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  1. Like
    AaronIsCrunchy reacted to Nosebleed in What Anime are you watching now?   
    And so airs the last episode of Working.
    Perfection isn't enough to describe it, it was literal porn for anyone who's watched the series from the beginning.
    This show is a prime example of how you handle slice of life, comedy and romance and I avidly recommend anyone to watch it.
  2. Like
    AaronIsCrunchy reacted to Dergonu in Steam VNs   
    Eden* and planetarian are both very cheap at the moment and they are great reads. They both also have no cut content unlike a lot of steam VNs.
    Oh and a kiss for the petals remembering how we met for your yuri needs. Which we all have and if you deny that I'll whack you with a candy cane.
  3. Like
    AaronIsCrunchy reacted to naivesprites in A Very Important Date [GxB/G][BxB][Otome | Fantasy | Commercial] - ~3 hours left on Kickstarter   
    Sorry I haven’t been posting in here with updates!  We have been working on fixing some things, re-organizing our departments, and trying to fight the never-ending barrage of schoolwork.
    Some updates about our progress:
    First off we’d like to announce that our sprites are getting a complete overhaul courtesy of our new sprite artist, darkenmarr!  Don’t fret though, just because they’re getting some new looks, their overall design will stay the same.  Here’s a little preview of Gwyn and Connor (minus his eyepatch) sketches.


    Connor (another employee at the Looking Glass Cafe)
    We plan to update the sprites on here one by one as soon as they are completed.
    Until we get all the sprites remade in darkenmarr’s style, the asks we do on the tumblr will still be using our old sprites for the sake of continuity.
    Other Art
    So far, we have 21 background pieces finished with our BG artists currently working on another three backgrounds at the moment.  We have all the backgrounds for our demo and most of the backgrounds for the first main story.

    Lordless' on the left and Furude's on the right
    Because our original GUI concepts shared some similarities with another game that was released, Justin and I are re-sketching our GUI design.  We hope to show a mock of this very soon.
    Writing wise, we have one main story completed and another that only needs choice commands and sprite changing notes.  We believe that this story is about 90% completed.  Justin is currently writing Gwyn’s epilogue while I’m fixing Rory’s main story as I found some issues in the plot.
    Game Production Timeline
    We currently have a timeline for our production, but this could change at any time due to any technical difficulties and life events with any of the team members.  Our demo should be out around March and then our Kickstarter will follow shortly after.  Our production schedule, unless changed at some point, looks like this:
    End of October, 2015: Prototype Version End of January, 2016: Playable Version End of March, 2016: Alpha Version End of May, 2016: Beta Version End of August, 2016: Version 1.0 Music
    The person we’ve been talking to about music samples has been having some issues with ideas for it, so he has dragged a friend into helping him.  We are hoping to get some sample work from them at some point.  If anyone is interested in doing our music, you can drop us a line since we haven’t locked anyone into this position yet.
    We’ve also started a Patreon to help with funding while giving back to our fans.  If people do want to help us out, please visit our tumblr for the link to our Patreon.
    We are also in talks with our new sprite artist to sketch out our asks from our tumblr and loading them up on tapastic.  This is still in talks, but it is something we are excited about trying.
  4. Like
    AaronIsCrunchy reacted to Nashetania in Onii-chan's Wondrous Happy Temple of Advice Giving and Jelly Doughnuts AND Hair Ruffling AND Questions Answered   
    Every time I am frying chicken nuggets, it turns into a simulation of tear gas. Am I doing it right (the nuggets are still delicious though)?
  5. Like
    AaronIsCrunchy reacted to Roach in Do you like trap heroine in a VN?   
    Only if they're cute though. 
  6. Like
    AaronIsCrunchy got a reaction from Kawasumi in What are you listening to right now?   
    ^ Fucking love these. Its like Danzig meets Sleep meets 80s pop.
  7. Like
    AaronIsCrunchy reacted to Kawasumi in What are you listening to right now?   
