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Everything posted by Dreamysyu

  1. ^ Like an ordinary pillow should look like. Welcome back, by the way. < I need to finally start doing something with my sleeping routine. v Who's da besto girl?
  2. I never care that a story is slow if the slow part are done right. I personally love a lot of slow-paced stories, especially the ones that focus on character interactions and development. Some of my favorite stories in different media are extremely slow-paced, to the point that many people will probably find them pretty boring. At the same time, what I really care about is that the story actually has to be good. I don't really want to go through 30 hours of unfunny comedy to reach the good parts, even if the comedic parts actually turn out to be important in the end. Another plus is that, even in the slow parts, the story needs to at least go somewhere. Basing my opinion on the anime, Steins;Gate does it pretty well, and I don't really understand the common criticism about its first half. Actually, some episodes in the second half were actually worse.
  3. Well, I generally prefer to play female characters when I have a choice. They are simply much nicer to look at. Though I never played an MMO game.
  4. Huh. Is this the first VN originally translated on DLsite that gets released on Steam? And is the translation good?
  5. By the way, I get about Umineko, but what did this originally supposed to refer to?
  6. Yeah, same, and I'll die of shame if some people are to find out about it.
  7. Welcome, I guess? You... totally remember me, right? I... wrote several posts about Ever17 in 2016. And a post about Muv Luv. And even made a thread about the route order in the second Grisaia. And that's probably it.
  8. Well, he (?) is listed as an assistant writer for that VN and probably didn't write much there. I wouldn't base my opinion only on that. Edit. But, yeah, it's better than nothing.
  9. I don't know, maybe I just so so unlucky, but out of 3 VN Kickstarters I backed so far, I'm totally satisfied with only one, and this doesn't say much considering the game for it is still far from being released. I guess, it goes without saying why I'm going to be very cautious about backing anything in the future.
  10. Huh? Then I don't really get why they would want to Kickstart it in the first place... Well, she got better with time, but, maybe it's not the nicest think to say, but I think she was the weakest member of the original Key crew.
  11. Technically, former Key's artist. Well, I can see why they decided to do that with this particular project, considering they never released original VNs before. But still. I thought they avoided Kickstarter on principle. As for the game, I literally don't care. My backlog right now is so big that I probably will never get to its bottom anyway.
  12. (out of likes) And, yeah, I can definitely relate about proofreading, considering how many times I ended up submitting the posts that had the opposite meanings from what I wanted to say originally.
  13. I don't know the anime, but the game seems like fun. Though I probably won't get anything, I haven't even watched 90% of all must watch anime, let alone more niche ones.
  14. Hello and welcome to Fuwanovel!
  15. Actually, this question got discussed quite extensively several months ago, you can look it up. And most users already have fixed opinions on that matter, so they often mention it in unrelated posts. I wanted to ask something slightly different and that isn't as discussed. That's it.
  16. Sorry to hear about that you had to go through. Really, I don't really know what to say about that, to be honest. It's great to hear that you're doing much better nowadays, but still, good luck! Also, thank you for another interesting post! I don't follow the subreddit, because, like some commenters above, I prefer the traditional forum structure for various reasons, but it was really interesting to read.
  17. Well, what @EastCoastDrifter was talking about isn't a rule actually, just a good tone. I personally only did an introduction thread about 2 years after I registered here. And, speaking about the rules, could you please stop commenting in the old threads in "Visual Novel Talk" if you don't intend to continue the conversation? Necroposting is fine from time to time, but with what you are doing right now it's simply getting a bit annoying. On the other hand, it's not like some other members don't do the same thing. Right, @Chewy?
  18. Welcome to Fuwanovel and good luck with learning Japanese!
  19. This already sounds like the best VN ever. ~~~~~ Looked through some other messed up tags and found this:
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