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    Chronopolis reacted to Parallel Pain in Japanese Help Thread   
    Isn't it just "I'm telling you there are things you can't get from club activities"?
  2. Like
    Chronopolis reacted to Parallel Pain in Japanese Help Thread   
    According to google 合 is how you count the number of times weapons collide.
    I am assuming the line is either an quote explanation or a narration.
    "Take one full power strike, like swordsman's weapons clashing, and turn that, as if if were a faint, into a second, a third strike. That kind free changing action is the essence of the Prime School duelling style."
  3. Like
    Chronopolis reacted to Nuka in Finding motivation for reading when you just cant seem to get to it?   
    I couldnt be happier to say im over this bad stage FINALLY and back on track. Spent the day almost finishing second route of Saya no Uta and starting Hanakos route after finishing Emis of KS. Hopefully able to start another VN during the weekend! Yay
  4. Like
    Chronopolis got a reaction from SaintOfVoid in What are you reading? Untranslated edition   
    Who was Hinata again...?
    I've been steadily reading 灰と幻想のグリムガル (actually a light novel, not a VN). Really been enjoying it for what it is: a party-based RPG fantasy story with heavy character focus. Glad it actually occurred to someone to write a story like this.
    I plan to read Omega no Shikai -Shiki no Hajimari next. The OP/ED's are great (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OHQ4YaQAyyI) , and I have faith in the doujin producer to make something good and engrossing.
    though I might try Tokage no Shippo Kiri for psychological gore.. 
    I was thinking about playing 滅び朽ちる世界に追憶の花束を but it's slightly similar in emotion to 灰と幻想のグリムガル so that's on hold.
  5. Like
    Chronopolis reacted to XReaper in What are you reading? Untranslated edition   
    took me long enough rallying for others to also experience the greatness that is nekobanana´s omega no shikai. no regrets so far. last entry is awesome as well. think i´ll write some lines after having seen it through, though there´re still circletempo´s w-standart wonderland and re-world3 which need to be finished first, heck i did even switch over to liquid food, for having at least little more time at my disposal...

    btw i strongly suggest you taking your time whilst reading the series above, partly confusing as hell/ a clusterfuck of weirdness and totally not suited as something to be done on the sidelines. i also recommend you non marathonning its entries, one after another, to prevent them from loosing impact and their charms as well. anyway enjoy!

    edit. heathen, burn for non feeling like start reading 滅び朽ちる世界に追憶の花束を. it´s a straight kamige, comparable to himawari in terms of impact. not even your fondness coming to grimgar will save your soul. damn you.
    in case you are no fag priorizing shiny-visuals over actual writings, a thing which i´m rather sure of you aren´t, please and by all means try going for the stunningly written 茜街奇譚 -Akanemachi kitan-. quite confident there said work would please your longing for the unique and atmospherically intense more than enough, despite being not that long of a read itself. it´s a story of great dept and more close to a traditional novel, which is also reflected in the quality of writing. the story is mainly told in 3rd person narrative, though it switches to 1st person if needed, and does also make (rudimentary) use of effects when coming to pivotal parts, albeit no flashy ones.
    quite confident there in the shockingly poor tastes of mine, that in retrospect, this is not a works of fiction you personally would have wanted to have missed out on reading through. enjoy!
  6. Like
    Chronopolis got a reaction from XReaper in What are you reading? Untranslated edition   
    Who was Hinata again...?
    I've been steadily reading 灰と幻想のグリムガル (actually a light novel, not a VN). Really been enjoying it for what it is: a party-based RPG fantasy story with heavy character focus. Glad it actually occurred to someone to write a story like this.
    I plan to read Omega no Shikai -Shiki no Hajimari next. The OP/ED's are great (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OHQ4YaQAyyI) , and I have faith in the doujin producer to make something good and engrossing.
    though I might try Tokage no Shippo Kiri for psychological gore.. 
    I was thinking about playing 滅び朽ちる世界に追憶の花束を but it's slightly similar in emotion to 灰と幻想のグリムガル so that's on hold.
