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Everything posted by Steve

  1. Thank you! Well then, first things first, lets change all user avatars to Mare~
  2. same thing, never hotlink to images you don't know are linkable, most are not. just reupload, it takes 2 seconds
  3. all I see is 4chan.org, come on people, learn to post images, upload to imgur and THEN link them, most booru sites don't allow hotlinking of images so you need to reupload.
  4. Well why not post both, girl with big boobs and with small boobs. Not quite a loli but still farily cute, probably some imouto type (talking about the right girl)
  5. Steve


    Lot of people miss lethal (also known as legal) damage, its always good NOT to concede early just in the case it happens.
  6. Yeah that's an awesome topic actually, I have some names I would name my VN if I made one xD
  7. Well actually I feel really proud I was able to produce that final sound in the Eternal recurrence song, that wobbling powowowow~ xD I never thought I would be capable (Kappa-ble) of something like that xD
  8. Well that's the only one with special effects xD Couldn't fit any for the second song so I just tried my best with normal singing xD
  9. There is your reward, members of the temple: https://forums.fuwanovel.net/index.php?/topic/3642-steve-being-bakabaka-singing/ xD
  10. Well, I said that I would do it once The Temple of Mare reaches 100 points but I was bored so I did it earlier xD Although only short versions Warning before you click the play button: I can't sing! Eternal recurrence: I hope you liked my special effects Hoshizora no Memoria:
  11. I love my wife Mare and I also like Chinami as a younger sister in a romantic way
  12. Well to be honest, bringing ANY child to this evil world is cruel. That's why we shouldn't have kids at all! Go 2d all the way~
  13. Zaka is actually very shy person, probably pretty small and slim. He very much likes his older sister who taught him about love. He always preferred his sister over other friends, which resulted in his overall shyness. These days he spends most of his day on computer where he can have as many older sisters as he wants
  14. You are the only one, everyone has their sex life in eroge!
  15. Aren't they the same thing? At least for me they are. Kappa
  16. To show our cooperation with the religious group of Kud and LB Avatar group, I present you photo from the meeting of Godesses
  17. Finally eldin posts something cute. I like the versions on the bottom
  18. Steve


    Yes, I usually do 9-12 wins, its true that 12:0 is really about RNG, almost always there is that 1 game that you just lose no matter what because it is that guy with 5 fireballs or something and only get 12:1
  19. I love Mare because she is the best girl in the whole world. Just saying
  20. WHO ARE YOU?!?!? Did you seriously change avatar twice today? xD I was reading it as if it was some other guy, then after reading and liking it I wanted to look who it is and its Kaguya!!! I would ban changing avatar xD ps: I agree with the post xD
  21. Oh, got it xD Yeah that is fine, sill me missing words xD Yes that would be fine, but it would probably require people who read Japanese because there is not that many English VNs to even separate by genre. Also 99% of vns are romance so maybe more like separate by setting of the VN (medival/fantasy, sci-fi, modern day) - which would only make 3 categories.
  22. That's why you have the option to drop a game/anime/whatever you don't like, I watched several first episodes of anime and didn't like it so I didn't continue xD It takes masochist to continue playing something you don't like xD
  23. Yes, like that much better, although I don't watch animes that are based on VNs xD Maybe it can be just at the end and something like which anime overall, not just VN based - we have anime section as well after all. The best characters is interesting idea, it can work. I would leave out best genre, its like talking about best genre of music, never good (and I wouldn't say nakige is genre, its just story archetype). More like "favorite" genre and why, that could work. Some H talk would be good to emphasize on the ero part of "eroge" since last show was mostly about the story part. And soundtrack can be interesting idea, I think you can even play music under non-commercial license (which this podcast is) as it would be in a form of review and critique (smaller sample), so maybe I could even sing there xD - bonus topic I would add could be something like favorite OP or VN presentation.
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