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Everything posted by Tyr

  1. What the goodness!? I want to kill you for talking shit about my waifu but I can't even fathom what you're writing here. Why would you say such a horrible thing about the single most awesome creation the Neptunia hyperverse gave birth to? I hated Victory for derailing my waifu, though. Kinda hate the whole franchise now for raping her character after mk2. Sometimes I feel like I'm the only one who understands what a great character she was in mk2 ... no, not a Mary Sue or generic at all! ;__;
  2. Yeah right. If you want to read about good characters, charages are the way to go. No self-insertion at all. To actually answer OP's question: There are different types of beta-males. The type Vorathiel probably is too is the self-consciously type who knows too much about himself and his flaws that he can't fantasize anymore to be someone else. It irritates him to see a protag who does something he would never do. And it's especially irritating if protag gets the girls with being someone the reader could never be. If I were a beta-male, I would probably be this type too. Interestingly, Japanese otakus seem to be another type of beta. They don't have any self-consciousness left. They don't have any personality whatsoever and can assimilate everything they read as long as it's cool. That's why we have so many overpowered main characters although their target audience are socially retarded 3D-hetares. I don't think this type of otakuness is healthy and it's probably one of the reasons why animu and eroge are getting so bad.
  3. I'm currently reading Kara no Shoujo 2 and the first few hours in the village is the best thing I have read in a long time. Lost my motivation after the POV was shifted to Tokyo again, though.
  4. Shurelia is such a bitch, always messing with other peoples love lives. I hope the dictionary entry of "reverse-NTR" includes a picture of her.
  5. Wrong. This novel is objectively and subjectively kamige and GotY. I can say this with certainty, because my D is never wrong. I really don't know what's wrong with you guys hating on it, seriously. I'm baffled. Sukui no Serenade is by far the best dark nukige released this year. And with "nukige" I mean "nukige", I don't mean "storyge with porn". It's everything you could hope for. It's dark, it's sick, it's incredibly erotic and the writing is perfect (I see the Yume Miru Kusuri influences). Where is the lost potential? I found the first H scene to be great. It had everything it should have. Characterization, atmosphere, ero talk and great art and music. And of course the writing. The dirty talking is perfect in this one. It's not "porn talk", instead it depicts the ugly situation she is in. I love how the next day Yomi's friend says to her that she is cute and shouldn't say lewd things. And Yomi then realized that she is truly a dirty girl, because her manner of speak and even her thoughts are reflecting what became of her. It's beautiful. fap fap.
  6. Here are my Top 5 VN Heroines: 5. Best escapism: Takabe Eri (Shusaku) There is really nothing I can say about Eri without spoiling the integral twist of the game. Just know that she is the reason to read this eroge. Especially if you are lonely and a degenerate. 4. Best tsundere: Casty Rianoit (Ciel/Ar nosurge) I actually bought the game for Ion, but Cass easily stole her place as my favorite Exa_Pico character after I got to know her better. This is pretty much the best interpretation of the modern tsundere trope I have ever seen. Everything about her behavior is just perfect. The tsun, the dere, the drama in between. I hated me, the player, for messing with her love life. I cried manly tears while she was singing Re:Incarnation. Sorry Ion, you may be the better waifu, but Cass is the better heroine (and has the better cosmosphere by far). 3. Best wife (sadly not your own): Asaka Reiko (Ushinawareta Rakuen) Reiko is awesome because she doesn't love the protagonist. And although the protagonist has a crush on her, he does not try to netori her. Instead, he tries to understand why she loves her husband so much, so he can become a better man, a man she would like, a man worth of her attention. Wow, how not VN-like! Leave it to the 25 years old games to tell a great character-driven story, haha. 2. Best romance: Midou Yuuki (Shitai wo Arau) I came for the gore, but stayed for the romance. Yuuki is one of the most "realistic" characters in a VN I had the pleasure of getting to know. If you want to characterize her, I guess she is a classic tsundere, but there is really much more to her. Her "tsun"-side really feels like a nurse who understands the responsibility she bears. Her "dere"-side really feels like a young woman in love. I also really like how she is neither a little girl nor an old woman. Something which is surprisingly rare in VNs nowadays. I also like how she is a nurse but not a slut. Something which is surprisingly rare in VNs, too. In fact, Shitai wo Arau is the only hospital VN I know of where you can romance actual angels in white, not some nymphomaniacs. 1. The ultimate girlfriend character: Sanjou Anna (Kawarazaki-ke no Ichizoku 2) She is everything a girlfriend should be. Can't really say much more without spoiling the game. 0. Mai waifu I got the bonus points. Her laughing at slaughtered enemies is just too cute. Waifus who are masochistic to you and sadistic to everyone else are just the best!
