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Everything posted by Funnerific

  1. Just as my profile says. I don't do much besides lurking though.
  2. - Purity of both partners - Some funny quirk like the heroine peeing when she orgasms - Rape scenes, or scenes with rape victim heroines - "Sitting" position Anything can be ruined by horrible writing though.
  3. More importantly, how much worse is it than Dragon Age: Origins? Seeing a bit of gameplay, the tactical view looks awful and the combat is Dragon Age II all over again.
  4. This must be why I didn't enjoy it at all despite being Russian. I don't find myself getting any sort of nostalgic feelings about this country.
  5. 静寂というには騒がしい、火照った沈黙を振り払うように口を開く。 As far as I understand, the second part roughly means "to shake off the silence that was growing uncomfortable, I start talking". But what about the first one? I can't figure out the meaning of というには.
  6. I hate Ikikoi's common route too, because it's just as you said. However when I got around to playing character routes, all but Tane greatly surprised me (which I actually thought would be the only playable route, yet it turned out to be the most boring). They're not harem at all, either. I had never liked tsundere before I played this game.
  7. I don't know what kind of problems are you talking about aside from companies allegedly getting less revenue. Of course this is a thread about piracy, what else could it be?
  8. I would never have bought ef if I hadn't played (and loved) the pirated version beforehand. I think it's okay to be inconsistent with the main site. Requesting Stevepost
  9. I spent the whole day today playing it and found it very addicting. Monsters are completely overpowered right now. I won all ~10 games that I played as one and lost about 50% as a hunter. Getting stuck in matchmaking did happen a couple of times, but not to an unbearable degree. Unfortunately, steam guides are already completely flooded with bad jokes about this.
  10. No problems with kanji, currently trying to climb the big step to Intermediate Japanese.

    1. Amagami



    2. Funnerific


      Thanks :) I can barely wait to read JP VNs at an acceptable speed. The amount of vocabulary can be overwhelming (especially in those H-scenes, oh god) and sometimes I can't understand the grammar.

  11. That's strange, I just tried it and it worked for me. Is the scenario.xp file located in the folder named "backup"? You need to move it to where the .exe is. If that doesn't work, I've uploaded the scenario.xp file for you - try it.
  12. This is a problem with the script. Save right before the line that gives the error. Move your scenario.xp folder outside of the game's folder, then find the backup file in the game's folder. If I remember correctly it has the .BAK extension. If so, rename and remove ".BAK" in it. This should revert the scripts back to Japanese. Advance one line past the one you have problems with and then save again. Remove your scenario.xp file and get the old scenario.xp folder back into the game's folder. Let me know if this works. When I had this problem, I went the hard way of downloading the game in Japanese, installing and getting the scenario.xp out of there but you shouldn't need to go that far. P.S. you can find the walkthrough in Japanese here. Find 柚純 (Yusumi) (you can use the search function in your browser) then just run those choices by google translate. Note that it doesn't start with the first ones because they appear earlier in the walkthrough (before 【セーブ1】 in the uppermost box)
  13. 14,400 It's pretty shameful, since I take pride in my English, but I just don't bother learning words that only ever appear in literature and are not crucial to understanding the meaning. Or maybe I've just been lazy for the past few years.
  14. I'll go with Killer Queen. I found the climax of the second episode to be pretty impressive. My biggest "wow" of all time goes to ef though, for reasons mentioned in spoilers above.
  15. I didn't like Narcissu or Planetarian one bit, but this is minori we're talking about! Not being hyped for eden* is out of the question. Nice review, by the way. I'm worried about the 18+ version though. Since this is a linear plot game with several heroines, it will probably involve sleeping around with no consequence. I hated Kamidori because of it.
  16. I don't have a good enough ear to tell good VAs from bad ones, but if I had to pick one my favourite would be Yumiko Nakajima for her role as Yuuko in ef, thanks to a few certain scenes in the visual novel.
  17. Canvas 2 Can't say I like the game though. The protag is a self-entitled son of a bitch.
  18. What do you guys mean by "click and play"? Doesn't the majority of VNs have no gameplay anyway?
  19. You can read this at a good pace with your current level http://vndb.org/v5244 You'll still have to look up some words though or play in VNR.
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