the 80s on youtube.  John "golden eagle" dupont is definitely a product of incest. and then there was the case of that dupont heir raping his 3 year old daughter that broke news recently.  Fucked up.  Even more fucked up that he got away with it without prison time.  Fucking hate blue-bloods man.  Why haven't we purged them from society yet.

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From a biological point of view, not good.

From a moral point of view, not a care. 

From a sexual point of view, exciting. I understand the nips on that one. (Both 2D and 3D).

From the point of view of me and my family, unthinkable and not even remotely exciting.


Well said.

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I think it's fine in 2d, I honestly think most things in 2d is fine, it's just fantasy where people should be allowed to immerse themselves in the fantasies.

In 3d personally, when it comes to morals, I myself don't really care, aslong as it's consensual than it's not up to me to judge.

However in 3d society, (I'm talking about scandinavia and Norway mainly now) it's illegal and thought of as immoral, morals in society however is just made out of what the people on top and the majority of people thinks, and most people like to think themselves as correct or just follow what other people think, I find that aslong as it does not cause a problem for another person, a unborn infant or the people doing incest themselves, which means consensual and taking use of means to not get someone pregnant.


Me personally would never have sex with a family member even if they put themselves out, though i must admit when it comes to 2d I can find incest arousing aslong as it's not father/daughter or uncle incest where the female is quite young because it doesn't fit the image ive made myself of how a grown male figure should be, though I don't judge people that do find it arousing.



Why cant you have a relationship based on lust? I mean when you get hungry you eat. When you get thirsty you drink. If you have an itch you scratch it. It is a need that must be fulfilled. I agree that relationships with are better but it's not like you can find your soulmate around the corner. In the mean time what are you supposed to do? (Do fapping is one way of dealing with it.)

I believe you should be able to have a relationship based on lust if you want to, but as humans are it may cause one part to fall in love with the other and the other person doesn't, it's like friends with benefits, it sounds like a good idea but one side can get hurt quite fast. though it may be the other way around, that both parts finds love and they end up togeather and married.
My opinion may be biased though because of how pure I am and the fact that I want a soulmate and I find that cheating is, sorry if i'm rude, despicable, though nothing wrong with in 2d.



How old would you say is appropriate for sex with your sibling?

I'm gonna give my answer on this question for when I think it's appropiate to have sex since I don't think it should differ wether it's a sibling on not when it comes to age.
This will differ on the person, some people can make the right choice early whilst others can't, it comes down to the person and how they were raised aswell as the enviroment, but if i'd put a general age group i'd go with the legal age group for consensual sex in Norway, 16, cause this is a age where you can be old enough to not make a wrong decision (People at every age can make wrong decisions) though I believe that means of pregnant prevention should be, not enforced, but highly encouraged.

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