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Everything posted by ittaku

  1. I guess I inspired someone to look me up cos they just gave me very belated birthday wishes for turning 46. Can't imagine there are many active forum members older than me here.
  2. Wow thanks, someone noticed! Yes I really am that old and have been playing VNs for longer than some of you have existed (and have kids to rival some of your ages). I'm not sure if I'm the oldest here, but definitely one of the oldest, though I'm still 14 at heart forever. I think people will be even happier about me working on Clover Day's than To Heart 2, but TH2 is one of the great classics and after starting it I had to make sure I finished it. Seeing a project through to the end is one of the things us oldies feel passionate about.
  3. For what it's worth there are even older geezers like me around too. Congrats(?) on your mileless non-stone.
  4. Not my genre but I appreciate the recommendation so I'll add it to the others at the top, thanks. EDIT: Added Strike Witches after recalling the great ending to S2 since there'll be a spin off starting soon.
  5. I don't want to bump this thread too often so I've been editing the last post, but the winter season has all but ended and the last two I've just added are Ao no Kanata and Snow White with Red Hair.
  6. Dimension W: By the end the story was all over the place and not really making a lot of sense and the ending was only okay. Shame after the first episodes started so strong. Schwarzesmarken: Meh to the end. Couldn't care less about any of the characters and it just spent the entire series with each episode trying to outdo the previous one for pointless plot twists, depressing developments for the good guys, and elevating bad guys out of nowhere. Ao no kanata: Very predictable but... extremely satisfying ending for a show that otherwise wasn't really that special. Snow white with red hair: Love it. No huge surprises but so fulfilling, and despite the super sweet tone, they didn't choose to go the completely obvious ending.
  7. DxD needs you to use the BOOST button... you'll see.
  8. When all is said and done, it was the best and most consistent new show this season.
  9. I heard that the last season of dxd deviated more from the LNs annoying fans, but I really enjoyed it anyway, and I hear they're planning an OVA to put the story "back on track" to be in alignment with the LNs. Either way it's still a good fun watch, especially if you haven't read the LNs first.
  10. ジーン is like *touched* (as in touched emotionally - no matter how many extra ~ you add to it). なんて、もう is like "Aww geez" or "Aww, shucks"
  11. Of the non-current anime, I'm now watching K-on, bodacious space pirates and shirobako. Dropped a ton of other stuff I was testing out. Also (re)watching haikyuu with my wife after finishing azumanga daioh with her.
  12. Haruchika - remained consistently average to the end. Kouya - remained consistently hohum to the end. Galko-chan looks to be keeping the best new show this season now. Boku dake was very solid but wasn't legendary to the end. Dimension W has been sliding for quite a while now. Gate - finished excellent Heavy object - very good ending (with the usual elements of too much coincidence and luck requiring extra suspension of disbelief) Dagashi Kashi - succeeds in disappointing more as time goes on. Luckily only one more episode otherwise I'd drop it now. Pandora - silly but consistent and enjoyable to the end. Luck & Logic - huh why did I sit through all that? Bubuki Bunraki - sorta kinda decent finish for a show that was all over the place.
  13. I hope contempt was a typo and you were content. I mostly agree. It started out awesome but then sort of lost a bit of its magic towards the end and the last episode wasn't entirely unpredictable but was still very good overall.
  14. Well you reinstalled the language pack. Now go back and see if the locales installed work by redoing sudo su dpkg-reconfigure locales locale-gen ja_JP.UTF8 update-locale exit
  15. Yeah something's fucked up alright. Try reinstalling the japanese language support sudo apt-get install --reinstall language-pack-ja Plus I'm not sure if the package exists on ubuntu but it's worth a try: sudo apt-get install locales-all
  16. Lulz. Okay this appears to be because you've chosen Xubuntu which is a stripped down Ubuntu so we probably have to do this the hard way. sudo su echo ja_JP.UTF8 UTF-8 >> /var/lib/locales/supported.d/local dpkg-reconfigure locales locale-gen ja_JP.UTF8 update-locale exit You may have to log out and in again for it to take effect.
  17. That is likely not your problem, but the way you installed it. Either way, a quick google says sudo locale-gen ja_JP sudo locale-gen ja_JP.UTF-8 sudo update-locale You probably need to log out and in again too.
  18. Games that work under wine fall into four categories, in decreasing order of frequency: 1. Games that work with the existing game installer from scratch using wine either from CD or a cd image, or just copying the files across and then work fine. They may need you to use the installer to put all the files in the right place, or they may just have all the files in one place and where the files are kept doesn't matter so long as you access it directly. 2. Games that need to be installed on a real windows installation first, and then if you copy across the installed directory with all its files onto a linux partition you can just start the game up from that directory on linux. 3. Games that don't work at all under linux no matter how much you massage them but will work under a virtual machine running a real windows installation (such as kvm) on linux. 4. Games that won't work under linux no matter what you do, whether because they need the CD in place or due to some underlying hardware access on windows that can't be emulated on linux. I have no idea what category your game falls under, but if it needs to use the full installer then just copying the files across will never get it working, or if it's one of the more difficult games to get working such as category 2+ then you need to put a lot of effort in to get it working in the first place. You've stated that others have gotten it working so I suspect what's missing in your case is you just copied the files and didn't use the actual installer. In addition, as we've already pointed out, you need to have japanese language support installed along with suitable fonts (usually installing the language support brings the fonts in) and the japanese locale installed - how to do this depends on which flavour of linux you're using. Finally, there are a number of things that won't work under plain wine by itself without adding a few windows support files, such as mpeg1 video. I suggest using winetricks to install them. Usually winetricks is installed along with wine but it may not be depending on the distribution in which case you can install it like this: sudo apt-get install winetricks Then you can install the windows support features necessary with winetricks like this: winetricks corefonts d3dx9_36 devenum ffdshow quartz wmp9 When ffdshow is being installed, a configuration box comes up. When it does, don't just click okay but when it asks you what file types to play back, enable mpeg1 and mpeg2 which are disabled by default. None of these are likely to fix your underlying problem though, which appears to be how you installed it in the first place, but at least your wine installation will be better equipped to handle anything from now on. Finally as already described, virtually all Japanese VNs use the Japanese locale so you must start them with wine being told to use that locale LC_ALL=ja_JP.UTF-8 wine programname.exe is enough for that, replacing programname.exe with whatever the name of the program is you're trying to run. You have to cd into the directory where the program is.
  19. Didn't you just describe... 90% of all VNs? But myeah, I feel obliged to suggest To Heart 2 as well since it 100% fits all your criteria...
  20. Heh well it is my job to keep the project alive... this is the 8th year it's been alive and I don't plan to forget about it any time soon till it's done and dusted.
  21. I use linux exclusively and play the bulk of my VNs still under wine or a windows installation on kvm when everything fails. Make sure you actually have the Japanese locale installed. How you do that is dependent on what distribution of linux you use.
  22. See if you can find the old True Love 95, as that was a VN dating sim where you had to power up statistics to suit the girl you were chasing. It was also quite awesome and long predates all the other sims that claim to have been the first dating sim game. Played perfectly you can literally get *every* girl, H included. It was also my introduction to visual novels over 20 years ago and started an obsession I've been unable to shake off since then (and nor do I want to). Edit: You can play it in your browser even here: http://tss.asenheim.org/true-love.html
  23. To heart 2 - The original donkan harem.
  24. If the one I'm playing is engrossing, then not a chance. If I started one that's boring, it's not unusual I'll pick something else up and play them concurrently and drop the other one if it's more interesting.
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