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Everything posted by Bolverk

  1. Hello lady has this as well. It changes from different perspectives and such. It's neat, which more vn's had this.
  2. Had to do this with one vn because it wouldn't install correctly. Resulted with the skip previous read text function didn't work. Otherwise worked fine lol.
  3. Well.... As long as it works. It floats my boat xD Glad it works for you then
  4. IIIRC the most seeded torrent for that vn was a version that didn't need install. If you got that one. I am guessing the torrent program is messing with it. Stop seeding the torrent in with the game on it or try to copy the game over to another folder.
  5. Completed Re:birth Colony -Lost Azurite- I felt the prologue/common route was nicely done. introduced you to the setting and had a lot of interesting aspects to the world.The Feudal system, how it came to be and how it worked. Living in the city and the nobles and the AI's control over the city. The sci-fi setting was cool imo. The characters personalities come from to their environment they were born in. You see this come into play with the feudal setting.. The endings often easily wrapped up conclusion imo, I'd prefer if there was more bad things happening. I suppose they did it to have happy endings. Due to the fact there is a true route. Most of the story is connected to that. Rather than really branching out to other things. Would be fun with 4 true routes. Still the other routes was enjoyable as well. I liked all of the main characters. Sobbed at some of the endings. ;__; Azurite best girl btw No idea what kind of sprite system they used. But the sprites have a lot of different face and eye expression. Often you only needed to look at the other characters to see what they thought. Voice, bgm and art was all good imo. My end score is 8/10. Kind of some parts I felt mixed about. But overall it was a enjoyable ride.
  6. I can't really see any end to the amount I want to read. Even if I complete VNs on my to read list, I continue to add more... Never ending loop of VN Awesomenessszzz.
  7. I recommend using Google for normal words, and bing for more cultural slang. Actually, you will get both in one if you just choose Chinese to English. Works even better
  8. Nosebleed brings up some important things about RTK. It takes a lot of effort and times to complete. Also it has the flaw you don't remember any readings or multiple meanings. So the main reason to use the RTK is to being able to create a groundwork for each 2200 kanji. With that you can branch out afterwards and learn compounds, multiple meanings and readings more easily. It does create a groundwork, but I feel it somewhat fails on this because: 1. It takes a lot of effort and time to grind through the anki deck. You have to spend time afterwards as well to review the cards, instead of studying text or what you have planned. Most people failing here. 2. Lets say you complete the RTK and study through tae kim's guide. Afterwards you try to read stuff in jp. You will basically try to juggle everything. Grammar, vocab, kanji readings, The RTK meanings will often come in the way 3.RTK doesn't teach you to read read. Practically this means you won't be able to read anything after doing rtk. You might read something like これはいい朝だな。 you'd read it as this: kore wa ii morning da na. So after spendings months reviewing the card, so you instantly recognize it as morning. You will have to force yourself to re-learn it as あさ. So you will have to spend time to change what you've learned. Going from kanji->meaning. To Kanji->reading->meaning I feel this is way too roundabout. Rather you should learn the kanji by it's shape then reading and at last it's meaning. Ideally with words within a context. So considering you will learn RTK kanji's then re-learn what they mean and add readings. I people should rather go a more balanced way, vocab,grammar and kanji in parallel. Now about RTK method itself. I think it's brilliant way to memorize each kanji. The way to break up each kanji into chunks of different primitives (rtk terminology) and have mnemonic for each primitive and kanji. It works very well. For me when I have to memorize things I prefer to connect it to feelings, memory or visualizations in my mind rather than story or learning rule. A simple example: 日 I Imagine standing on a massive Norwegian grass plain, staring at the sun. The sun is big and yellow, I feel sunshine hit my skin and I hear a sizzling (hizzzz) sound from the heat around me. Then it sinks down showing the end of a day. That being said.. It might sound like am bashing RTK. Even if you can rationally think some methods are faster to learn with, learning is highly individualistic. One method might be "effective" but utterly boring and you might drop it or use too little time on it. So you need to have self-realization what works best for you and accept that. I was actually born with a Dakimakura. Nowadays it's so stiff it stands upright.
  9. Completed Soukoku no Arterial (untranslated) It's a Eushully vn with gameplay elements. This game takes a somewhat special twist on the gameplay, you play a card game. I found it surprisingly good and addictive. It's not so advanced longer into the game. Never the less enjoyable. The plot revolves around a group of students that fall into another world (Waibin Sekai). The story is about the group of students and their struggle to survive in that world and about the different factions at war in the world. Now why did I enjoy this vn... I found the world and the characters interesting. The protag is intelligent and changes in the different routes. The story branches off in the 4th chapter when you can choose which side to stick to. Humans, Devils or Angels. You get to see different sides of the factions from each route. Also you get different clues to the story from each route completing your picture of the story. Each character felt alive as they have their opinions and thoughts about the situation. Individually some of the characters don't develop so much as others. I found that fine as there is so many of them.. I suppose my favorite route was the Demon route. It was darker, but a required route to complete the story imo. The adventure of their battles in the Waibin Sekai was fun to read. Despite it's length I didn't have much problem to pour hours into this. I approximately used something like ~90 hours or so. Well spent imo haha. Hardly ever did I feel bored.