  7. So I guess no Hitoria being tsuntsun to the Jews for not liking her paintings? After reading many Sangoku, Sengoku, world domination and other historical VNs I have yet to find one which actually has the witty writing full of historical references you would expect such a game to have. ...oh, please, no.
  8. Haha, that may actually explain something. For me, hentai is serious business and nothing more than a dark and depraved way to psychologically manipulate and bind other people to yourself and your goals. You know, like in real life.
  9. Favorite characters are not waifus, obviously. You don't marry the one you like the most but the one you truly love, which is not necessary the same. That said, I probably read too many VNs so I don't think I have a favorite heroine superior to all other favorite heroines. I better go to the Top 5 Heroines thread instead, lol.
  10. Doesn't change the fact that the nukige part is horrible. It's the best example of "the beginning is so bad that everything else looks like a masterpiece thereafter". I wonder why people hype this game so much. There are so many good mystery eroge which use the porn in a well-thought manner and this is certainly not one of them. I think people who like the "genre-twist" are people who don't like nukige in the first place (and therefore don't even know what a good h-scene is) and are just glad that it is over and then sugarcoat this experience with a "it was important foreshadowing, genius!"
  11. /HAN8:54@42BB30 /HAN-10@42BB3B /HA-4@42BB30 Just use the one you are most comfortable with.
  12. >Sekai deletes negative comments on Facebook and such >this thread lost a lot of comments COINCIDENCE!?!? This had to happen at some point considering how little respect Sekai has been showing for its target audience and the games they publish. It's just a shame that it happened to the only actually good game they had in store for us...
  13. Funny, I did exactly the same in the last weeks. Finished the game yesterday. I don't know what to think about Ar nosurge. It's by far the best exa_pico game in terms of romance. Cass and Delta are probably the most awesome couple I saw in the last few years in a JRPG. They are so lovely-dovey with each other, it makes my heart going fuwa very strong. I usually don't like tsundere characters but Cass is so adorable honest and fragile with her personality. And Delta is a really good-hearted guy without being boring or lame. I love how the game has nearly no harem vibe (aside from stupid side-stories which really were unnecessary) and two predetermined couples, so we get to see relationship building without the boring who gets whom part. That said, I have to say that Earthes is sadly the worst character of all and kinda brings the whole game down. Ironically, when I started the game I thought he would be the character and his relationship with Ion would be the one I will like the most. That's because the Anata-concept in Ciel nosurge was executed flawlessly and I think Ciel is one of the best selfinserting "dating sims" ever made. Earthes execution in Ar nosurge however is ... horrible. He is the worst character of the cast and that's because he is supposed to be "me", but I never felt that this would be the case. Instead, everything Earthes did, I didn't want him to do. But the game forces me to do this stuff! And the games also want me to want to do it. But this doesn't work at all. When I want to be empathetic, the game forces me to be a smartass. When I want to act, the game forces me to be an hetare. When I want to be raburabu with Ion, the game forces me to flirt with other characters. WTF. Epic fail. The ending is the worst of all. Having no "Shut the fuck up, bitch"-choice ruined my immersion completely.
