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Everything posted by hsmsful

  1. U don't know how much we admire his beard : 3 u forgot the most important thing : 2D > 3D
  2. It's more efficient to wait till u have 50 gems then scout for honor students since u will get 11 instead of 10
  3. I didn't mean that it is actually better since I didn't read it and I won't judge by the anime but lemme say something else: why would people be so keen on translating something like angel beats which is not fully released yet (according to what I understand, I might be ignorant thou) and I guess if I am right, then as Flutterz said : it's popularity rather than quality
  4. Tohsaka Rin Master Race!
  5. Well for me , I always cheered for side heroines because I just feel bad when they don't grt the mc or have no hope since it has been set in stone when the show starred that the mc will end up with the main heroine. The only times I cheered for main heroines was when there were only them (I guess? Like fmab) but other than that I would go for the side heroines possibly the ones who have loved the mc longer. As for every year, yeah anime is getting lamer, more cliche but as long as Japanese otakus are satisfied and buying figurines, blu rays, watching anime when airing and so on, I don't think this situation will change anytime soon but it's not that bad, every year there are 10-20 anime worth of being watched.
  6. U will understand when u play it. It's forced route system , you have to go saber's route first (fate route) then tohsaka rin's route (ubw) and finally sakura's route (heaven's feel). Your choices only either get u a different ending (possibly at times bad or dead ones but the taiga dojo will tell you why you got them) ot proceed to the true ending. This is the case for the main f/sn game and I don't think realtia nua is different.
  7. Despite that, I don't really get why so many people are interested in Angel Beats vn ._. So much hype when there are relatively better untranslated ones out there
  8. False. I am scared of doing that Next person is still a student in either highschool or college
  9. Well imo I think it will grow but it will grow rather slowly, it's like how anime is growing in the west but on a much lesser degree because of mainly two reason: 1-short attention spam 2-hate on reading for hours, youth nowadays want to play games, engage in relationships and stay away from studying Then again I am judging from the my experience in the middle east which is technically not a part of the west but at least no matter what vns I recommended it to my friends (katawa shoujo, planetarian, nacrissu, steins;gate) they all got bored rathee quickly especially when they asked about the time (apparently 6 hours for a route in Katawa shoujo is long.... idk anymore). And ofc I recommended them to people who can read in english and well tbh the anime industry didn't grow here so much until some anime became arabic subbed so maybe if I do want visual novels to spread here, I will have to sub it to arabic? Dunno maybe that's a factor too although the people I recommended these vns to, watched anime and read manga in english. So far I have only made two people read vns and surprisingly one got hooked on vns by go go nippon and the other by fate/stay night like ... I really dunno anymore T.T I think I have drifted away from the main question but I think that it will rather depend on the people and how interesting the vns are plus if vns are on steam then sooner or later gamers will pick them up... probably...
  10. urusai or be prepared *prepares a gandr shot* uguu I will get you back for this. Just you wait!
  11. C-c-c-circumcised? Plot twist : Goku was the one who did it 5 years ago
  12. True (try to be lewd thou) The next person loves oppai
  13. It's sad to decide such things when I haven't participated in the war *cries*
  14. That pun thou May 9 = goku.... but it is still so lame as a reason Japan plz
  15. Why do I feel like this will turn into waifu wars third edition sooner or later?._.
  16. Dayum I missed some good entries here , should have checked it again. Still waiting for that HMN pic <3 Also I am interested in how a first beer tastes, can you tell me,potat-- I mean Joella-senpai?
  17. 1-Remembering many annoying facts such as how my crush rejected me and still asks me questions (school-related ones) and the fact that I am not a famous cute grill anywhere 2-Having a fked up sleeping schedule. 3-Mosquitos. 4-Having to eat something for breakfast or I will be so hungry later but I am too lazy to do such a thing and have to ask my sister to do it for (who agrees unless she's on her period ) 5-Seeing people arguing about politics. 6-Seeing my classmates talk about girls as if they are their toys. 7-Remembering that I am not a famous cute grill 8-Not fcing a song in LL because of that one small mistake QQ
  18. Then I am really happy to have such a considerate mother
  19. I didn't know this thread existed, read all entries and this made my night ... really Time to say some embarrassing moments for me: I have the habit of jerking off with my pants on so that if anyone barges in my room , I can just alt+tab and continue browsing on facebook so for once I was too tired so I changed my pants and didn't wash them so 30 mins later, my mum picks up my pants after entering my room to wash them and finds that big gorgeous spot. Luckily thou she bought the explanation of I was drinking water and some fell on my pants .... or at least made it look as if she bought it. My sister entered the room once while I was browsing some visual novel cgs (bible black), I pressed alt+tab but I had nothing else open except for but for some reason, she had the courage and curiosity to comr and click on the google chrome icon (I literally froze). Despite that, she bought that this was the result of a troll of one of my friends on fb who sent me the link and I was innocent : <. Other than that, I have been quite safe throughout my life but damn I wish I had more embarrassing moments tch
  20. Well I read the review and it got me interested (although I know that I will be raging since I loathe weak protagonists a lot but then again I am interested in the whole series). I think I will have to wait a little before reading it (to improve ma jap) Thanks again : 3
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