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Everything posted by Funnerific

  1. Went back to finish it a year after doing the first route. Time well spent.
  2. Whatever you do, kids, don't learn from this.
  3. Was it this? Though it's not about plurals.
  4. You do realize you can just turn off the voices in the options menu in any visual novel, right? Many even offer that option separately for different characters.
  5. It still has lots of user-created courses and nothing stops you from making your own, as you definitely should eventually do for pulling words and expressions out of wherever you encounter them as you interact with Japanese things. I honestly don't know the state of other SRS, but so far I haven't felt the need to move from Memrise (I have private courses for 2000+ words and 250+ kanji over there already).
  6. One of the few regrets I have in life is failing to confess to my high school crush on the last day. Even if I got rejected, I could at least consider the matter to be over. Several years later, without keeping any sort of contact, I have no idea how to approach her or even what she's up to these days.
  7. Thanks for reviving it, guys. I thought nobody wanted a thread separate from the common one. Just finished Hello,good-bye. Difficulty-wise it was above anything I've read up until now, what with that politics vocab and all. Stopped taking new words at ~200 and just read normally from that point on, it was much easier past the (long) prologue. Possible minor spoilers below I also finished Supreme Candy and Yui no Kotonoha a while ago, while this thread was dead. Some thoughts on Supreme Candy with possible minor spoilers.
  8. Darbury, if I ever start a TL project, be my editor.
  9. Just because you failed doesn't mean others can't do it. I'm reading untranslated stuff quite well after a year of learning.
  10. It's somewhat good, just don't go in with expectations for the protagonist and don't believe the "Pure Love Story" tag.
  11. Played Witcher 1 and 2 several times over, long ago. Pre-ordered Witcher 3 but still haven't even installed it, probably won't touch it until next summer. I get awfully addicted to these games and considering Witcher 3's expected length it will no doubt completely destroy my lifestyle. I've still got important stuff to do, after all.
  12. Actually by type 20 I meant the beret (no glasses). I have Enemy Within but you seem to have more clothes available anyway, why's that?
  13. Actually, I'd like you to put a helmet (type 20) on my character and change the armor deco to type 1, if it's come to that. Also remove the extra "F" in the last name.
  14. Reading Hello, Good-Bye. Would you look at all this politics vocab.

  15. Name: Funnerific Nickname: Fun Gender: Male Nationality: British/American (up to you) Race: Caucasian Skin colour: white No helmet Hair colour: Brown Facial hair: none Armour colour: red, preferably dark red Good luck. EDIT: Make something like Beaglerush's "Ironman Impossible" series. What he had before he started posting hour-long unedited videos was the best XCOM thing ever.
  16. Ryou (Ikikoi) I never liked tsundere and hated her initially, so I ended up playing her route last. My tastes then took a U-turn.
  17. Finished H2O -Footprints in the Sand- What an unsettling mix of carefree comedy and harsh story it was. Loved it though. The plot, characters and music were pretty nice (the ED song is damn good), but probably the best thing about this VN is the art. I picked it because I liked how Ikikoi did some things like the protagonist with a face in many CGs and while I certainly was disappointed on that front, I still loved it. Dem >15 CGs with sunset in the background. the atmosphere. Don't have anything to rant about this time, except for how much of a moege kusoge the side story Root after and another is. Out of curiosity I went to see the anime, was greatly disappointed several times over the first two episodes and dropped it before it distorted my experience any further. If I didn't have the game to compare to, however, I might have loved it. Hayami best girl.
  18. It crashes like every few hours, but autosaves literally every line or two. My biggest complaint with it is how broken the gallery is, the CG variations will be shown in a wrong order (like in an H-scene it'll start with a "cum" CG and then move on to "clean" one, and so on). If you found a new CG at the time the game crashed, when clicking on it in gallery it'll be shown all grey "same as the crash screen". You won't be able to use a text hooker on it either, however it has a fullscreen windowed mode which speeds up the process of looking up words somewhat. Otherwise I'd say it's a pretty good charage, judging by Haruka's route at least. The other 3 heroines appear awfully generic. Edit: This game is one of the best things I've ever played.
  19. I played a couple of this and that before, like a single route in Haruka na Sora and some insignificant stuff here and there, sometimes dropping it. Up until now my biggest accomplishment was finishing a single route in Haruka Kanata but it didn't feel like much. Also when I'm not in the mood to take vocab I just keep reading so long as I understand what's going on even if I don't know a few words, so there's that. Take is as you wish.
  20. Since the old thread appears to be gone, I decided to restart it. Please merge it with the old one if you find it. Just finished my first big untranslated visual novel, Astraythem! With my vocabulary of ~2000 kanji and ~3000 words it took me about 6 days of focused reading. What is this feeling of accomplishment? Loved it while playing, but grew to hate some parts of it more and more towards the end (see spoiler rant). If you've played it, I'd love to hear your thoughts on this game.
  21. Finished Astraythem, graduated from EOP.

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