  8. Like
  9. Like
    AaronIsCrunchy reacted to Mugi in Rate the avatar above you   
  10. Like
    AaronIsCrunchy reacted to Canicheslayer in What are you listening to right now?   
    A gothic morning in France
  11. Like
    AaronIsCrunchy reacted to Valmore in Onii-chan's Wondrous Happy Temple of Advice Giving and Jelly Doughnuts AND Hair Ruffling AND Questions Answered   
    Not at all. Onii-chan is offended at this notion. It would take way more posts over months in this thread (though that would be nice to see) to achieve a power level like that. Why do you make onii-chan cry so? (>_<)
    To each their own, Nashe-kun. To me, all breasts are beautiful. My preference would range in the B-C area, but that's no reason to snub an A or D.
    *ruffles hair* Ask. Or do something cute.
    Oddly enough I'm not against helping out in small doses - just this month I donated $40 to someone on Twitter to help with his cat's medical procedure. What VN are we talking? Maybe I can start a fund.
  12. Like
    AaronIsCrunchy got a reaction from Kawasumi in KAWASUMIS FUCKING AWESOME 500 POST SPECIAL AmA!   
    > be me
    > be this late to the party
    > feelbad.jpg
    Congrats man! Enjoy your 6 dots and your fancy-as-fuck title thingme
    I will endeavour to flood your inbox with all of the grind and hardcore that I find beautiful and worthy   Thanks for the mention!
  13. Like
    AaronIsCrunchy reacted to Monmon in HI HI   
    I cried...because of the feeling of guilt and happiness.
  14. Like
    AaronIsCrunchy reacted to Kawasumi in KAWASUMIS FUCKING AWESOME 500 POST SPECIAL AmA!   
    Are we doing this? YES WE ARE!
    So, hi fuwa. Im now 500(501) in and being a fuwa "elite" and all I thought it was the perfect occasion to make a post like this.
    I have been here for around 11 months now so maybe I should have made this post for my 1 year anniversary as Eclipsed did, but hey im doing it now.
    Although necroing a dead meme is simply not enough for me so im doing it originalrun style and going to thank people here.
    You see, when I joined I had nothing, I was a bum on welfare, I also felt like shit in every sense of the word, I was shit, the world was shit and my situation was overall shit. But, there was exceptions, for example Visual novels and the community that came with it.
    So here im sitting now nearly 12 months after, I got into the education of my dreams, I have actual energy, I have a cute girl im seeing atm and  my appartment is actually clean for the most part lol. I also got over a pseudo social anxiety I build up from being a borderline NEET at that time that I finally got rid off, which helped me start some new and old IRL relationships up again. The community helped me a great deal to make me reach what I wanted and overcome my fears. Suddenly I had people I could talk to anytime if I felt like shit and I had whole skype chats that wished me luck with my entrance exams, which gave me so much motivation and willpower.
    So thanks fuwanovel, I love everyone of you, here is to another 500(499) posts!
    Oh, before I leave Im gonna make this short notice for people I have talked with, again, im sorry if I didnt include you, you're a part of this community as well and that means that I love you to some extend no matter what I have said to you beforehand <3
    tl;dr fuwanovel helped me a lot and I love you all
    @madvanced: dude are you me? I remember the first time that we talked like for real and we didnt know if we were brothers without knowing lol, oh well, I always felt like I could talk to you if I felt like shit, you're amazing and I hope we meet in Japan someday <3
    @Vokoca Thanks for keeping my hype on the down low all the time when I cant get my hands down about something lol, we still need to read the tokyo necro trial. Also thanks for always trying your best to help me with all the japanese questions I might have, you're RAD and you're taste in OSTs cant be matched, well you're just an overall good friend though, thanks for keeping up with me
    @Ayana you're still the sassiest guy I know, never stop being the enthusiastically maniac that you are, also you're my favorite futanari of all time <3 remember im always there when you need help for when you get started on the whole producing music thingy
    @LinovaA hey, miss you on skype, glad to see that uni-sama is giving you a little more time lately, because, its great to have you around, you always seem to be in a good mood that is infecting me at least
    @Down you and zaka are the best mods I know <3
    @Zakamutt pretty sure you're my favorite swede :P, anyways awesome at hearthstone and always good for a snarky comment, its nice to see how good you're getting at japanese!
