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Everything posted by Steve

  1. I just happen to have that game and extracting it is very easy. Download http://tlwiki.org/images/8/8a/Crass- and extract Use CrageGUI.exe Check source path and browse to the game installation folder and select the folder koe (so it will end with something like SAGAPLANETS\カルマルカ*サークル\koe) Got to advanced and check dest. path and put it whenever you want, for example make a folder on desktop called voices or something and browse to that folder. Click Execute and wait a few minutes. There you have all the voices in .ogg format, playable by most audio players - good luck finding the one you want (I believe they are sorted by scenes so if you remember where about in the game the scene was, you might have it easier finding it xD) Are you actually looking for a specific line? Might be easier to just record it from the game with muted music, finding one out of like 20,000 voiced lines will not be easy, if you just want random voices from the character then I guess this will do. What do you need it for anyways?
  2. Yes, even though we don't have a dedicated member creating and testing the releases, we have some good people taking care of the individual games and thanks to dale we have seedbox so once the release is done it can be put there. Usually with VNs it is easy to make a pre-patched version, you just patch it yourself and its done and working for everyone, but for some games like I/O there are some registry changes required and that's why releases like that can take longer. Once you finish your project, just announce it (but we will most likely notice, most of us track VNTLS and other translation reports) and one of us will make it.
  3. Yes, it is possible to extract all voices and then only pick the voices of the character you want, they are often named based on the characters or something (like a character named sakura will have voices like SKR_05926.ogg or somthing). Depends on the game though.
  4. Well actually if you look at batman and nosebleed, its the exact 2 opposites, so the force will balance itself xD
  5. Hello everyone~ I would like to announce that 2 irreplaceable members of the fuwanovel community has agreed to become forum moderators and take on all the duties it comes with. And actually, one of them is returning to his post after a half year long break . Yes, as you might have guessed, the returning moderator is the one and only solidbatman. The second and new moderator is the holder of the "#1 spammer" title and it is indeed the one and only Nosebleed. They are both helping with a lot of stuff already, such as the fuwanovel facebook, vn aer blog posts and many other things, so it is only fitting for them to be able to help with the forums as well. Show them some love and lolis~ themed image (actually not a loli ) :
  6. There, the bgm files in ogg: http://www.mediafire.com/download/8oj2jcuj8zuoob5/bgm_pw.rar (you can convert to mp3 if you want, any audio editor/convertor will be able to do that, there are batch convertors too, I usually keep them in ogg though, audio players should be able to play it, I'm using foobar. Rename the files to the name of the songs as you want.) In the end I used Extractdata tool, I usually find it good to use easy tools like that or crass since its like 2 clicks, before opening cmd and using the tools that only have command line tool, something will usually work. You can read and learn more about how to extract archives from VNs here: http://www.hongfire.com/forum/showthread.php/191639-My-CG-Ripping-Tools-v2-4 Its more focused on extracting CGs (for H-scene CG sets) but most of the time the music and voices will be in ogg and easily extractable and playable. Once you do it for few games you can easily do it for any game you want basically, extracting the archive itself is usually pretty simple, unlike extracting the scripts of the game for translation, because those scripts are most often encrypted and obfuscated in many ways so getting the plain text and then inserting it back into the game is pretty hard task. There is many more people extracting CG sets so there will always be a tool available, same cannot be said about scenarios for translation. Well anyways, enjoy the music~
  7. You can try the CrageGUI.exe first, it might work too and has an English interface, it should automatically try to locate the right commands and stuff, usually works fine for simple CG/bgm extraction. If not, just upload the file somewhere and I will try it.
  8. That's exactly the reason I will never own a console, single company having control over games you can and cannot play is bad. And it is also the reason why I dislike steam as a monopoly, if they suddenly decide to close and delete all your games, they can totally do it and you have no defense against it. PC and drm-free master race And multilayer games that have dedicated software available to everyone to host their own servers, not relying on anyone else. Call me old fashioned, but I can still to this day host a server for games like ut99 or quake, even after 15 years or however long it has been. You can no longer say that about some games released few years ago, which closed their master multiplayer server. Sorry for a little OT, but that is my stance, I don't want to give companies control over stuff like this.
  9. You will need some reverse engineering tool to extract the archive, crass should do the job, if not try using arc_conv. If you send me the file containing the music and the exe file, I can try extract it for you. edit: you can download crass from Tlwiki: here
  10. The site has been down for months now Anyways if you feel like you want this project, I would probably recommend starting over. However there is plenty of similarly good moe games that could use a translation (even the newer Yuzusoft game Amairo Islenauts seems awesome) so maybe if there is even a little bit of hope for DR, you might want to try something else in the meanwhile. Sure it will not be with moe vampires but it will still be moe with something else = WIN xD
  11. Just like Down mentioned, there will be no changes anytime soon so nothing to worry about. The site will function just like it always has.
  12. What font size are you using xD !!? With normal format (normal font, size, spacing) its at least 600-1000 words per page. Also not sure if we can make it till the end of the week so maybe have it activity for this week but let people submit till the end of the month, while other activity is also going on.
  13. 2-4 pages is too much lol, obviously ren tries to get an advantage as a professional writer So it will probably be 2-4 paragraphs xD
  14. yes it is ふわ but even individual japanese have different pronunciation of that word
  15. well at about 20 sec she also uses long foowa and then fuwa with u but short and then in the fwa fwa time its just fwa... so any pronunciation is possible xD Depends on the situation (I use the second one at the 20sec part, the short fuwa)
  16. yes, just like in fuwa fuwa taimu not long foo, short fu (like the chinese name)
  17. I live in a 2d town of Hibarigasaki, with my cute shinigami wife Mare And also our daughter meru
  18. Only mare with animal ears~ [image removed by moderation] or meru~
  19. Steve


    I have not read it but it is considered a fairly good game between both the English community (those who can read Japanese) and the Japanese community, unlike the anime. Maybe one day the translation will resume
  20. Steve


    The translation got dropped so there is only the original Japanese version. I can send you torrent for the Japanese version if you want.
  21. Steve

    2D vs 3D

    conclusion: Perceive the world however you want, as long as it makes you happy. Do stuff that makes you happy without negatively affecting other entities (people) and you will be fine Life is about happiness, I recommend searching for your happiness in 2d as that is what worked for me, but if you are happy with your 3d girlfriend, I will accept it - just be happy. Just like I am happy with meru
  22. Oh, this is a new topic, there was already topic like this somewhere and I already said that I hate uncensoring. The style that magnagamer or Jast do is just terrible, I played the second boob wars in Japanese and it was awesome game, then I looked at the screens from mangagamer website and it is just terrible. So mosaic all the way
  23. Steve


    Well I guess in some games I used the uncensor for girl parts, its usually just something like line there, but I always keep penis censored.
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