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I know exactly four people who like anime... All the others consider it to be 'immature'.


Speaking of which, I just got the rest of the Haruhi Suzumiya novels for christmas and my sister just commented: "I hope you'll soon realize you've grown to old for this kind of thing".


Now if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna go cry in that corner over there.

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I know exactly four people who like anime... All the others consider it to be 'immature'.

Speaking of which, I just got the rest of the Haruhi Suzumiya novels for christmas and my sister just commented: "I hope you'll soon realize you've grown to old for this kind of thing".

Now if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna go cry in that corner over there.

Well the avalanche won't start unless someone pushes the first boulder. Once people see how unafraid you are of your love of anime, then the others will slowly crawl out of the woodwork and support you. Have faith in yourself and go for it!
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Speaking of which, I just got the rest of the Haruhi Suzumiya novels for christmas and my sister just commented: "I hope you'll soon realize you've grown to old for this kind of thing".

Wow. How old is she? Please say less then 10 because that comment is very immature.
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Well the avalanche won't start unless someone pushes the first boulder. Once people see how unafraid you are of your love of anime, then the others will slowly crawl out of the woodwork and support you. Have faith in yourself and go for it!


Okay you win. I'll look around for support on campus lol. Thanks for the encouragement because I'm feeling kinda down atm.



Wow. How old is she? Please say less then 10 because that comment is very immature.




I've received similar comments from other family members including my mother which is why I tend to keep my love for anime, VN's, etc... to myself

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Wow. That's cold of her! Well at least you got those light novels! I remember when I got The Sigh of HS, I was volunteering at the library so instead of money they let us take out advance reading copies of books. I looked in the box, saw a bright yellow book sticking out and thought to myself, " ehh, why not?". I had no idea what Haruhi was and was plesently enjoyed by it. And that's how I became a casual anime fan.

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Wow. That's cold of her! Well at least you got those light novels! I remember when I got The Sigh of HS, I was volunteering at the library so instead of money they let us take out advance reading copies of books. I looked in the box, saw a bright yellow book sticking out and thought to myself, " ehh, why not?". I had no idea what Haruhi was and was plesently enjoyed by it. And that's how I became a casual anime fan.


That's really cool! I have to order everything online though, there aren't really any libraries that have these kinds of books nor are there any stores that sell anything other than popular shönen manga and anime. Considering you guys have great streaming services like Crunchyroll over in America I would expect it to be a bit easier to be an Otaku over there (not that I would really consider myself an Otaku cuz I'm pretty sure a real Otaku would be proud of his hobbies) :)


Well, thank god for Amazon, eh? :P


I remember discussing Evangelion at my local game store last week with some random guy, that was fun! Maybe I'll ask him if he knows any kind of anime-related club in my area as well  ^_^

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Hey o people! merry christmas happy hanukah joyous kwanzaa and all that good stuff.  

I feel offended by this post because you forgot to include the seasonal holiday of the Eldritch folk.


It's called Rylehmas. We roast fish folk on sticks, gorge ourselves on the fears of midgets, and give each other presents of insane adventurers.

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I feel offended by this post because you forgot to include the seasonal holiday of the Eldritch folk.


It's called Rylehmas. We roast fish folk on sticks, gorge ourselves on the fears of midgets, and give each other presents of insane adventurers.

hmm (quick google search to check if its real) hahah that funny lol

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