    @OriginalRen hey man, I didnt forget that you mentioned me, it just struck me that I havent been on TS at all lately, im gonna change that soon I think! Anyways please dont stop ranting, its fun and always good for a discussion
    @Decay not that we havent talked that much but god do I wish that I had your discussion ability, im horrible at getting my thoughts down on paper in a somewhat coherent sentence lol, so yeah you throughout beat my in our euphoria discussion :P, I love your reviews though, they are strict but fair.
    @maefdomn hey dude, I just want you to know that even though we dont talk much atm I really like you as a person, your always the best to have a discussion with and I love to ramble with you for hours on different topics, lets talk some more soon!
    @Eclipsed hey, thanks for remembering me in the thanksgiving picture, it legit brightened my day and keep fanboying over corpse party! The games are amazing and you know it
    @Hanako you're wierd but I like you, but hey arent we all? Keep loving them yuris and keep doing translation projects! also holy shit you're learning japanese fast its amazing, I cant keep up with that speed for sure
    @sarayne oh its my mancrush! no really, you're so likeable and even though you're a pleb you need to know that we all love you <3, also best buddy to ramble about republicans with
    @Flutterz ded kat, I still dont know if you're even alive after fallout 4 release lol
    @krill yo Krill, nice to see that your recovery is going well, its good to see that you're getting back on your feet and its fucking amazing that you did it in such a sort time, keep it up, you can do it!
    @Ashbell yo, highfive fellow monstergirl lover! Lets give those demihumans some more lovin!
    @Rose hey Rose, you're awesome, love talking to you even though you can be hard to get a hold of sometimes . anyways keep up with the translation stuff you're doing as well. Also I love how hyped we can make eachother about VNs
    @Zodai Yo Josh, I really hope we're gonna do the VN we're talking about and I get legit happy when I read the stuff you write and also that we're making progress. Im very sorry that im so lazy that I am I know I need to shape up if we're gonna get this on I promise that I'll do it to the best of my capabilities, I love your writing, dont even question that. Even though I cant read your scripts or forget it, it doesnt mean that I  dont love the stuff you write, I love it <3
    @KaoDoroSesu kao, you're a really sweet person, I dont know what happened but I felt like we got somewhat close fast? Like I feel at least that we have shared some personal stuff and shit and its nice, you're not a person that has had the best life but damn dude, you're so kind, keep it up, I hope a good future awaits you.
    @Chewy you fucking troll, dont let your memes be memes! Also pretty funny to talk with in VCs
    @hsmsful ey, the most salty hearthstone player I know :P. anyways you're mood and attitude when im not beating you in hearthstone is fantastic, I love how joyful you sound, I really like the way you talk for some reason O_o, also one of the guys I would love to have in a voice convo all the time
    @solidbatman never stop the salt! We need more salty key fans!
    @SpiduhBMX hey spid, are you even on here still? Oh well, I know you have been in all this drama and all that but hey you have improved so much in your attitude in general over the last 11 months and its awesome to see, im glad that you're getting a job and stuff, I hope its gonna get better!
    @ChrisPZT I know I try to tease you with posting about lewd things in the HS, but thats just because I think you're awesome lol, you're decks in hearthstone is always unique  with varying results though :P, but keep it up, its nice to see that you do it another way than everybody else,
    @Joris914 you never post here I know that. But you're always so active over skype and you're pretty nice to talk with at all times, also you have strong opinions about everything, which is nice, especially for someone like me thats super vague about a lot of things   
    @Jptje also one of the awesome talking buddies from skype! Hey we have talked about a lot of random stuff, which is nice! Lets do it more often your awesome to talk to.
