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  1. Like
    Rose reacted to Flutterz in Fate/Grand Order   
    After I got both event CEs limit broken I just one-shot 2BP Ibaraki on the first turn every time with Waver - Arjuna - Shiki NPs. Turns out getting NP charge isn't that hard when you have abilities totaling about 140% charge.
  2. Like
    Rose reacted to Valmore in Fate/Grand Order   
    Well I guess that's one way of remaking the legend of Orion. Artemis has a great rack, too bad she's chaste... or is she?
  3. Like
    Rose reacted to Jade in Fate/Grand Order   
    Currently having a blackout so i can't even roll for a chance to obtain shitty CEs
    Also can anyone near Rose kick him for me? Felt so right now

  4. Like
    Rose reacted to Down in Reddit with serious censorship issues   
    I personally plan to get all my news from Rooke's upcoming live streaming of his morning news reading sessions. I can't imagine a better way of doing it.
  5. Like
    Rose reacted to Kaguya in Favorite Visual Novel Artists   
    Guys, it's fine not to report this type of thing.
    I'm not going to merge a new thread with something from february. If they were like, within the same week or something it'd be fine, but other than that leave it be  
    As for the topic, go Yuusuke or go home.
  6. Like
    Rose got a reaction from Mugi in Fate/Grand Order   
    Irisviel is pretty much a healing machine though, a Medea Lily lite in a sense. Not the best at what she does but still offering a different option with her guts-giving NP.
    Well, being low level and not having a good team is naturally going to hinder your progress during events, most of the old players just roflstomp through everything.
    Not gonna deny that but I don't think this is how things should be handled regardless. Besides, all I use all day everyday is Kintoki/Herc/Lancelot for farming, even did the whole America with them. Zerkers are addictive. 
    Not really, I technically have a better option for anything the freewares offer except for Iris now. I really don't like the idea of free Servants being simply better than the ones you rely on luck - and money - to grab, even less so when most of the player base won't have any trouble getting those. I'd be all in for them if they offered unique gimmicks though, would make them feel special rather than just a cookie for taking a stroll on the event map a few times. Edison would have been a super cool event prize for his Concept Improvement, not an overpowered skill but unique in usefulness. Shiki's reduced insta-kill resistance skill is kinda like that too now that I think about it, taking my complaints about her back, pretty sure most Assassins are simply bad too so she's gucci. :3
  7. Like
    Rose reacted to solidbatman in Fuwanovel tab using up to 30% of my CPU   
    Too many dank memes for your computer to handle 
  8. Like
    Rose reacted to Darklord Rooke in Fuwanovel tab using up to 30% of my CPU   
    You wouldn't have this problem if you were using Rooke's superior theme, y'know ...
    Just sayin'.
  9. Like
    Rose reacted to Tyrael in Goodbye to one member, OriginalRen and what you remember about him   
    Honestly, Ren has left and come back to Fuwa so many times that it has basically become a meme at this point.
  10. Like
    Rose reacted to Darklord Rooke in Insults an indicator of peope's banal use of language   
    I dunno about anyone else, but I'm finding the common insults in the English language rather dull. Not that the English language is incapable of good insults, just that the majority of people rely on previously written ones which have been used to death and are just boring. An indication not only of people's general lack of creativity, but their uninspired use of language in all forms of their life.
    'Go fuck [insert person.]' 'Screw you'. 'Fuck you.' 'Go home [insert derogatory term].' All generic, all boring. Do insults REALLY carry weight when we trot out regurgitated crap like this? Surely a few seconds of thought would be worth the added meaning it would give to the abuse?
  11. Like
    Rose reacted to Funyarinpa in Just venting about anxiety disorders and how sucky they are. Time to get personal.   
    I'm sorry you suffered so much pain. I can't relate, but best of luck. There'll always be somebody to listen to you, never forget that. It'll be okay.
  12. Like
    Rose reacted to Jade in Fate/Grand Order   
    At the very least, this event give us a bunch of tickets.
    But yeah, rather than just the reward the whole event is kind of shabby
  13. Like
    Rose reacted to Darklord Rooke in Books!   
    You might want to consider reading more modern books. With publishing companies losing money, they've recently started cutting down their editing departments significantly, so much so that people are constantly (not really constantly, but constant relative to before ...) complaining of proofing errors. It seems sometimes done by software these days, so you'll get words which are spelt correct but they're the wrong word, and it happens far more often than it used. Which is sometimes funny, cause you see shit like this :3

  14. Like
    Rose reacted to Darklord Rooke in 12345 POSTS AMA!   
