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Hello everyone.. I thought I would start a topic about Phobia's..
I all of a sudden thought it would be interesting to see what type of Phobia's everyone has..Of course you don't have to Mention it xD.

Well to start it off I will mention mine.



My first Phobia I have that I knew for awhile was "Virtigo" Which im sure a lot of People have a fear of Heights.


My second Fear I only found out about half a year ago...
"SocialPhobia" Some might not know this Phobia, I found out about it when I was looking through Wiki about Hikkimori's..

SocialPhobia in my sense is fear of Embarrassing situations..Even if that situation were on Tv, I would feel uncomfortable and walk out the room..
It's pretty funny because if it were on an Anime or Vn I would pause it, Wait a bit and resume..

Anyway I am unsure if I have anymore, But I think it would be cool if anyone else had similar fears to mine.


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I do have a pretty horrible fear of heights.  I will actually refuse to go onto an airplane unless I'm heavily drugged.  And the only way I get that to work is if I get state permission for that...


Not only that, I live in Arizona, where the only notable landmark we have is a giant hole in the ground.  I looked down that damn thing and I actually passed out very near the edge, luckily enough there was a police officer there to help me.


I was also once diagnosed with Anthropophobia that is, essentially the fear of people.  But my psychiatrist revoked that diagnosis after a few years.

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I would not watch Watamote because of what you call social phobia.

And heights, fucking heights. Seriously.

I also am very much bothered by fish.  I don't know if it would be called fear, but I just hate looking at them or being anywhere near them.  Freaking, sitting in a pool of fish would be so traumatizing.

Claustrophobia, too, I guess.  I wanna say it's not that serious, but I'm generally not in crowded places.

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I've always had a fear of elevators ever since i got stuck in one as a child. For some reason whenever i attempt to go in one i just get this eerie feeling and it's too uncomfortable and i take the stairs instead. No matter how tall the building is i will take the stairs. Just the thought of being stuck inside one gives me serious creeps, child trauma sucks~


I also remember getting extremly anxious whenever i was alone, no matter what the situation, this was probably because in elementary school no one remembered to pick me up and i just sat outside the school gate until after 8pm alone and it was terrifying, now it's not really that present since i walk home and stuff but it's still unpleasant to be alone in certain situations but not a fear anymore.


Also like people with common sense i HATE heights.

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I have a very mild case of vertigo, but I try to get over it with variating results such as closing my eyes and shaking when going up in transparent lifts and then looking into a wall at the top of the building, but sometimes I succeed in getting a glimpse of the view with my eyes or a camera. It's a problem because I love architecture.


And one other peculiar problem I have, I feel extreme discomfort touching my own nails or teeth directly with my fingers. I said this to a dentist once, he answered me "I don't like touching teeth either" I don't think I believe him though. 

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Looks like I'm following the common fear of heights. I just can't stand them. I can't even remember the last time I got on an airplane of free will.

Then there is roller coasters. Fucking roller coasters. I will never again get on a roller coaster.

And finally there are spiders. I don't know what this came from,but I can't stand to touch or even be near a spider. It freaks me out too much.

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There's no official diagnosis, but I am terrified of forgetting events that happened to me. Not the details, I obviously can't remember every single detail of my life, but the fact of them happening. What's worse is I can't know what I don't remember. So for example if I'm convinced that I didn't do my homework yesterday, but then I start remembering doing it or find it done on my desk, that would terrify me. (Obviously I wouldn't forget something as obvious or recent as that, but that's the best example I can come up with)

It's actually the reason why I rarely drink anything that's alcoholic, and when I do it's in small quantities.

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I was pretty surprised to see so many comments already xD..
Also Watamote is a pretty good example in my case, But if I know the person or get introduced by someone I know then I can talk a Bit better..But I don't know the person or don't get introduced I simply ignore them as much as I can..
Thinking of another Fear I would also Say Rollercoaster's..Although I have never been on a Terrifying one before.

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I was pretty surprised to see so many comments already xD..

It's an interesting topic. :D



Also i admit to being socially awkward, i don't like talking to people at all but i don't consider this a phobia, i just hate big part of the human race.

Same here, it's just because some people, myself included, are introverts.

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Spiders... Arachnophobia, that's the one


But recently I moved to a house full of spiders, so I'm getting used to it. Besides that, I do not have any other phobia I do know :/


I'm also quite bad at dealing with tons of people, but that's not really a phobia.

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I have an atypical case of social phobia - got a diagnosis and all. I don't have problems with a lot of things that are common for this thing - for one, not only can I do public speaking, but I was practically top of the class. However, initiating contact with whatever subject is pretty hard for me, especially if it would bother the person in question. For example, I put off finishing my CV for ages since there was a small "personal presentation" thing I felt was judging me or whatever. Basically, I have quite a lot of problems with this. They only affect me in subtle ways, and, for the most part, aren't extremely difficult to deal with though.

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Guest madoka12345

To be brutally honest, I don't have any of the normal ones like heights, darkness, being in tight spaces etc.

I guess living, or living to long, if that counts since I cannot think of anything else.

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I'd say  I'm probably a little claustrophobic, but in the suffocation sort of way. Small/crowded places don't bother me, just the thought of being wrapped in something and being unable to breathe.


I also have an (perhaps natural) uneasiness when it comes to heights, but it's definitely not near phobia level.

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Hmm I think this is a great topic to bring out something you didn't know about...
I remembered I might have two other fears..
One is similar to Gynophobia I think..As I am afraid of talking to them, Always afraid of what they would think.
Second When it comes to games(I don't think this is a fear but I am throwing it in here anway) I don't like sticking to one game for too long and I always move onto the next one, and then after some time I go back to it.

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I don't fear heights at all, if anything I like them, I like to get to a high place and witness the sights from there. And also I get some weird feeling that makes me want to jump off, but of course I can't do that without a parachute or something. Maybe that's even worse than being scared of heights?

Phobias huh... I don't think it has a name, but I'm really scared of not being accepted by people. I know it's not a big deal, but some events in my past made me feel that way. Of course, it's not as bad as is used to be some time ago, but I will never forget what happened, so I won't get that feeling out of my head.

Other than that, I hate really noisy places, but that's because I get a headache really fast, a doctor told me I'm really sensitive to any noises because my ears are sharper than usual.

Good post, by the way ~

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Any phobia I have now? I dont know if I have a phobia currently.

I did conquer one major phobia a some years ago.

I USED TO suffer from androphobia. An infense fear of men. It was terrible. I was such a little tsun-bitch back than, trying to mask fear with hatred.

Thank your assorted diety(s) for love. Yknow?

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I have a phobia of public speaking, I get panic attacks :( When I was younger I had a phobia of tapeworms and was so convinced I had one my parents had to take me to the doctor to prove I didn't XD Seems funny now but at the time I was literally making myself sick with fear.

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