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Everything posted by namiultedjapanXD

  1. Isn't the sexual content in that unlocked after you finish a route?
  2. I originally went Chisato, Isara Mifuyu, Satsuki then Michiru. Personally though I like true routes last so in retrospect I would have liked chisato being last. Ya you don't find out about some stuff but I feel like you can get the gist of it without playing her route first.
  3. Its great! Play it! My reccomendation is to get a full save (You are normally forced to do Chisato first) and then do the routes in this order: Isara ---> Mifuyu ---> Satsuki or Michiru ---> Chisato. This is assuming you are like me and you like to do true routes last and also like saving the better routes for later.
  4. Never be ashamed about Hentai! Blast the volume while you play them. Alpha the fuck out of everyone nearby!
  5. I am thankful that I decided on a whim to read a visual novel. I never was an anime fan, and I'm still not, but I saw Sodapoppin on twitch playing Princess Evangile (I still have no idea why he was playing it lol) and it looked like a nice little feel good story. So I gave it a shot and liked it. When I looked for another good VN to read after finishing PE, I learned about G-Senjou no Mao. That one cemented my interest in VNs.
  6. I've been doing it for around 5-6 months now and I'm surprised at the progress I have made. There are times where I can go on autopilot when reading and its a really cool feeling.
  7. I usually like to do bad ends first and then do the good ends since I like to experience everything but end on a good note, but for this one it isn't worth it in my opinion to get the bad ends. I couldn't bring myself to do it for Aeka's route especially.
  8. Trust me, its worth it. You may want a guide though. The choices that lead to bad ends are really random.
  9. I've been waiting for this one for a while (same with DameKoi)! From the description it looked pretty cool. Can't wait to read it.
  10. I absolutely love winter themes in VNs. Especially when romance is the major theme. I don't know why but it is bu far my favorite.
  11. I've never got a physical copy before because it has never really interested me and it just seems like your are paying more money. However, I saw someone make a post showing their collection and it was actually kinda cool. I get physical copies of WoW expansions so I get the appeal. Unfortunately the appeal of having them on display is ruined by the fact that I keep it a secret that I play VNs xD
  12. Oops forgot to mention I had read that already. Loved the soundtrack in that. Wish there was a bit more in that true route.
  13. Aikagi looks great! I think I'll read this one first. Thanks!
  14. I love the lightish dark skin color like that. Shame its rare I just randomly got the desire to read sanoba. I'm not sure why . . .
  15. Oops forgot she wasn't a catgirl. The dark skinned one. 10/10
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