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john 'mr. customer' smith

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Posts posted by john 'mr. customer' smith

  1. I'm watching FLCL and as expected, I have no clue what's going on, but I'm still watching it just for the insane(ly good?) visual direction. I know there's supposedly a deeper meaning behind a lot of stuff, but I'm not sure if I'll care about that enough at the end to dig for it

    edit: finished it, I guess it could have been some kind of coming-of-age-story, that's all I can say about it. 

    Now if you'll excuse me, I have this weird urge to go iron my shirts now.

  2. 35 minutes ago, Deep Blue said:

    Congrats on your 500 posts! 

    why didnt you rotate the photo before uploading it? :pyaa: :sacchan:

    Because I'm on a tablet and I couldn't be bothered to find out how:Kappa:

    55 minutes ago, TexasDice said:

    I can't wait for someone to make the "Yay, 250!" post, following the "YUSS! 100!", which in turn is followed by "OMG, 10 posts! Thank you guys so much!!!" :makina:

    Hey, at least this milestone actually means something, namely that I can give myself a bit of extra text on my thingy

  3. Oh look, another one I didn't expect this to take so long (almost a year), but I guess I'm just not as much of a shitposter as I thought I was

    I can't say that I have always agreed with the consensus of this community (if there ever was one) or that I haven't had my fair share of bitter (or indeed salty) aftertastes from some people's posts. And while I can't guarantee that my ever-changing interests won't steer me away from it anytime soon, I have experienced (and learned) some great things, and met some truly awesome people. I have, for example, learned that arguments are flexible and arbitrary things, and that I do not need to hate myself when someone uses them to prove something I emotionally disagree with. And that's not even talking about some of the things I've learned from vns. 

    TL;DR I love you. Yes, you, procrastinating weeaboo, sitting behind your keyboard. You deserve to be happy.

    Also, something something ask me anything (ANYTHING, I DARE YOU) something something don't really want to do shoutouts something something don't like to exclude anyone

    Have a nightstand that I made. Sorry it's rotated.





  4. 5 minutes ago, Jun Inoue said:

    No silly, I meant that I went to MAL, checked the anime, read the synopsis, and thought "dang, that's depressing" since it says: Even though it seems that he contributes a lot, he always finds out that whatever he did was meaningless in the end.

    Oh sorry.

    Why do I always get offended so easily... 

    Yeah that does sound depressing

  5. 9 minutes ago, Jun Inoue said:

    That's one depressing synopsis, for Kubikiri Cycle xD

    Well excuuuuuuse me, princess, but how is it depressing? (or indeed, a synopsis at all?)

    Anyway, I just don't care very much about plot, more about art & sound

    Nisioisin can go suck a dick for all I care doesn't interest me, I'm afraid

  6. Congrats!  I bask in your shitposting magnificence (just kidding, I think you've been of great value to this community from what I've seen.)

    Have a namesake from my favourite movie ever


    Edit: By the way, I noticed your profile says female when it used to say not telling. Can you comment?

  7. 38 minutes ago, Down said:


    Hi no Tori, Budda, Black Jack, Ayako, Metropolis among other things (I'm just listing things off the top of my head here) are pretty much timeless classics now. I have no idea what you like and what you have already read so I can't tell you that you're gonna like them but they're not cornerstones of the history of manga for no reason.

    Fair enough. 

    For manga, I mostly value raw, artistic expression through great artwork, with YKK being my favourite manga so far. With Tezuka, the pages I've seen don't impress me, but I can obviously still appreciate a well-written story so I'll definitely give one of those a try

  8. There's no denying the man's influence on Japanese popular culture, but does any of his work still hold up in any way, writing or art-wise? From what I've heard, he always cared more about quantity than about quality, and it's logical to assume that anything new he did at the time will now have been done better at least once, but I just don't know, and I can never get myself to read something without at least some indication of its quality.

  9. Try Transistor. It's easily my favourite rpg of all time and while it's not Japanese, there's quite a strong influence in terms of visuals. The unconventional combat will turn a lot of people off, but if it doesn't, it can be a very satisfying and beautiful experience

  10. On 07/09/2016 at 9:28 PM, ittaku said:

    Finished B Gata H Kei, aka Yamada's first time. That was quite different and amusing as a romantic comedy of sorts; I got a lot of laughs out of it, more so as the show progressed than early on.

      Hide contents

    Still didn't finish how I would have wished. Considering the material and the forward progress towards sex it was a major cop out to not have them successful by the end of the anime and resort to situation comedy to make them fail.


    Wait, they didn't actually have sex in the anime by the end??? I used to regret not watching the anime because the manga was so much fucking longer than it should have been, but if that's true, I'm kinda happy I didn't bother with it. But yeah, it was great fun anyway.


  11. Finally finished Gankutsuou. It ended up being really good, and the last parts were very moving and very satisfying. When I started watching it, I was hoping it would be some kind of work of art that would rely heavily on its crazy visuals for storytelling, but that only really ended up being the case for the first and last two episodes. In between, it was mostly just there for added character. Nevertheless, I found the show very suspenseful and engaging, despite my usual indifference to plot-heavy media.

    Also, Haydée is my waifu the most aesthetically pleasing thing I have seen in any anime, manga or vn thus far. She's like the embodiment of everything I love about all my favourite art movements.

  12. I wonder what Sakura Nova is based on... There's a questline in Maplestory with the exact same story premise, artstyle (some of the assets and backgrounds are scarily similar), costumes, weapons & monsters and it's even called Nova, but that game also had a habit of ripping off taking inspiration from other media, so I'm genuinely curious now...

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