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Conjueror's Untranslated Visual Novel Tournament [Discussion]


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Am I high or are you guys high? Baldr Force wasn't up against Dies irae, Dies irae is a seeded game and we're in the group stages still. And once the bracketed phase begins they won't even be in the same brackets!

Baldr Force is still alive and well in this tournament.

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1 minute ago, Kawasumi said:

yes, because some random guy did a survey to see what people wanted to see the most then baldr sky is out of the question, you'll never get it, now go learn japanese :^ )

I read/played every game in the series. It's disappointing that not a lot of people can appreciate the series like I did. Need more visual novels with gameplay localized. 

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Baldr Sky is a seeded game, so it gets to skip the group stages. Check out the full blog post on the tournament here: https://vnrw.wordpress.com/2016/01/22/most-desired-visual-novel-translation/

Baldr Force won its group vote so it's going to be put into the A1 spot on those brackets, which comically enough puts it very close to Baldr Sky.

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1 minute ago, Decay said:

Baldr Sky is a seeded game, so it gets to skip the group stages. Check out the full blog post on the tournament here: https://vnrw.wordpress.com/2016/01/22/most-desired-visual-novel-translation/

Baldr Force won its group vote so it's going to be put into the A1 spot on those brackets, which comically enough puts it very close to Baldr Sky.

Ahh cool thanks for that!

But seriously? White Album 2 is beating Baldr Sky? What is this madness!?

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About the structure of tournament it's like this:

2 out of 4 picks from the groups are seeded into Winners/Main bracket, there are some titles already seeded into the main bracket.

The losers in the winners bracket are seeded into the Losers bracket where they fight each other. From what I understand, Losers bracket will have it's own winner.

I'd vote 51/100 times for Baldr Sky and 49/100 times for White Album, so... :sachi:

I don't really understand why HaruKuru got so many votes, and why is this title winning against IroSeka :vinty:


Added Seeded Games list.

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14 minutes ago, Maxel said:

I don't really understand why HaruKuru got so many votes, and why is this title winning against IroSeka :vinty:

The western audience is really in love with their ~*pLoT tWiStS*- to an unhealthy degree. They'll fellate anything with them regardless of the actual quality of the story.

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13 minutes ago, Decay said:

The western audience is really in love with their ~*pLoT tWiStS*- to an unhealthy degree. They'll fellate anything with them regardless of the actual quality of the story.

Must be those M Night Shyamalan movies.... it has to be. 

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HaruKuru is legit good though, not just because of Dem Plot Twists.

Better than a wasted potential pile of boredom like IroSekai.

SakuUta is a few levels above the rest, so there's no contest though.

This contest overall is pretty funny. It's like some sort of fascinating sociological experiment on the way hype and popularity are created. Most people voting choose based on bad vndb synopses and the inevitably warped perception they have of those games from the way they're talked about by a handful of people who played them and a bunch of others who didn't.

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