  14. Uhm, not really ^^ https://vndb.org/v9545 is not based on Nabokov's novel in any way. This VN is a just a product of the "lolita boom" which was prevalent in Japanese entertainment in the 80s. The lolita boom, despite what one may think when he hears that name, isn't exactly based on Nabokov's novel, either. Japanese obsession with little girls comes from a pseudo-psychological book written by Russell Trainer named "Lolita Complex" where he tries to explain in a pseudo-scientific way (he wasn't actually a scholar) why little girls are obsessed with older men. When Lolita Complex was translated into Japanese, it was quite popular with the middle-aged men there. They probably liked the idea of little nymphs who are into them. The first mangaka to draw a "Lolita" was also inspired by Trainer's book and his "Lolita" manga was a big success with the audience and the beginning of that what's now called the lolita boom. You see, the term "Lolicon" derived from "Lolita Complex", Trainer's book, and not from Nabokov's novel. Many people nowadays also think that it means "older men who are attracted to little girls", but that's not true either! It actually describes not the men but the girls and means "little girls who are attracted to older men". Thus the "Lolita"-character isn't just any little girl, it's implied that she is a nymphet, Humbert Humbert's term for these "special" little girls. Those little succubi who target older men with their adolescent innocence, just like Humbert himself was targeted and bewitched by his Lolita (although many moralfags probably think of this interpretation as victim blaming, haha). If you look at the cover of this VN, you will also see one of these little devils! Just look at her expression, she's probably confused by her budding sexuality and how she's getting wet under that innocent little-girl dress when she's fantasizing about mature middle-aged men! ...at least that's what Japanese otaku in the 80s thought. What most people are classifying as "pedophiles" nowadays are in many cases not actual genuine pedophiles. I think most otaku who are labeled as "Lolicons" (which is a misnomer as I explained before, but we will just go with it now) are not attracted by the appearance of little girls per se (which is the definition of a genuine pedophile) but by their innocence. The artificial attraction to little girls is in many cases a result of social awkwardness, especially with normal(-aged) women. Which is probably true for most otakus, haha. Little girls don't judge you, they don't care how you look or how much money you earn. All there is to make them happy is to spend some time with them and play with them. It's truly the ideal relationship for many otakus. I'm pretty sure that's why otakus are so fascinated by Lolis and that's also the reason why in the 80s they very much liked the idea, that little girls are actually interested in them and not only the other way around. Alice Soft games are a good example for the lolita boom, they are full with Lolita-characters. (At least in the 80s and 90s they were.) Elf's games are full with nymphets, too. That said, you shouldn't confuse a "Lolita"-character with the "Loli"-character today. Just like the term Lolicon changed its meaning, a "Loli" nowadays is entirely different from its 80s counterpart. Though it would probably go to far to explain that, too. I actually just wanted show why so many old eroge are "Lolita"-focused and where the term, how the Japanese use it, really comes from.
  15. I can't even fap to JAVs anymore, if there isn't at least one human toilet scene. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ...and it all started when I read euphoria some years ago.
  16. As a German, I find it pretty disturbing that you assume, we can't think about anything else than killing people, lol. That said, I always wanted to write a visual novel with Adolf as the main character. I would call it "Romance of the Third Reich" (do you get it?) and it would have a loli route with Geli Raubal, a Netori route with Erna Hanfstaengl and obviously a very romantic true route with Eva Braun, ending with an underground wedding and raburabu suicide shortly after.
  17. No, it's not. Why do you think it is? Not only is the guro in CYCLET games much tamer, it's also better justified by the story than in Dustmania. I don't see any guro exploitation in CYCLET games, quite the contrary to this one here. Yeah, exactly. A different level. I think GoT is much worse than Dustmania, because.. you, know.. it's not 2D.
  18. Regarding the euphoria route order; I would not recommend reading Nemu und Kanae last. Reading Kanae immediately after Nemu will make the first half of Kanae's route look like a redundant copy of Nemu's. Also, Rika's route is a pretty bad introduction to the "second half" of the novel. It does not get the pivotal point of the story across. I recommend doing Nemu's route first. It has the best introduction to the second half and ends with a profound cliffhanger. (I like to think about Nemu's and Kanae's routes as the framework of the story, embedding everything else.) The other three routes before the true one are essentially filler material. Rinne has the most story, Rika and Natsuki are not as important. Rika is a good light read after Nemu. Then get yourself some story again with Rinne's route. It also has Rika, so it's perfect after that. Even though Natsuki's route isn't as story-heavy as Rinne's, it's more important for the true end. So best read immediately before Kanae. For the best reading experience, my recommended route order for euphoria is: Nemu --> Rika --> Rinne --> Natsuki --> Kanae.
