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Everything posted by Steve

  1. Steve


    Then don't look at that area You will be able to focus on only the parts you want, when I play these 3d games (meaning with 3d anime characters) like Itagaku, I always change the camera to be like from first person and to look at the lolis chest and face SO mosaic is fine, I'd prefer mosaic over nothing there, the mosaic gives me feeling that the girl has those parts but I don't need to look at them, if its just smooth skin texture (some of the uncensor modes for these kind of games) then it looks creepy and you would be clipping through textures there if you know what I mean xD
  2. Steve


    NO, I hate uncensor! I will gladly play it censored, that's how I like it. I prefer looking at the flat chests and smooth butts and cute face, the censored parts are not interesting to me
  3. Steve


    Yeah, then you just have all the clothes models and naked models and its ready to ship to Steve
  4. Steve


    You just need to accept the technology. If I was able to turn my brain into digitalized form or become a robotic body with organic self-powered brain, I would totally do it. and I could be with meru forever
  5. Steve


    Indeed, some people are just too simple-minded to understand it, like Ovan. Everything great is from Japan, eroge, anime, dark souls. And all the cool people are in Japan, like meru
  6. Steve

    2D vs 3D

    Naah, I used to go to lanparties but its too much effort carrying your PC and all, its better to be stuck in 2d example: In 3d if I wanted to meet meru, she is on the other side of the planet, but in the 2d fuwa fuwa world, we are the best couple - 2d wins again
  7. Steve


    Oh yes, I'm planning on getting OR once there is something good Not that it is needed, I can already create my own worlds, but it can help me reinforce my mind to allow for more visually authentic worlds in my brain For now though, meru is the only one taking the place in my mind and heart (ok, Mare too )
  8. For now no changes are happening.
  9. Press ctrl+f5 and it will work again, its been up for a while.
  10. So many cute images! That's how I like it. Almost as cute as meru~
  11. Yes I asked Ren to change it to only gd, anime and general vn talk and such so it doesn't spam in the serious topics like fan TL or stuff like that. If it doesn't fit then don't include it, we don't want to side track important topics.
  12. Ok, second avatar done too combination of these two images: one, two Had to edit the previous one to fit avatar 1:1 resolution (repost for that one I used these images: shizuka, mare) I'll need to ask meru which one she wants to use
  13. Steve

    2D vs 3D

    hehe inexperienced samurai, you have much to learn in 2d world you can do anything, your imagination is the limit
  14. Ok, so I wasn't allowed to be with Mare and have 2 Mares in avatar... so If it cannot be MARE, it will have to be MERU Meru x Steve mod power abuse for guaranteed win! (since they are characters from separate games, I have to do some photoshop tricks, so far only this 1 avatar done used these images: shizuka, mare) characters: Kazuha Shizuka Mare=S=Ephemeral
  15. It's awesome, lot of small subtle things that make you realize how rotten the world actually is.
  16. Hm I only watch Game of Thrones every year so waiting for next season and also I usually have 1 other series to go with that for that year. For the past years it always was Breaking Bad but that has now finished and as such I picked up True Detective this year. As for movies, last one I saw was the new batman, that's all.
  17. Steve

    2D vs 3D

    3d porn so evil Here is the plan: Let's save the world together, if everyone stops watching it, nobody will produce it and many lives will be saved! Doesn't that sound great? And for practical reasons, 2d is obviously better, its free unlike 3d, you don't need to move a muscle to do stuff, you just open your brain and create worlds where you then live. Those worlds are much better than the 3d world, where you are forced to do things you don't want, even the basic stuff like breathing, drinking, eating etc, to get those resources you need to work and all. Imagine you don't need any of that, digitalized brain or an ascended entity completely independent being able to think and create worlds all day. Aah that would be great. Those who choose it as career choice are the very small minority, you probably don't see these things until someone you know gets into similar problem, happened to one of the girls I knew and it wasn't even porn, it was just photos - girls go there for quick buck but then cannot leave because of blackmailing, if they leave the pictures are released publicly and you can never get a proper job with that reputation, or at least that's how they threaten those girls, but they would probably do it. But the girls are scared and have to stay. Its like drugs, if you get there, its very hard or impossible to get out without help of some good person, but there is not enough good people to save every girl, just like there is not enough good people to save every addict. Sure its not every girl our there, some can get out, some do it for fun or whatever, but evil things are happening because evil people go after money and if people spend money on porn, they will do evil things to produce porn, if people want drugs, they will do evil things to produce drugs and that's how this rotten world goes - but you can fight it by going against the system, boycott stuff, try to show people how harmful it is, try to find entertainment and satisfaction in things that cannot hurt other people, help people and then expect help from them, that's how the world should work...
  18. Steve

    2D vs 3D

    I'm joking Tom, don't take me too seriously. I a not evil So sad now See, 2d characters never make me so sad, another advantage xD
  19. Steve

    2D vs 3D

    Btw Tom, you only have the votes in 3d because the poll is misleading and people are thinking its 3d anime style and not the so called "reality". Nobody likes that "reality" In any way you are the only one here
  20. Steve

    2D vs 3D

    Exactly what I was preaching on TS, so many young girls ruin their lives in porn, hurt their bodies, mental state and whatnot, just for a quick few bucks... While in order to produce sexual content in 2d, you require a skilled artist who can catch the essence of sexiness in a drawing. And no desperate young girls have to ruin their life there. So next time you fap to 3d Tom, think about what is the cost to produce such content. If its just a 3d girlfriend or a 3d wife then I guess it is fine as long as it is consensual relationship, but the porn industry is all rotten and should die. ps: I'm not sure who moved it to spam, its a legit topic. So moving it back.
  21. Steve

    2D vs 3D

    You are very, very bad guy. Learn some manners
  22. I might have one late entry tomorrow
  23. muhahahaha Have a safe picture with convenient censoring xD 2d always wins [image removed by moderation]
  24. The girl is original art by artist keyboard000 the planes are apparently from ace combat
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