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Everything posted by hsmsful

  1. Obviously because x years ago, this day was the day when u came to existence. This was the day which was the very reason that now everyone know about me and my awesomeness. And anyways if you are going to look at it from the angle that says it's a normal day, why do people celebrate it? Then u are just telling all day celebrations to go away which is really bad for all these workers out there (National Holidays and stuffz). So yeah Birthdays are awesome. Even more awesome when they are the birthdays of the people you care about and hold dear to your heart!
  2. I feel like you guys finished most of your discussions when I finally started reading it .... well .... I hate my life QQ
  3. Wait so I have to reread Steins; Gate no matter what? I even collected all the CGs and read it two times already someone, save the vn club plz!
  4. Welcome to the forums! Hope you enjoy your stay! become my imouto, plz! I need more imoutos!
  5. People talking about FCing daily specials when u can't even get past them QQ In the meantime, I am really tired after the last event. I have no idea how you guys can go 100% lp efficient during events without getting tired/bored of the game ._.
  6. Welcome to the forums! Hope you enjoy your stay!
  7. Welcome to the forums, Hope you Enjoy your stay! If you play Diablo and Hearthstone, there are threads for them here so you should check them : http://forums.fuwanovel.net/index.php?/topic/6209-diablo-iii/?hl=diablo, http://forums.fuwanovel.net/index.php?/topic/3339-hearthstone/?hl=hearthstone
  8. WELCOME TO THE GROUP! I AM HAPPY I AM NOT THE ONLY ONE WHO LIKES BAD ENDINGS! Now you should really read School days! Hope you enjoy your stay!
  9. Welcome to the forums and I hope you will enjoy your stay!
  10. Happy Birthday Kosaki , I love you and I hope you enjoy it and be the best imouto forever <3
  11. Welcome to the Forums! Enjoy your stay!
  12. INCEST ISN'T WRONG, MY REPUTATION IS STILL GOOD ;-; you should back your onii-sama up here gdi
  13. Who's better than Haru-chan? I tried to look for a good one with Rin but I didn't find any Maybe I would have found if I looked more but my internet sucks and I am busy Full size :
  14. They are not that ugly imo excluding honoka ofc why did I feel so intimidated?
  15. I do hate honoka but that's not the reason I don't wanna get her. I am ok with SR and UR or even the better rares of honoka. But that very shit tier honoka's design is just hurting my eyes. It's like she's calling on someone to end her miserable life. Just look at it T.T "http://imgur.com/0MGtsDj"http://imgur.com/0MGtsDj (dunno how to do the img/spoiler kinda thingied on mob, sorry >.> )
  16. I think I will wait before doing the 10+1 scoutings, since the smile attirbute is the one having more prpbability now and I have enough Smile SRs for now... I will do either cool or second year limited scouting (but god plz no honokas , I love umi and kotori but I hate honoka too much) Also I don't know how the fuck I was able to get tot T4 with only 50 LP and inability to finish experts.... and I was 10k something in terms of rank (after that huge cutoff with 4 k in less than 12 hours for T3). I guess it's because of the anniversary extra gems but who cares? I got (a useless) scouting ticket and 3 gems (got rid of rebecca after getting thr gem, I thought she would look cuter). So when will the next event begin? Hopefully after a while , I need a break ...
  17. So this is a battle of creativity rather than personal and group skills? Or we will know exactly when we are assigned the tasks?
  18. If there's anything I can do to help, I am more than ready to do that
  19. So basically 12 hours ago I was in T3 Slept woke up and I am in T4 Bullshit Going 80% efficient on 8 days was rather paying off (with clearing only hard songs and 50 LP ) and I ended up with like 15 gems profit (idlozlized two norms + three rares. + rebecca + event rewards + album rewards + login bonus) , I have like 55 gems now and there's more login bonus. I used my scouting ticket and got a rare honoka.... at least if u are giving me the shit-tier rares gimme anyone but honoka QQ
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