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Mr. Meogii

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Everything posted by Mr. Meogii

  1. Art does not matter right XD It's only after people realize that the story sucks that they begin to judge the art.
  2. Mon, I sense you are getting a little bit emotional here so let me clear the air. There is nothing wrong with yaoi. I am simply not interested in it. Just like you are not interested in Moe and Kuudere. Understand ? I accept that there will be people that love yaoi and traps and I have nothing against them, heck I love reverse traps but I won't say that I like them as well. Because if I did, I would be denying who I am.
  3. The minimum requirement is 1280x720. If you don't have that you won't be able to run the game.
  4. Racist like comments might sometimes be seen as racist. But the person is actually not racist per ce.. Older generations I've seen come with such comments. But they aren't actually pointing out their skin or etnhic. They are looking at that culture and the group of people connected to it with dispise. I don't really see this as any different from normal putting people into groups and defining them. We all do it. As for people beliving that other races are more stupid than the other, they are plainly ignorant or irrational. Could you please give me an example of a racist comment that is not actually racist ?
  5. It may seem that way to you mon But to others, (who do not always have the same perception), It may seem like the person is into Yaoi. We are all different.
  6. And there you have it! lol
  7. The art is not important to me. The story has to be good though. When the story is not good a person tends to pay his or her attention to other things, like for instance the art style. This is just my opinion.
  8. Ignorant people! I've met a lot of us based students in my past and some not all think all Arabs are terrorists. Some take it as a joke and some don't.
  9. This is mon and he will never change! Accept mon's monness!
  10. Racist like comments might sometimes be seen as racist. But the person is actually not racist per ce.. Older generations I've seen come with such comments. But they aren't actually pointing out their skin or etnhic. They are looking at that culture and the group of people connected to it with dispise. I don't really see this as any different from normal putting people into groups and defining them. We all do it. As for people beliving that other races are more stupid than the other, they are plainly ignorant or irrational. I've already mentioned this early too. Even saying that someone is a racist is racist -_-
  11. Welcome to the forums! I'm not big on chemistry but accounting! Also read Shinigami no kiss. It has a good pace
  12. I watched the series and she was a Tsundere I believe. So I think she doesn't qualify to be my queen. Goume!
  13. Understood. This sena, I should really get into her. Gonna search for her!
  14. No matter We can simply ignore those people.
  15. what's that a traps coming better buckle my pants btw i love traps because there cute to cute Foggy! :3
  16. I'm assuming. Although I don't know for sure. It's worth a try though.
  17. Before you play the game delete everything in the saved data folder.
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