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Mr. Meogii

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Everything posted by Mr. Meogii

  1. Yes that's the spirit Loli-Kun Omgwaad on your phone! How did you do that ? #commencingtopicderailing
  2. Would it be a bother to have a "new topics" option Kaguya ?
  3. Windows 7 is the best! lol Yea sorry I figured out just after that post Kaguya
  4. Is there a specific way to work this ? It only shows me the "members title's" topic I did try that, but doesn't that just show the threads that had been last updated? see the left hand side of the page ? under the "by time period" click the " Content I have not read yet"
  5. Welcome. I'm glad you made the decision to join us here at fuwa. Enjoy your stay !
  6. Lol he is a senior member.
  7. Welcome to the forums Loli-kun I really hope you enjoy yourself here. Don't feel shy to ask if you need anything I recommend that you read "If my heart had wings" if you have not already. One more thing, don't become a stranger XD
  8. OmGawwd there is a fuwa steam group ?!
  9. In my opinion Shinigami no kiss is one that should be dropped. The story was not good for me. But at the end of the day it's your choice.
  10. Lol you went ham Xd. There is nothing wrong with your method of madness if it actually works for you though. I usually download a couple while I'm still reading one so that I have back up.
  11. Focusing on one and two is your best option right now. Learning japanese does take time for some and for others it doesn't so don't be discouraged.
  12. lol I think that has already been settled XD
  13. That shinku of mine My first!
  14. lol leave it set to Locale japan. Don't change it back
  15. A very well thought and comprehensive guide great work! Proper.
  16. Welcome and enjoy your stat here, Foe -_- read a lot. Have fun and don't become a stranger !
  17. Hey Welcome to fuwa Grisaia no kajitsu is as nice as it gets so I recommend it. Enjoy reading and don't become a stranger !
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