    … Wha?
    When you tell that story to your grandkids, you should change it from ‘broke my forehead against a desk’ to ‘broke my forehead rescuing a small child from a rampaging rhino.’ Sounds better :3
  15. Like
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    Rose reacted to Makudomi in Dovac : Which do you want more console ports or adult versions of games.   
    I couldn't care less about R18 scenes but even I can't sign off on removing existing content from a product to suit regulations. That just betrays the creators' original vision.
  17. Like
    Rose reacted to john 'mr. customer' smith in Vorathiel and A Profile   
    Just curious, but why aren't you sending a pm?
  18. Like
    Rose reacted to XReaper in Looking for translated philosophical/morally grey vns   
    as for translated ones, there you have swan song, which is as ethically & morally grey-ish as it can possibly get.
  19. Like
    Rose reacted to Decay in 22 million women played otome dating apps in 2014   
    "And get off PC," can't they be on both?
  20. Like
    Rose reacted to solidbatman in The longer the better?   
    A VN should take as long as it needs to tell its story. There should not be some time limit set. "Oh hey guys, we're about to go into the 30 hour range, lets wrap this up." On the flip side, VNs should be less like Clannad or LB! where shit gets dragged out and out and out for no reason as I find that acts as a detriment the story. 
  21. Like
    Rose reacted to Clephas in The longer the better?   
    In my experiences, a long VN that is good will not always feel long, whereas a short VN that is terrible will almost always feel longer than it is.
    To be blunt, it is possible to write a short VN that is good.  Narcissu is an obvious example of this.  However, it does place limitations on the writer, in the sense that he needs to be able to pack the entire meaning of the story he is writing into a smaller package.  Just because something is longer doesn't mean it is better.  I've played many horrible and long VNs out there... most of the best VNs I've played were pretty long, but that is more a function of the fact that a lot of the best writers out there are long-winded.  There are at least some writers who can pack a lot of meaning into a small package without making it seem hurried or cut short.
    Satsukoi is a fairly obvious example of this.  It is a pretty short VN (shorter than most charage, which are generally as short as a multi-path VN gets).  However, it is one of those VNs I will probably still remember twenty years from now, by name, lol.
    Eden is a good translated example of this.  If you are a reasonably fast reader, it is possible to complete it in five hours... and yet it packs a great deal of emotion and story into that five hours.
    Edit: In the end, how much content is packed into a certain amount of text is a matter of the style and skill of the writer.  A poor quality VN is a poor quality VN, regardless of length... and the reverse is just as true.
  22. Like
    Rose reacted to Suzu Fanatic in The longer the better?   
    As a older fella (a real one, not you kids in your mid-to-late 20's claiming to be "getting old" ), I like a game and/or VN to be long - mainly because I'm cheap and like my money to go further. But also, and more seriously - it's like a good book - you don't WANT it to end, so the longer it goes (without over-staying its welcome) the better. I WANT it to take up my time - if it can keep me busy, and it's something I can get invested into - then it's a huge plus for me. Why would I want just a fleeting glimpse? To me, instant gratification sucks.
    Honestly, the shorter stuff seems more suited to those with low patience, or busy lives - I have neither. People can complain about "filler", but to me, that's just a sign of someone bored with the genre overall - and looking for  new and unique stimuli. I like my filler, if presented in a good fashion.
    On a side note, I admit I hold some bias against short stuff, as I automatically put those devs in the camp of "couldn't be bothered to put more effort into it". Which I realize is unfair - but you used to get a lot more for your money then you do nowadays, undeniably.
    Some will dispute this example, but still: I come from a time when books were read by many, frequently... And I can say that most books worth their salt were a far bigger timesink then any medium I've come across since.
  23. Like
    Rose reacted to Jade in Fate/Grand Order   
    Don't you have anything better to do flutz?   
  24. Like
    Rose reacted to Jade in [PSA] Where's muh Fuwachat?   
  25. Like
    Rose reacted to Nosebleed in WT Maker Project   
    I'd definitely love to make use of an app like this, linear walkthroughs are fine if all you want is the ending itself, but diagrams let you discover a route without fearing a wrong choice. I think a downloadable program is more practical in general but I wouldn't mind using a web app either.
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