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Everything posted by hsmsful

  1. Way to go, that's how you should do it Confession: I am an expert at wasting time and cramming. I do amaze myself to be honest
  2. I am so AAAAAAAAAGH? Also I think of her more as a sibling so it doesn't matter, one has to stay loyal to his crush (until she rejects him which happened two weeks ago ) And if u did it with an online friend, it still counts. Tbh it is not really that big of a thing if u have no mutual feelings what so ever. I refrain from letting my libido take over or I will overthink every situation happening and become insane which is not something I desire. >implying that I am sane
  3. I was never depressed except for one time when I saw ruka's alternative ending in steins;gate. But I recovered quickly if I do say so myself. Ofc many endings in the vn I read hit me hard but nothing did to the point where I would br actually depressed for days. But then again I haven't read really tragic vns
  4. False... I will only grant wishes for myself Next person has watched the tsukihime anime and hated it
  5. I think you are being too harsh on yourself , your voice wasn't that bad in forms of quality , I have seen worse (Egyptmasterrace) and it's ok if you disconnect, it sometimes happens. It is not your fauly , your luck was bad that's all.
  6. awww thank you, I appreciate it. Confession: I was totally ok with trying alcohol even thou it's strongly forbidden in my religion but stopped at the last second because I am a minor (and I was afraid the guy at the bar might find me out and report me and then I find my dad.... doing his stuffz of giving me lectures and such). Can't I get a good citizen badge already? Edit: another confession: I suck at writing on phones QQ
  7. I am in the 20000s already.... but with hard word and dedication, I can get that SR umi before the end of the event....probably... with 3000 points daily as a pace... It's really sad being a low ranked player :'(
  8. True...... Next person knows how to use a fishing rod
  9. Maybe it's just cuz there's no hideyoshi gender in there yet (?)
  10. /me gives Ezee some warm fuzzies for all he did. Hope you za best
  11. You better surrender to the truth already S;G .... won't.... win
  12. I guess the outcome is already clear , time to go get comyu
  13. While we are on the subject , I would say that I hate looking older than my age, but for some reason people think I am an oji-san (called like that in my first anime convention by every guy T.T). A few incidents have been annoying for me in my life cuz of that. For example I was on the seaside and wanted to ask for a beer , he actually gave me one but then I told him I was a minor and he told me that I look like a 25-year-old guy. Another example was that day when I was lost in another city and a policeman asked where I worked and asked for my ID and was amazed to see I am too young to make one(this one was over a year ago). Finally I was walking with a classmate of mine and we were kinda holding hands and suddenly a guy said "fucking pedophiles" while passing by me and another one told me "isn't she too young for you?" and I just don't get it since I am relatively short (only 170 cm) and I don't look that old. I don't even have that much facial hair ... sigh....
  14. So lemme get this straight. Basically we sang together and then I suicided? Way to go....in the end the guy who spent his time picking flowers and hunting for food and trying to kill a guy two times won. Congratz I am not forgetting the mental breakdown u caused me , Eclipsed. ;-;
  15. Well basically I am spending my days weirdly , whenever I have enough LP for one game I play it. I would even wake up at night to do one. I think I am getting addicted. It's good thou that my parents never let me use irl money for any games. If they let me once, I don't think I will stop
  16. Normally it would be having to talk to people I don't knkw over the phone like the internet customer service or shit like that. But during finals, it would be having so much to study and so little time, I tend tk have the worst nightmares too, this is just sad...(I am in my finals QQ)
  17. Confession:I tend to do voice overs for the main chars in vns loudly in my room that my sis next room has been annoyed several times. Sadly now I only do it when I am alone at home to prevent any sad accidents from happening (like being hit on the head with a frying pan)
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