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Everything posted by ittaku

  1. Rakudai kishi no cavalry... Fits every genre you listed except for kids... and everyone should watch it.
  2. Finished watching unbreakable machine doll. It was decent but hardly special. Too many annoying things kept happening, the ecchi harem component was repetitive and unchanged, but the show redeemed itself with extra ecchi specials (sad I know, but that's how I roll.) Next up, going to finally finish bodacious space pirates. It's also only ever been okay but I've made it 3/4 of the way through so I may as well finish it.
  3. Perhaps we need a sticky for newcomers that attracts their attention with a provocative title such as "Make your translation requests here" and the thread instead explains it as Dergonu did below. .
  4. Translated VNs, as others have already stated, are clearly only ever going to be of interest to otakus/anime/mangu/LN/Japanophile/hikkikomoris. It's a particular art form for a particular audience in Japan and therefore will appeal to those outside Japan who are interested in that inside Japan. It's also why the bulk of OELVNs imitate Japan storylines. The "visual" component is a strong feature in Japanese culture, making the ridiculously complex language more approachable from a young age for the natives in manga and animated form, then when they become adults they've become used to that as a component of their media. They're not books and never will be, but they offer appeal that books don't. Now remind me why they actually need to be more popular outside this group? Make Japanese culture more popular outside the otaku crowd? Clearly that won't happen. Change the medium just to increase sales, increase the popularity and keep the medium alive? Cut off your nose to spite your face and all that?
  5. This is spot on. I'm torn with respect to H scenes since I don't care for VNs that don't have H scenes, so I will only translate ones that do, yet ironically translating the H scenes themselves often becomes the most irksome part of the translation for the reasons tymmur said above.
  6. How about giving us an idea of what sort of literature/art etc. you are interested in? Korean is another choice if you want something that provides unexplored untranslated anime, manhwa, visual novels etc. though I suspect if you're against Japanese and Chinese for that particular art form then perhaps Korean falls into the same category.
  7. Finished watching Kanojo ga Flag wo Oraretara. It was okay. It started out really good and was quite a funny harem, and then it tried to get more serious as it went on and, well, it didn't pull it off that well which was a shame. Next up - Unbreakable Machine Doll
  8. HOTD was very silly but actually quite a lot of fun with lots of fanservice and splatter. The TV broadcast of it was censored even on AT-X which normally doesn't censor sex but censored the gore so you'd have to grab a BD release of it to see it in all its glory.
  9. Unpopular opinions for the win: Sakamoto is shit.
  10. Watched seirei tsukai no blade dance. Stock standard magic harem comedy action tropefest, but was fun nonetheless.
  11. Bungou stray dogs - doesn't excite me, dropped Anne happy - outtake picture at the end was the best part of this show, otherwise it's meh, dropped Netoge no yome - cute, looks like it's going to be fun Bishoujo yuugi - not even interesting enough for a short anime, dropped Sousei no onmyouji - okayish, will wait and see Joker game - couldn't even finish 1st episode, dropped Shounen Ashibe - uh, just no 12 sai - very sweet and watchable (but the only subs of it have terrible translation so you have to know Japanese to make the most of it) Overall, as far as new series go, looks pretty meh and it appears there's less to watch than last season. Maybe netoge will be the best?
  12. I'm pretty sure that this is the one genre you cannot be disappointed by, given that it is by far the most represented in VNs...
  13. I want a reverse panic button that gives you emergency porn.
  14. Thanks for the extensive list to add! The only ones I've watched from there are the first two and unfortunately I have to disagree with both of them as having ultimately satisfying endings Since I don't know the other shows I can't comment. Given my elaboration of what I said in the top post about what qualifies as ultimately satisfying if you still think the others qualify in light of my caveat I can go ahead and add them to the "others" list.
  15. No offence taken. I was actually suggesting it more as a first step towards decensoring when someone has artistic skills to draw on top of it as the overall structure is returned by doing so. You remind me of a discussion I had when I was in Japan where a (drunk) colleague of mine asked a female colleague when she came out of the onsen whether all the women's genitals were pixelated in Japan.
  16. Why do you guys recommend what you think is better first? If it was either/or I could understand, but if it's going to be both, I always try to leave the best for last. Both what heroine's route I'll play and which VN I'll play.
  17. I can't recall any recent VN that doesn't let you hide it, I'd just prefer to be able to keep moving with the text without having to close and reopen the window with every line.
  18. Being able to move dialogue boxes is nice too. It's like the creators seem to forget that in most humans genitals exist in the lower half of the body which coincidentally means they land on the lower half of the screen where the text is... though perhaps it's a conscious decision to hide the censored components more.
  19. Hundred: So many tropes, so many recent shows all rolled into one, nothing original whatsoever, yet it's fun so I'll keep watching. Cerberus: Paediatric execution of a boring obvious story that's grating to watch. Dropped already.
  20. Yes, hate the travelling component so much that I probably would never go on a trip anywhere if my wife didn't plan our holidays. I made special exceptions for getting to Japan though and put up with the travel. You sure your American won't clash with the English language? /troll I went to the Louvre in Paris once and it was amazing, but I don't know how to "talk" about going to an art museum otherwise. Maybe you're different since you do presentations and such?
  21. I'd have been upset if I had made an innocent request for recent things that were good, only to have things recommended that are illegal in my part of the world. I'll just back away quietly now shall I since I'm clearly somehow "wrong"...
  22. Perhaps I should quote myself then? You seem to be the one taking offence unnecessarily.
  23. I did not did I? All I said was to confirm whether that was to his taste or not.
  24. Don't know those other ones but yeah same thing applies. I've only heard of the 1st one thanks to the recent sekai project announcement of an (h free) localisation for it and the controversy surrounding it.
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