  19. I kinda see a pattern in your recommendations, lol. Sadly, none of the games you mentioned so far are hookable because Chunsoft liked to use custom character encoding in their sound novels. First one without which works with text hookers was probably 428 ~Fuusa Sareta Shibuya de~ which I read on PPSSPP. Well, whatever. Speaking of Machi, the first time I heard of this game was when I did research for the Godly Kamige in Hyperdimension Neptunia V. NISA really butchered EVERY reference in their localization. You would never know the game just spoke about Machi if you didn't have profound knowledge in Japanese video game history AND were good at guessing. But who cares about game references in a game about games when we get Western memes, right? Machi is by the way one of the best Godly Games in Nep V. Together with Final Fantasy and maybe Atelier. Haha.
  20. Yeah, but it's true. I didn't just list generic compliments: -great production values: full voice (incl. Megumi Ogata!), Anime cutscenes, many songs, great OST (as always with Overdrive), quite a few CGs, mostly story related and not fanservice -meaningful plot: it has message which is not shallow or superficial. It may not be too original, but it's kind of the perfect "Shounen" plot in a way. Like I said, very respectful homage. -fleshed-out characters: spoilers, so I can't say much. But there is some character development I really, really like and I didn't see coming. Has something to do with the meaningful plot. Characters are stereotypical (in a good way, it's a homage) but still have their own personality. -much love: I saw an interview with Bamboo and Endou Masaaki and they both were so in love with this game. The passion is strong with them. The thing is that Dengeki Stryker is really a good Shounen. You may not like this genre and therefore this game may not give you much feels. That's fine. That's a matter of taste. But even though you may not like this genre much, I think if you try to be reasonable you would see that this game is really excellent at what it wants to be. For example, I don't think that Linkara is a fan of this, I don't think he's much into Shounen or Japanese superheroes. But although it's not his thing, he can still see it's worth. And I think that's exactly what a truly "good" game is made of, regardless of one's own taste.
  21. Haha, Dengeki Stryker is one of the best visual novels available in English. I would even say it's the best VN on Steam at the moment. People not appreciating a gem like Dengeki Stryker is really a good example why the modern VN scene sucks so much. You have this respectful homage to old school anime (you know, when animu was still good) with great production values, meaningful plot, fleshed out characters and, and this is the most important thing, much love, passion and heart from the developers... and the only thing people have to say to this masterpiece is "best girl has no route! what a kusoge!" (or after Chou: "Jack still has no route! what a kusoge!"). Just think about it. It's pretty much the perfect analogy why this medium can't produce nice things anymore... Well, that said, this game was actually a very good choice, probably the best, for Linkara to review. As a critic with a more deep appreciation for art he "gets" what this game is about (as much as he can after the first route) and is pretty fair in his judgment. He even thinks the character relations are deep and fleshed out enough to justify a Hentai scene. Did not expect him to be this open-minded. I think if he was more familiar with the Shounen genre and old school Japanese entertainment in general, he would have gotten even more out of this.
  22. He is not cured, because there is no reason to cure him because he wasn't sick in the first place. That's the point.
  23. With "God" I guess you mean me? Because I explained this two times already in my posts above. This has nothing to do with dictionary entries. Dictionaries don't include conjugations. Conjugations are defined in the Conjugation.txt file. For darou, we have for example: "Name" : "v-ta-stem", "Part of Speech" : "Verb", "Tenses" : [ { "Formal" : false, "Negative" : false, "Suffix" : "だろう", "Tense" : "Past Conjectural\/Presumptive" } ] or "Name" : "adj-ta", "Part of Speech" : "Adj", "Tenses" : [ { "Formal" : false, "Negative" : false, "Suffix" : "だろう", "Tense" : "Volitional" } ]If JParser finds the "Suffix" with the correct "Part of Speech", it will assume it's a conjugation of this "Tense".
  24. I would argue that even though you're experienced in the language, many people probably look at the hooker nonetheless, because reading nicely parsed and colored Japanese with furigana is easier than looking at the original text.
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