  7. Like
    Chronopolis got a reaction from Bolverk in What are you reading? Untranslated edition   
    Who was Hinata again...?
    I've been steadily reading 灰と幻想のグリムガル (actually a light novel, not a VN). Really been enjoying it for what it is: a party-based RPG fantasy story with heavy character focus. Glad it actually occurred to someone to write a story like this.
    I plan to read Omega no Shikai -Shiki no Hajimari next. The OP/ED's are great (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OHQ4YaQAyyI) , and I have faith in the doujin producer to make something good and engrossing.
    though I might try Tokage no Shippo Kiri for psychological gore.. 
    I was thinking about playing 滅び朽ちる世界に追憶の花束を but it's slightly similar in emotion to 灰と幻想のグリムガル so that's on hold.
  8. Like
    Chronopolis reacted to Deep Blue in What are you reading? Untranslated edition   
    I tried to read white album 2, it was a bit hard to follow and the theme overall didnt click for me(musical themes are not my thing), to spend so much effort into it is not worth it... I'm finally going to play ashita no yukinojou (while finishing hinata's route in giniro)
  9. Like
    Chronopolis reacted to Dergonu in What are you reading? Untranslated edition   
    I have been reading Tokage no Shippo Kiri recently, but after doing most of Kanau's route, I had to take a break. I'm really enjoying the game, but since the last 3-4 games I played were all psychological guro titles, this is really wearing me down. There is something about the MC that is just messing with my head atm, lol. Will get around to finishing it later on though. So far it has been very good.
    In the meantime I felt like I needed something lighter, and I have started reading Shuffle essence+, finally. I loved Shuffle back when I read it the first time, and always wanted a Kareha and Mayumi route. Now I get to play them, yay! The new heroines seem interesting too, though they have had little screentime in the part I have played so far. Went through the common route all over again, as the new version has a few new scenes, and I'm now just starting Mayumi's route. (My favorite character in Shuffle.) Can't wait to read more. (I haven't read much, and yet she has already broken the 4th wall like 3-4 times. So great )
  10. Like
    Chronopolis reacted to Bolverk in What are you reading? Untranslated edition   
    Completed multiple short vns in jp. Narcissu, True Remembrance and Phenomeno . They have english translations. But I am like: "Eng vn's? What's that? Do you mean OELVN?"  <Jp only 4 laifu, I haz no choice>
    Completed Baldr Bullet as well. Rather interesting read in the context of it being the first "baldr" game. It's rough in the edges. Really short but with a lot of stuff put into it. So it feels rather like.. Why didn't they do more here? They don't go too deeply in the setting and such either. Making the experience feel light. Leaves you a tad too unsatisfied, combined with the short length of the vn.
    Still. It was an enjoyable ride honestly. Good action. Funky sci-fi stuff, although it was sadly gone over too quickly. Good old Baldr gameplay. Military setting, I love that. Also most H-scenes have like 6+ CG's in 2 mins *laughs*. 
    This game feels a bit like BSZ in how the plot and people are really silly. But it has sci-fi stuff and setting is interesting. But BB gameplay keeps being fun and doesn't break. Also it doesn't have much "pointless" scenes either. So I found myself enjoying BB more than BSZ, even with all its flaws.
  11. Like
    Chronopolis got a reaction from Dergonu in Kimi e Okuru, Sora no Hana Translation Project   
    Good luck on your project! I like MANYO's music and the way the game has the ending list. Haven't played it, but from what people say it's probably Cabbit's best work.
  12. Like
    Chronopolis got a reaction from Aleister in Kimi e Okuru, Sora no Hana Translation Project   
    Good luck on your project! I like MANYO's music and the way the game has the ending list. Haven't played it, but from what people say it's probably Cabbit's best work.
