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Everything posted by hsmsful

  1. I played with ekko on pbe server owned to a friend of mine...... I am quitting this game
  2. Welcome to the forums! Hope you enjoy your stay!
  3. Get it back here! Didn't Ren say there's no singing? Not that I care much
  4. probably for the ease of the rhythm icons skill I think?
  6. Melodrama is still a drama in the end. No need to make things complicated. But I always thought of melodrama as extreme and sick drama.
  7. Congratulations! And I am looking forward to you ruining your throat for our entertainment recording more posts with your glorious voice. : < Did I mention that I am one of your great fans who want to be like you someday? or at least become able to write sarcastic posts and have glorious voice
  8. Newcummers keep cumming, I am indeed so happy (Ignoring the fact that next time I visit fsg, I will probably be more of a stranger )
  9. BAKA

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. HMN



    3. Monmon


      cmon goread starless....it will mke ur exam easier

    4. HMN


      i'm not really in the mood..

  10. Playing SIF , hoping to rank up higher in league of legends , my mom's cooking and maybe a vn if I am so interested in it and that's it.... at least atm..
  11. Hidoi desu I am too young to be bald Next person is drinking coffee
  12. I finally hit 25k and got my umi So happy I didn't know getting it would make me this happy
  13. Welcome to the forums!
  14. I do workout , I even have that one sexy pack ab. It's so more wonderful and bigger than those ugly six packs abs hmph. My left hand gets a lot of exercise as well and I think that my fingers get too. Enough with the sarcasm, I do plan to go next week and start working out but I also expect myself to laze and stay at home as every summer
  15. I don't remember how much but it did takr a while for me but my memory is so vague and this is Egyptian internet soooo
  16. All of a sudden , I start to think I am very lucky >.> , I shouldn't jinx it though and well tbh I would say that I participated more in this score match event because it's more fun than grinding tokens by finishing a song over and over again >.> That's still just me probably
  17. Happy gaming has a nice ring to it Anyways hi and welcome to the forums Hope you enjoy your stay!
  18. as long as you're a regular player and with over 75 LP anf remain LP efficient* I should really stop trying to fc hards and start trying not to fail in experts or I will not be able to do anything in any future events ... sigh...
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