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Everything posted by Steve

  1. You need to fight for your topics xD I spent thousands of words on this topic in the staff section defending some of the threads that people wanted to move, such as OSU thread. But I cannot defend them all xD You need to find the person who moved your topic and talk to him
  2. It has a pretty clear and meaningful topic, read the purpose of G&C section I posted. The purpose of the main General Discussion is offtopic already, this is still related to the kind of stuff we like but is off topic of the main forum sections. No need to have offtopiception offtopic within offtopic. G&C is only for games and random chatter with no topic, this is neither a game nor meaningless chat, it has a purpose that we are together working on (collect as many cute pictures). You can read more here https://forums.fuwanovel.net/index.php?/topic/2804-purpose-of-this-subforum/ And from the history perspective the G&C is evolved section of "IRC section" where people from IRC wanted to chat like they are on IRC except on forums (for whatever reason), they got a subsection to do it in. C&D today is that section. And to keep on topic, have a cute picture
  3. I have multiple official wives, polygamy is awesome. And they all love me.
  4. Oh yes I had the dic installed but I didn't enable it in the options. Now it works, thanks However when I enable it, it translates it on mouse over, how do I switch it to be mouse click only? EDIT: NVM, found that option.
  5. Anyone using VNR to read in Japanese with furigana? I remember using it a while back (like 2 months maybe) and I was able to click a specific word and look up only that word, but I don't see that option anymore for some reason and I have to ctrl+c and ctrl+v into jisho or something to get all the word meanings of that kanji. Which makes it very uncomfortable, it used to be 1 click. Anyone knows how to enable the 1 click dictionary definition?
  6. ok... xD well anyways on topic: for me it is Loli Heroine and Pure Love Story as far as story focused VNs. not many of those translated though xD
  7. wow, it actually exists... http://vndb.org/g600
  8. No i'm not, those companies barely have money to release one version, if they would have to rewrite parts of the scripts to not have H scenes it would be much more expensive and they would probably lose more than invested.
  9. Well sure, if you want non-H VNs in English, support them OELs xD Trip to Nippon is on steam, you can buy it if you want xD
  10. Well I understand people not liking H and yet still liking the concept of images with story. And exactly for them there is plenty of all-ages games, mostly on PSP or stuff like that, where you can only enjoy the story and not the H. However most of them are not translated and that's where those people have a problem, they cannot pick exactly what they want. But neither can I really with my high demands, there is very few translated VNs if you consider how many Japanese ones there actually are, so you either have to learn the language or tolerate something you might not like. Except works like Key, there will always be higher popularity in the H-games because they are for more people, they are for people who like H and people who don't like them can only skip it, that means there are more translators who want to get H-games translated for wider audience. The game would have to be extremely popular (like said Key works for example) for it to have enough fanbase to get a translation done. However nothing is stopping you if you don't like H scenes from trying to find similar people to translate them, just don't expect other translators groups disabling H scenes if it is not possible in the original engine, you should have seen how terrible it was with the Konosora project. And you definitely cannot expect Japanese developer who actually make money from selling games to young businessmen and such to suddenly not have ero content, they are struggling to even sell it with it, they would not be able to produce those games without H content because teenagers will rather buy Naruto manga or whatever is now cool in Japan and goodies for anime, rather than ero games and ero figs. If you suddenly try to sell mature VNs to teenagers without sexual content, you will fail because they prefer different kind of stories, different kind of relationships and such, you don't want to compete against all the thousands of shounen manga there is in Japan or all the anime-based PSP VNs and games without H content. With eroge there is at least one demographic that buys it FOR SURE, and those are the young adult men who enjoy the sexual parts of the games together with the story, if you do not please those people, there is NOBODY who will buy your game. So bottom line: Translators will not translate a niche within a niche unless its extremely popular (like KEY works), there are some who translate those games but most people are in it for the ero, if you wish you can pick from the many of All-ages VNs to translate if you are able to put the group together. Developers of eroge will not start developing their games without ero content because it is the only reason people in Japan buy them, they cannot afford to compete against shounen manga/anime, only giants like KEY can afford such thing and even their popularity is declining.
  11. Oh yeah, I loved that when I played that in Japanese, I might need to play it now so I can actually understand it xD
  12. Yaay, All I can say.. is HI, SEIHAI! Tomoka is nice indeed, I like Mimi-chan more though xD So... Welcome to Fuwa! Don't forget to post lolis and join the church of Mare and all that stuff
  13. good, although the image was already posted many times, it is an awesome one so I will allow it xD And have an image, I believe I never posted it but who knows, I might have... [image removed by moderation]
  14. OH MY GODDESS (Mare)! How can you not know Mare xD Fuwanovel's #1 girl Go read Hoshimemo right now! https://fuwanovel.net/novels/hoshizora-no-memoria
  15. Actually there has been a bit of progress on MSG, this is what I got
  16. Construction of MareStar Galactica is not progressing, but different stuff is appearing around the base xD colors are still off but oh well, at least its a start xD (MSG will require lot of decoration inside so this is how to do them ) note the convenient censoring [image removed by moderation]
  17. If you are using version 1.2 you will be fine (fuwanovel release)
  18. That's exactly why eroge is great, you don't really have it in any other for of media. You either fap or you have story. And this is where eroge comes in, you can enjoy some school romance, awesome heartwarming stories and tearjerking events and without a need to use another content, you can also have some satisfying sex scenes with the character you became to love through the story and romancing - which makes it closer to the ideal life experience. Even in real life you don't want to go on a date with a girl and then ditch her and go have sex with a prostitute to "just" satisfy your needs - you'd rather if you do it with the girl you spent the last few days with and with the emotional impact the experience is much stronger. And same way it works in VNs, you spend some time with the girls and you don't want to go read nukige or H-manga just to get satisfied, you want to have the emotional relationship make your sexual experience even better. And for people who gave up on real life its the only way to have that kind of sexual experience influenced by real emotions that you built in the game.
  19. Offtopic... but Yeah sure, sure... xD I'll give it some time, one day you will understand everything. The overall plan is: 1. Summon Mare to this plane 2. Conquer the world 3. Spread 2d love 4. Ban human reproduction, everyone has 2d only 5. ??? 6. The world is free from ALL THE EVIL
  20. But only 2d reproduction Real life human reproduction is bad xD
  21. Ren already posted that image https://forums.fuwanovel.net/index.php?/topic/3436-the-church-of-mare/#entry67284 (the first spoiler) Well ill post the neko banana Mare here
  22. I don't get where this "only teenagers like sex" comes from, obviously porn industry was built by mature people for mature people because that's what people wanted. Or do if you believe that suddenly when people mature and are over 18 they don't like sex? 2d H scenes and hentai is based on the same principle but also adds the anime-style part to it, which for many people (like me) makes it better. If you only like the 2d world, you cannot have "real" sex with them so you need to have H scenes and hentai. I did experience 3d when I was younger, now I want 2d and I want H as well - only way is my H scenes in VNs, manga or my imagination. So Okami, even if you are completely disinterested in any sexual activity, you cannot say that about other people. And thats exactly why there are both sexual and all-ages games. You can skip the H-scenes if you don't want to play them, but other people still want them and if they weren't there, you cannot magically add them. But ecchi and sexualization in games and VNs and anime is not to please teenagers, there is plenty of older people who enjoy this stuff and that's why it also sells in Japan where you cannot buy 18+ content if you are not 18+ and they wouldn't even have that much money to spend on it, grown up men spend thousands on the H games where they can romance 2d and then have sex with 2d and that's how the industry makes money - which means saying it is "only for teenagers" is wrong, because the market obviously proves otherwise.
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