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Everything posted by hsmsful

  1. Welcome to the forums! Hope you enjoy your stay!
  2. Well excuse me, since I am going to join the crowd
  3. Confession : I played too many barbie games on ps2 with my sis... plus that Diamond smth game where u dress girls/models and do stuff or smth, I don't quite remember , ahhh good ol' days
  4. Nonnon biyori hype, actually this is exactl what I needed , a relaxing slice of life : 3
  5. Welcome to the forums, I hope you enjpy your stay! I once blew up an external hdd full of anime and vns, it was sad and horrible.
  6. I have no motivation, 3 days in and only 6k points, with this pace and inefficiency , I might not be able to get that SR
  7. Unleash more feels beams thou ... plz?
  8. Welcome to the forums and hope you enjoy your stay! but hey I am the last one to talk, I made a late introduction post after roughly a year from coming to the forums
  9. Late Welcome to the forums and I hope that u would enjoy your stay!
  10. hsmsful

    Hey bros

    Welcome to the forums! I hope that you enjoy your stay! If you have any other questions, feel free to ask them.
  11. Just a different look at life you could say, because if I wanted a relationship to actually happen, I wouldn't even have confessed to my crush and I would have waited until I finish college and can actually aim for a longer relationship, a life-long one (you should get what I am hinting at). The way I see dating, it's just a male and a female fooling around in a romantic way, that's all. They are basically satisfying their libidos. Or that's how I always looked at it. Feel free to bash me now : 3 Confession: have spent the last couple of hours looking back at some things I watched in my early days when knowing anime, for example : Lee vs Gaara , lee and Gaara vs kimimaro, Pain vs Jiraya (Naruto) Twin dragons vs Gajeel and Natsu , Natsu vs Jelal (Fairy Tail) Ichigo vs Byakuya, Ichimaru Gin vs Ichigo and his fight with Aizen , some espadas fights (Bleach) And watched some old openings from these shounen anime Oh the nostalgia even thou they are still shit shounen anime imo
  12. First off all, don't generalize. Not all girls are like that. It's like how girls think that we , guys , are hungry wolves and despite many of us being like that, many others aren't. NEVER GENERALIZE. Now as for your question, tbh I think the sole requirement for two people to date each other is to be able to hang out together and have fun time together. That's the sole main requirement. That's only in my opinion. So I called them possible dating candidates because I have fun spending time with them plus I like them (at least physically). inb4 like does not equal love. Although such dating will end one day especially since I am in highschool and it is rare for relationships to continue after highschool. Most people will walk their separate ways. So yeah having a relationship like that have many advantages like being rational, being able to judge things and who knows, maybe you will start to love the other side. Hell I have seen relationships where people only loved each other after they have got really close (in times 2 or 3 years of dating ._. ). So yeah that's why they are possible dating candidates, I feel that I might love them if I get closer to them. You don't have to be all fawning over a girl in order to date her. Other than that, there are many other specific reasons to date these candidates, there's a girl whom I am interested in her life and in her background, there's another girl who's just so gorgeous, there's who said herself she is interested in me but I told her I am not interested in dating anyone atm (hey I was just rejected, I didn't want to enter any relationship right off the bat) ... etc.. A better way to say this is : ^ that If that ever happens irl, just tell me and I will go to see it myself *-*
  13. My commitement for 2D is the worst here and that's because my doctor told me to stay away from porn games and fapping for the sake of my own health... don't kick me out of here plz Well too bad I didn't save my post and I am quite lazy to write it all again but let's say the main point was that I am too fabulous for the girls or smth like that, I don't even remember quite well. I have a similar case but I don't think about it too much, I just call them possible dating candidates. I have only fallen in love with three girls: one had a shitty personality, other one is a troll who likes to play pranks on people (I WAS A VICTIM , OK? OK) and the third one is the crush I talked about here or on the advice thread. I don't love any of these three anyways. As for the possible dating candidates, with time , you can convince yourself that u like any of them but convincing yourself otherwise will still work. So yeah you are totally normal. You are not an alien YET. I was not surprised, I thought it would be firstly moved to the coliseum of chatter. Then it would be locked. You can always create a freedom for the date a fuwan thread thread And right now , we do nothing, we either go back to our confessions or to our chatter ... I am not sure what we are doing anymore....
  14. oh the dating thread was made when I woke up then it got locked ... dang it and I was writing a long entry with lots of trolling in it... oh well guess all my hard work was for nothing
  15. I have another year of highschool and probably another 5-7 years in college if all goes well. In other words, I will still have vacations and free time for more 6-8 years , before I go to work and evolve slowly into a sad old man
  16. Well I am happy I have your same birthday, I don't even have to go and search it for myself
  17. Instant noodles are the best thing made. I have been living on them for a while now .... my parents just told me I would never buy them again and this is an absolute order. Apparently some guy on facebook told them it can bring people cancer and they don't believe otherwise. Oh gawd how many times did I tell them that most of those posts on facebook are fake and are made just for the sake of being shared and making the pages popular ;-; plz ;-; , I am not good at this stuff and I am afraid of being played a prank on... you know a beautiful girl coming to u twice ... is just like a dream come true... too dreamy like to be realistic I don't like to be the nerd whom girls play pranks on (this has happened before to me) and that's why I am really cautious but yeah I shouldn't have run away, I blame my socially awkwardness and my 15 years that I spent at home .... come to think of it, I had too much social life in the last two years (I am 17 now) , maybe I should tune down
  18. or maybe I should man up, if she tried to make any approaches from her side twice, I should start doing some approaches Aren't males the ones supposed to be doing the approaches? I did smth similar to a female friend of mine , she's now a yuri fangirl.... gawd....
  19. oh Welcome to the forums and hope you will be able to finish your project and that it will turn out to be good! Hope you enjoy your stay in the forums too~~~ don't forget to finish heaven's feel, it's great!
  20. hidoi-desu leaving ur friends hanging like that : <
  21. Now I am disappointed ~ But but but you have ur mobile , u can take dem selfies any time~
  22. slowpoke .... I don't know , you might do it or don't But if you are going to take part, plz take a pic of u know what
  23. Since I started playing and left the game multiple times (and so I did with multiple accounts) I don't quite remember my first event, not that I was able to got a SR until I settled with my new account so anyways I think the first event was the one with the natsu owaranaide as event song ? I am not sure , but I am sure it was the tokens event last month anyways.
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