    @AaronIsCrunchy yo! Im so sorry that I always forget to listen to the stuff you send to me even though you know your stuff when it comes to hardcore/metal stuff. Also super rad to talk to in general, lets do it more!
    @Tyrael ey tyrael, I think you dont know that we actually shared a lot of music as well on skype  Oh well, im sure there is a girl out there for you, just please, dont loose hope, I know that it leaves scars everytime people let you down, but you need to get over it and continue on and I know you can do it!
    @babiker also one of the heartstone buddies and we have talked a little about religion and stuff I would really want to say a lot but there arent that much to say really, I think you're great though, I really do. (Also arguably the best of us at hearthstone, too bad about the tournament) 
    @Asonn hey! I love how you changed somewhat lol, we started just chilling in voicechat making fun of spiduh which was fun enough but hey, now you're a little bit everywhere, lets keep on studying japanese! Also your cynicism is always welcoming  
    @Kiriririri yoo its the moedog, you even got me to find some moeges that I would actually enjoy,I hope the finnish weather arent killing you and I wish that you get all the cute 2d moe grills you deserve!
    @hitoribocchi we havent talked much but your taste in vns is something I can get behind! its awesome, lets discuss some more in the future
    @CeruleanGamer shit almost forgot you! Damn its the NTR queen and I feel that I slowly is getting dragged to the dark side, we havent talked much but you're fascination of NTR is really fascinating me aswell, mostly because I like people that is really interested in a totally specific nieche, apart from that I love how fast you got integrated into our community and I hope you're gonna stay for a long time <3
    Also I wanna give a shoutout to all the fuwachat dwellers!
    Wow this was too long so I need to stop it here, again, im very sorry if I didnt include you and you feel forgotten I will make it up for you in a PM or something <3
    Godspeed fuwa!
  15. Like
    AaronIsCrunchy reacted to Flutterz in Santa Hats for your Avatars   
    Fine, I guess if you want something done around here you've gotta do it yourself.

  16. Like
    AaronIsCrunchy got a reaction from Kayleana in It's Good To Be Here!   
    I never knew that I wanted to be a vampire cat princess before now, but the idea is growing in my head at a terrifying rate of knots.
    The main site doesn't have any downloads on them anymore, and the posting of links to downloads is pretty frowned upon - which may explain the difficulty you're having in finding the old download pages! But anyway, welcome to the forums! Any favourite VNs?
  17. Like
    AaronIsCrunchy got a reaction from ~K.S~ in What are you listening to right now?   
    Check Devourment's 'Babykiller', slams for days :3
  18. Like
    AaronIsCrunchy got a reaction from Kawasumi in What are you listening to right now?   
    Check Devourment's 'Babykiller', slams for days :3
  19. Like
    AaronIsCrunchy reacted to ~K.S~ in What are you listening to right now?   
  20. Like
    AaronIsCrunchy got a reaction from Fred the Barber in Fuwanovel Confessions   
    I think the bumps have got something to do with wrist support... and if you've got a mousemat with squishy boobs, the likelihood is that your wrist is gonna need a whole lotta supporting
  21. Like
    AaronIsCrunchy got a reaction from Kawasumi in What are you listening to right now?   
    This gorgeous piece of late 80s goth perfection.
  22. Like
    AaronIsCrunchy reacted to TexasDice in Fuwanovel Confessions   
    I know that there is an Emi version:
  23. Like
    AaronIsCrunchy got a reaction from Dergonu in Clannad release imminent - You hyped?   
    I've never read it either [3] and only watched a few episodes of it (but that's partially down to me being generally shit at watching series), so naturally I'm pretty damn excited for the release of this as well. It'll be pretty cool to play one of the 'classic' (by which I mean well-regarded) VNs too, as I've not really done too many of those.
    Drawing dango in anticipation.
  24. Like
    AaronIsCrunchy reacted to Cyrillej1 in Fuwanovel Confessions   
    On a more positive note
  25. Like
    AaronIsCrunchy reacted to Darklord Rooke in Proper Matador technique   
    Heh, I wonder how many people know which fight this is from :3
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