  13. Like
    Chronopolis reacted to Bolverk in What are you reading? Untranslated edition   
    Recently completed  私のリアルは充実しすぎている   My first otomege I've read so far. So hard for me to say what to think of this vn compared to other vn's in the genre. Anyhow. I found it pretty good. Put simply it has a setting where the protag is a girl and otaku. But she hides that and is all serious and ass straight in school. Inside she has rather hilarious dialogue because of this.   I was actually surprised how the vn is actually quite serious in some ways about the setting of the protag. Rather than just making good comedy out of it. It is played on in different ways in each of the routes mostly rather nicely. It's not amazing or anything like that. But enjoyable. The vn is mainly romance focused.    Rather curiously for me. Playing a otomege for girls, while I am a dude. I found myself being a bitch while looking at the dude-heroines. I was basically like: Protag, Stop, talking, to this dude. He's disgusting, きもい、きもい。fuck off. Rather hilarious/interesting experience. Reminds me of when I first started playing vns.   Some stuff I liked as well was how it was different in from normal 18+ games (eroges) for dudes. You had a nice amount of cg's. Most of the cgs are used to show the characters in a scene or something like that. Usually being hilarious, moe, or something. Eroges then to just have the majority of the cg's on h-scenes or silly 20 sec scenes. Reminds me how well the cg's were used in subahibi. Instead of the icha icha scenes at the end, which are pretty common in eroges. The game just ends when they kiss. Glorious I say. Although. Instead of icha icha you have these dudes being shy and all throughout. Wtf. Gay. Lewl.    押井 有  きもい!死ね!姉崎 隼 うげえ、死ね!希美は可愛いだけど、ワイフだぜ。  
  14. Like
    Chronopolis reacted to Tyr in What are you reading? Untranslated edition   
    Which endings do you consider "bad"? It's not that clear since there is a lot moral ambiguity.
    To be honest, the good ending and the true ending had the biggest impact on me. I already wrote a 2000 words wall of text to @Deep Blue discussing the novel ^^, so I will make it short this time: Natsu no Kusari is by far the best eroge I've read in recent years.
    Usually, I like short novels far better than the longer ones, simply because I can't stand filler material.
    I started reading Inochi no Spare and it really offends me.
    The story in that game doesn't make any sense. It's not just stupid, it's offendingly stupid. It's offending because it uses a real problem and uses it for cheap drama. It's offending because it assumes that the reader wants cheap drama without any substance.
    You need to be intellectual retarded to actually care for the characters or the story. And that's offending because the theme of the game is far too serious to make light use of it.
    The core theme of Inochi no Spare is that parents force their childs to give their lives for the older sibling. And that is just offending. It doesn't make any sense. No parent would do this. This is not a real existing problem in our society.
    To compare it with the movie My Sister's Keeper which has a similar story: The mother would NEVER expect her child to die for her sister. NEVER. She expects her to help her sister, but not to die for her. That's a real existing moral dilemma. That makes sense. But the writer of Inochi no Spare tried to make the DRAMA more extreme and instead of just "helping" the sister she now needs to "die" for her. And that is just nonsense. It's offending. It's ridiculous that the writer and Akabei Soft 3 even thought that this would be a good idea. And that the reader would fall for this nonsense.
    How socially retarded must one be to be emotionally involved in such a forced melodrama with no logic or real world resemblance? You really need to live in a 2D world to accept BS like this.
    Well, I hate Akabei Soft 3 and all their games anyway, so this wasn't really a surprise for me. If there is one eroge company which stands for anything that is wrong with modern eroge, it's probably Akabei Soft 3. (And Silky's Plus close behind lol).
  15. Like
    Chronopolis reacted to Funyarinpa in What are you playing?   
    The House In Fata Morgana fucking went real fucked places real fucking quickly, ironic for a VN about a mansion (a stationary object).
  16. Like
    Chronopolis got a reaction from Deep Blue in What are you playing?   
    Haha, I think I turned into a Buddhist monk in the process of reading Muramasa.
    Progress? What progress? There is only the act of reading.
  17. Like
    Chronopolis reacted to Deep Blue in What are you playing?   
