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Frontwing English Website


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I noticed that Frontwing has an English site up, and talks about their Mai Nanaca designed games as well as Grisaia. Do you guys think this is a sign that they will be doing quicker English translations for their new games, or at the very least translating the Mai Nanaca games, since they are the only other games they mention on the English website?

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Geh, I posted about this 3 weeks ago in Otakon thread...

Ah, apologies. 



The English was terrible when it first went up. It's an indication that any translation done 'in house' at Frontwing will always be lacking.

True, I was hoping for the quality of NekoPara at least, but that's probably just a pipe dream.


Eh, my hopes are kind of gone now, I got hyped without paying enough attention.... that's too bad.

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I wonder if Frontwing wants to release some of their more sexually-oriented titles in English, and Sekai Project is pushing back for whatever reason (lack of a perceived market, or concern that censoring games with a focus on sexual themes would hurt their brand). 

I don't know, from the limited amount of knowledge I gathered from the Grisaia kickstarter debacle it sounds like the opposite would be more likely. Granted I've been outa the loop for awhile so I probably missed something. 

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Unless there's an all-ages version or it's really, really popular with VN fans (G-senjou), I'm pretty sure they don't want anything to do with 18+ VNs.  That's a fair assumption to make, looking at their past works.  Wouldn't be surprised if they refused to localize something that hasn't had exposure due to fan translation and only has an 18+ version at the moment, especially if it's a nukige, considering that everything they've released so far has at least one version available on Steam.

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Unless there's an all-ages version or it's really, really popular with VN fans (G-senjou), I'm pretty sure they don't want anything to do with 18+ VNs.  That's a fair assumption to make, looking at their past works.  Wouldn't be surprised if they refused to localize something that hasn't had exposure due to fan translation and only has an 18+ version at the moment, especially if it's a nukige, considering that everything they've released so far has at least one version available on Steam.

They are releasing 18+ VNs with no all-ages versions, but they're shorter budget doujins. They've yet to announce a big eroge with no all-ages plans, and I doubt they ever will but I won't rule out the possibility. In FrontWing's case, they were really against releasing the 18+ version of Grisaia at all and it was actually SP who pushed back on that. And, lo and behold, it is primarily FW's fault for the repeated delays on the 18+ version. FW also has a ton of rather insane restrictions relating to how Sekai Project can promote 18+ content at the same time as Grisaia which has lead to stuff like how SP had to indirectly hint that they will release 18+ versions of most of their applicable titles via denpasoft during Otakon instead of being able to say it directly. I think SP will be pretty happy once they're able to shed FW for good. The situation reminds me of how controlling Nitro+ was with JAST back when they first struck that deal, but somehow even worse.

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They have some Denpasoft only titles coming up so it's far from impossible.

You mean 2 cheap/short yuri VNs? What a shame that SP are silent about all titles annouced at AExpo/Otakon. What's up with G-Senjou, Chronoclock etc.? And what about Root Double KS? :|


As for the FW, they should hire at least one competent JP->EN + EN->JP translator...

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