  10. CD Projekt has been great since Witcher 1. They also made GoG.com which is a great site imo, drm free games. “Initially, when we were talking to different publishing partners, they were coming over to our studio with focus tests saying, 'Hey! RPG is the trend now. There has to be multiplayer, and multi-character selection, and there has to be a female character.'” said Iwińsk. “And we said, 'No, no, it's about Geralt. We have the books, we have the lore. It's true, it works, it's consistent.' "So we're not talking to these guys anymore,” he added Thank god lol. multiplayer!? Multiple characters!? Wtf, honestly...
  11. Welcome. Very nice piano piece. I love the piano.
  12. Interesting post, thanks for sharing.
  13. As the others mentioned there isn't really a fixed number you need to learn. Depends more on what your endurance is, if you can't handle looking up words. And the reading becomes more of a studying/analysing the text. You should prbly learn more vocab to speed up the process.. I didn't find this a problem in the start. Albeit it was hard, it was rewarding. A natural thought when you start your first vn is to read a vn that is easy, or you don't mind not understanding the text. This is a rational idea.. But keep in mind you will be reading a vn you don't really enjoy. It might intensely piss you off. At least after a while. From personal experience I'd recommend choose a vn you find interesting and want to read, even if it's harder than your standard moege. Ofc you will understand less, but if you can handle that it's more rewarding imo. Clephas beginner list is great btw.. For me I noticed at the start I experienced I a lot of time connected the words I heard with how to read them. As I've heard a lot of the stuff from anime. But I had no idea how it was written or really pronounced. approximately 1000+ hours of anime seen. So no doubt that helped.
  14. If you are good enough in jp you can use jp-jp dic to VNR. It actually checks up words instantly compared to the 1-2 sec delay in jp-eng. Practical if you want to play full screen and practice with jp-jp dic's. Honestly I am too lazy to do this, so I just use TA. Nothing really to add with the rest of the comments, study grammar and basic vocab and read in jp with TA. You will be slow at the first, but after a month or two you will have improved massively.
  15. I've been reading vn's in jp for about a year now. Btw I use TA, it displays furigana over the kanji's. You don't really need to have much knowledge on kanjis if you use TA. I'd advice to study a few hundred basic ones though. As they are used in so many different situations. I learned the kanji, meaning and readings in parallel as I got exposure to them while reading. Reading was a like studying the text at first. After a while you can read the words at a glance. This way of doing it is kinda lacking in learning individual kanjis btw. As many kanjis being used are in compounds (ie 2 or more kanjis together). You practice the readings of each kanji though... So no, I haven't bothered to study how what the kanji readings are. As I haven't needed to.. You need to know the readings to read in Japanese btw. Otherwise your subvocalizing would be mighty hilarious, you'd read like. I cute desu ka? I very nihonjin desu. Might as well take the rest of the day off and sign up to JLPT1 xD
  16. I like waay to many overused tropes as the years have passed. Tsun, yan, dere, -deres etc. Chuuni protag, yeah.. etc A specific guilty pleasure of mine I suppose is harems. I do really like them, even if they don't really make sense. xD
  17. I'd go for 10, maybe with + 10 in scroll. Liked it when the list was bigger. But 7+ 7 is fine as well. It's nicer aesthetically, but 10 is more practical. Either way if it's increased it's a improvement, 5 has always been really short in my opinion,
  18. So moeges, with their main focus being cute girls. Now.. I honestly don't mind some moe here and some moe there. I find it enjoyable, 10 years of anime, manga and vn's does that to you. But when the main focus in moe in a vn. It becomes overboard for me, I simply get bored quite quickly. Just like edwd2 promptly said. As to the question if moeges has any value.. Honestly if people like to read them. It has value for them. So it has value. I prefer vn's with interesting ideas and characters. Makes me dragged into the story and experience. Makes it enjoyable to read, moeges get boring fast.. I disagree that moeges are good for beginners if you don't like moeges. Because then in the beginning they become extremely slow moeges. horrible experience for me tbh.. Read what you find interesting as long as it's not too hard so you give up. That's for the best option in my experience.
  19. I read it in native Japanese because I wanted that. I didn't use patch the game with the eng patch. So yeah..
  20. I read some of this vn is jp. I dropped it because the swordfight infodumps got on my nerves. Might be nicer if you can skip through those in eng.
  21. Welcome Sanda. I wish you good luck on your work with Aya Aya. I hope you enjoy your stay here.
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