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Yet Another Crazy Idea from Me: Fuwanovel Lit Journal Vol I?


Fuwanovel Forums Literary Journal?  

28 members have voted

  1. 1. Would you WANT to read a thought-provoking Fuwanovel forums "literary journal"?

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    • No
  2. 2. Would you WANT to contribute something to it, if it did happen?

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I would definitely be interested in contributing! Both as an editor and writer - I have experience of both. 

I actually wrote my dissertation on doujinshi and 'database theory' (see Hiroki Azuma), and came across some themes I'd like to explore further.

For the time being though I'd be most interested in editing.

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Hm. I don't know if it would fit, but there is my "50 VNs you should read before you die". I think it can be turned into an article.




Besides that, a few very interesting ideas that I got from seeing threads on the visual novels talk forum/brainstorming right now that can possibly be turned into articles:


Bad Endings

Are H scenes necessary?

The Line between VNs and video games

Kinetic Novels- are choices necessary?

Little Busters is about the five stages of grief

Protagonist types

What makes Visual Novels unique?

"What is this Genre" special

Better living through VNs

Propaganda in visual novels

replaying visual novels

Starting VNs to recommend to those who don't read VNs


Tablets and VNs

VNs and anime


This is what I could gather after skimming through all 15 pages of our VN forum.

Also, we could make reviews of specific VNs. What do you think?

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Still up for it. I have an idea for an article, but I'll have to try to write it first to see if I can get somewhere with it.

Sadly I probably can't do editing in english. If you need help with organization I can though.



I actually wrote my dissertation on doujinshi and 'database theory' (see Hiroki Azuma), and came across some themes I'd like to explore further.


Looking forward to this. My copy of Otaku Generation has yet to ship but I'm really interested in the subject. 

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Cool idea :D! I'd be happy to write an article or two to contribute. With my game work always revolving around fiction, some non fiction writing would be cool to do.


As asked in previous posts, will VN reviews be included? I doubt I'd get any competition if I want to write about ONE :P.


It'd be awesome if anyone's up for doing design work to make the presentation look polished, too :D.

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Alright!  If you're interested in helping with this project, it's all set up and ready to begin.






Right now there are three documents for interested parties to read/edit:


  • "Instructions, Q&A" - Instructions for how to get started and sign up for being an author/editor/both
  • "Project Coordination" - A spreadsheet to track the project
  • "Articles - Proposals, Discussion" - Where to get your topic approved/discuss other topics/help each other



Let me know if you have any issues finding the files/editing them.




What format will articles be in? Are they just going to be posts on these forums? 


Also, will this be updated periodically? Say, monthly, bi-weekly? 

Right now it's meant to be a single release.  If people have fun and want to continue this in the future, all the better.


EDIT: Forgot to speak to your first point.  RE: Format -- It'll be a fancy schmancy, self-contained PDF at the least (think a magazine).  If people want to do more, I'm not opposed.

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