    I tried reading muramasa, it's fucking nuts, I think for me it's harder than dies irae, they use vocabulary that I've never seen before but it's not impossible to read just tiresome also when they use the yellow text (at the end of the prologue) I cannot understand a shit, that font they use is a pain to read  
    It's fucking epic but i wont read it right now, btw I knew I recognized the voice of Kurusuno Konatsu she is the same voice actress of himeko from narcissu  
  18. Like
    Chronopolis got a reaction from SaintOfVoid in What are you reading? Untranslated edition   
    Finished playing 昴の騎士, which is like a goofy character-focused classic rpg story, now on to 闇鍋企画, which is like a semi-sequel to 魔法少女. Hype hype hype.
    Also playing リズベルルの魔 (on the second volume, chapter 2). リズベルル is so lovable hnng
  19. Like
    Chronopolis got a reaction from XReaper in What are you reading? Untranslated edition   
    Finished playing 昴の騎士, which is like a goofy character-focused classic rpg story, now on to 闇鍋企画, which is like a semi-sequel to 魔法少女. Hype hype hype.
    Also playing リズベルルの魔 (on the second volume, chapter 2). リズベルル is so lovable hnng
  20. Like
    Chronopolis reacted to XReaper in What are you reading? Untranslated edition   
    happened to pause albatross for the moment, guess i currently can not take reading anything non-linear for longer than 7-8h at most, same as works that are voiced, but immediately switched to some newly discovered little whatsnot, called "ノナプルナイン TS:NONUPLE NINE 被験体:999999999", in hopes of it delivering on its initial premise, btw. non falling prey to common tropes and hopefully straying away from the clichee.

    edit: the voiced vs unvoiced dilemma of mine does not neccessarily also include doujinshi, at least not all of them.

    edit2: from the huge armada of partly free, but nonetheless great ones, i happened to read over the last couple of weeks, there were some which stood out the most such as the free and rather short dark-ish otomege named "tryst of prison". not wanting to go much into detail here, because doing so would unevitably come across as rude and spoiler-ish behaviour to those possibly getting interested in said title, but without a doubt the read itself ended up being quite some meaningful experience in my case. despite its overall shortness "tryst of prison" managed to establish a believable setting, needed background-stories and was basically all about a growing, yet somehow strained relationship between madame freelance prisonward and a certain death row inmate, who awaited the imminent execution of his. few decisions had to be made, which mostly led to satisfactionary outcomes, depending on ones own emotional take on the story itself. whilst minor stuff like transitions between dialogues and actual happenings felt sometimes a little off, there was not much to complain besides the aforementioned, and frankly speaking i will not dare to since this is still a works for free. anyway if you are fond of a story playing around with redemption, guilt and forgiveness as its core-elements, go for it, otherwise do yourself a favour and better not.
  21. Like
    Chronopolis reacted to Tyr in Anyone know about this VN: for elise~エリーゼのために   
    I read it.
    It's pretty much the prototype to Sayonara wo Oshiete.
    It's hard to recommend the game because it feels very unfinished. Literally 30 minutes after stuff begins to get interesting the game ends. The ending itself is a huge letdown. But to be honest, that doesn't matter much.
    Everything before the last few minutes is simply perfect even though it seems like only a big prologue building up to something (which in the end will disappoint).
    The depiction of the life of the protagonist, his rise to madness, his interaction with other people and the other people themselves are all written brilliantly. There are so many scenes which I can now, 3 years after I played the game, still remember clearly because they had such a big impact on me and are still haunting my subconscious. (I think it's even better than Sayonara wo Oshiete in that regard, but Sayonara is clearly the better, more refined game overall and features much more themes than just being socially retarded.)
    A special mention deserves the fantastic soundtrack which nearly only consists of creepy arrangements of Beethoven's "für elise".
    To sum it up; I recommend it to every fan of Sayonara wo Oshiete. You won't find a better, more realistic depiction of madness and social anxiety in any other eroge (the closest would probably be Sayonara). Just don't expect a "full game" or a satisfying conclusion.
