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Mr. Meogii

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Everything posted by Mr. Meogii

  1. Lol did I ever say it was easy :3 ? This is something you have to work on yourself.
  2. I think you shouldn't let anything bad people say to you get to you. Period.
  3. Lol nobody knows ! We should all really start reading fuwa's rules XD
  4. Lmao great stuff mate XD made me laugh for sure XD "is it fu-wa or is it Fwaa ?" XDDD
  5. Amazing development. Considering the fact that this game was released on the 15 of this month XD
  6. I don't really know the specifics but I found a site that is aware of this problem and has set up a guide to help you. In my opinion I was look to install a novel because I have not experienced any problems when I have. http://meganecchi.tumblr.com/dmmdsetup this is the sites link\ I know it's late but I hope this will help.
  7. Ok. Thank you for your time. In fact, i'm sorry for wasting it. I was embedding information there.
  8. Why is it that they're members with custom titles that do not have over 500 posts ?
  9. She is my newly Favorited Loli XD She is too damn cute. The sudden urge to her protector is growing XD dammit
  10. Lol like where did you get this information?! I really think it should be in the help section (members-sub section) , so that little individuals like myself or anyone else will be able to find it easily.
  11. Hello there. welcome to fuwa. I am extremely sorry for being late. I do hope you have enjoyed your time here so far though. I second Dim on this one Grisaia is a really great read. Take care and remember to not become a stranger ! :3
  12. I remember Tay making a thread concerning this and a lot of issue. My memory is not that great but I think I remember Tay saying that if a Member has made more than 500 posts on fuwa they are deemed to have contributed a lot to fuwa and if they contact a staff member they could get a custom title. I searched the help section but I did not find any information regarding this in the "Members" sub section. I think it'd be nice if it were there. Also I've also noticed some members having the custom title but at the same time their number of posts are not at 500.
  13. I Apologize for acting upon impulse
  14. If you are one of those people that judges the art of a visual novel before even reading half of it's story i'm gonna just say relax. Bad art also has it's pros. Lol if all art was good how would we be able to differentiate bad art ?XD
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