  22. Like
    Chronopolis reacted to XReaper in Favorite BGM/soundtrack of a Visual Novel   
    a pretty awesome one, if not one of the best osts ever (personal opinion), is from alice soft´s atlach nacha. undoubtably so. gives you the feels, freaks you out, simply eu4ea for ones soul.

    & another one
  23. Like
    Chronopolis reacted to littleshogun in Favorite BGM/soundtrack of a Visual Novel   
    There's an interesting OST from Majokoi here. Not the opening, but rather the music when you opening the diary. It's quite calming and nostalgic here, just like some soundtrack from old RPG.
  24. Like
    Chronopolis reacted to XReaper in What are you reading? Untranslated edition   
    started diving into the new muramasa fanfic thingie + re-reading albatross on the sidelines. originally intended clearing off my mind of anything mecha-related so i could start innocently going for lisbelluru vol.5-6 soon, but-------

    edit: also still working myself through various more promising doujinshi, a task which has pretty much disturbed the mind of mine. *looking at you soramimi
  25. Like
    Chronopolis reacted to Clephas in KARAKARA, Dovac, Twitter wars, and overcharging for adult content   
    Mmm... right now Dovac and Sekai Project are trying to get the best of both worlds with as little risk and as much benefit as possible.  Eventually, their current model is going to screw them over if they aren't willing to settle for a lower margin on the h-material, just from a pragmatic perspective.  If you sell three hundred h-versions but one thousand use the pirate patch who would have been willing to pay if the price was a bit lower... well, you can see who loses out, right?  To be honest, it sometimes amazes me how much Dovac resembles that corrupt pharma bastard Shrkeli in tone and action.  There isn't a whole lot to squeeze out of the VN market at this point, and if you go too far, about two-thirds of the normally-paying community will be perfectly willing to pirate your content if they think it is too highly priced (this is ignoring the people who pirate regardless, as their opinions really don't matter). 
    As a practical matter, the VN community and industry has always been an interlinked seesaw that swings back between surges of piracy and purchases.  This is because a lot of the people in the VN community don't have a ton of liquid assets in the first place, beyond what they need to stay alive and with a roof over their heads.  If you price the VNs too high for the amount of content, the community pirates like crazy.  If you price it too low, you don't make a profit.  If he has a working brain, Dovac will eventually have to strike a balance between overt profit-mongering and sales...  to be honest, his singular talent for alienating the community is pretty amusing from where I stand. 
    As another practical matter, nukige-lovers started the VN localization industry, for all intents and purposes.  Their insane obsessions resulted in the birth of the first VN-localization companies, and they still remain either the largest minority or the majority, depending on whom you ask.  Avoiding h-content when you are trying to sell localized VNs in the West is fairly stupid, because you alienate the most solid, obsessed, and wealthy part of the fanbase... a fact that is what led to them releasing those overpriced h-versions in the first place, lol.  I can see the logic behind what Dovac did, but the man is an idiot when it comes to PR.  The way he speaks on Twitter is like saying to the world that the whole reason he is doing it is to squeeze more green paper juice out of the community and marginalize the h-addicts.
    Edit: To put it a bit more simply... all-ages titles are more likely to draw in the new crowd, but h-content is needed to satisfy the older, more wealthy and reliable crowd.  Dovac is trying to squeeze the more reliable crowd, but he is doing it in a way that is way too blatant and stupid.  Not a scrap of the subtle, manipulative marketer in that man...  he probably is gambling that he won't alienate enough of the solid base with his strategy to lose a large percentage of their purchasing power outright.  Unfortunately, the moron seems to be incapable of figuring his own loose tongue into the equation.
    Once again, Dovac is an idiot. 
    Edit2: The best thing a company president can do in this kind of case is sit back and SAY NOTHING.  Don't reply, don't throw insults, don't make reasoned arguments.
    Just shut up and let the community fight it out amongst themselves.  There are enough people here willing to justify his case without having him throw a nuke into the ring. 
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