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Abyssal Monkey

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Everything posted by Abyssal Monkey

  1. You kidding? Those are the best parts! You clearly haven't fallen as low as you would like to think if you can still sympathize with NTR'd men.
  2. Escept any modern day rifle, ignoring plasma weapons even, you shred that tree so much that it doesn't act as a shield for anything more than to bounce a grenade off of.
  3. >Romance >MM! Imsorrywhat? That show is the least romantic show I've ever watched. If you were going for romance you should have picked something like Toradora, not that I intend to recommend it in any fashion. Instead, I'm nominating Macross. Because fuck the rules, if it's a special, 50% more is just fine.
  4. Empathy? Is that some sort of color?
  5. Mmmmm mind break. I've read that second tank before. Man, these aren't that terrible at all. You guys have way too strong of morals. I still find it amusing that Soulless thought that this wasn't the place to post hentai on the forums.
  6. The hentai thread is anything that can be considered hentai. Hentai manga is 95% of what is posted and discussed there. There is literally no better place on the forums
  7. Workaround: Go post the link in the hentai thread That thread is a living exception to all the rules about links. Post away because it's heavily implied and de facto mandatory for it to be a nsfw link. As long as it isn't illegal downloads, feel free!
  8. If I didn't have a paper due this weekend, I would totally egg you on to teach me how to play that game. I can't imagine it being fun without friends to banter with.
  9. Just remember, the show isn't a video game show. It's an action romance. I have a few qualms with the way the series is presented coming from the books, but as a stand alone series it does just fine. I'll leave it up to you to make your own impression.
  10. This is the ideal. VNs can also fulfill this ideal too. Games do it too. The problem is that developing that much is way too much in terms of ROI, and is currently impossible with current technology. You are basically asking them to create Cardinal from SAO. The only difference between this and the currently established games are the scale. Everything must be programmed and written. There is no such thing as procedurally generated stories; if there were, writers would lose their jobs. There are a bunch of "interactive books". They're called adventure games. Google literally just took the definition of adventure game, ran it through a thesaurus, and then regurgitated it. The ideas they are presenting have been done before, just in parts. The streetview can be simplified down to the combination of the date selection and photo backgrounds. Contradiction is basically exactly this. Checking the social media of a character is literally a gimmick. Expanded upon, it is like I said in a previous post: augmented reality. They are just integrating this 'maybe' into the medium. If I were to be extremely concise, they basically created archived augmented reality games. Just another adventure game. Again, Google isn't doing anything new. They are just aggregating pieces and pawning it off as something new. Unless Google managed to create an amazing great writer panacea of a program, you are never going to get a truly interactive story that you can "give the reader options on how they want to experience the story".
  11. Not to deny you or anything, but you have to respect their scientific endeavor at least. If we wrote everything off as "lol RNG", we would never be thinking about the fact that our universe exists because for some reason something like "muons prefer to decay into matter over antimatter due to spin" or something like that. Scientists don't like using Occam's Razor and that's how they justify their jobs. "Sure it could be random chance" is always taken after they test "We have this other hypothesis too". For the record though, I'm on your side on this one. Skeptical that a 9th super planet exists.
  12. Heh. I'm sure I'm not the only one who realizes that Google just reinvented the visual novel quite literally. I thought I would just spell it out for the less wise. Seriously though Google? You have literally just added the possibility of augmented reality into the space of visual novels, and everything else given as an example is already considered part of the visual novel sphere. *slow clap*
  13. That's the thing, going for the rest of book one and into book two, it quickly becomes obvious that this death is meant to be a lot more jarring than they display it, and it has a far more deep impact on the group as you will see in the next episode. They entirely failed to convey that by using inserts 3 times in a row.
  14. After taking a 20 minute break and definitely not procrastinating, I watched Grimgar 4. This show.. I am really on fence about whether to like it or not. The novel was great, and the setting of the show itself is great. All the character's are great. But the problem is the pacing. I had said this about Saijaku Bahamut: they are moving way too fast, and this has the implications of no buildup. Grimgar has the exact same problem: having no buildup, but under different circumstances, and it isn't immediately obvious. The first give away was when in the first episode they cut A LOT of introductory things. I pointed this out, and I'm going to say right now, that this was the first death nail in this show's coffin. What they replaced with that cut content you don't get to see until the second episode's second half: the 5 minute insert. Not only was this insert completely out of place, but it served absolutely no point in moving the plot forward. If they wanted to convey the character's feelings about the show, they should have used the ED to do it, but instead they opted for the 5 minute insert, which then transitioned into the ED after a 3 minute break. That's 1/3 of the second episode in song. Is this a musical opera or something? The second and third clues came around the same time and again at the end of the third episode. During the second episode we see a cut from town life right into them hunting, this also again happens in the third and fourth episodes. They are cutting away more and more time out of the book. Can you guessed what they replaced it with? That's right, more inserts, more musical accompaniment for this Broadway stage show. With an insert downtime in every episode, they are completely decimating any pacing they have set as well as purging any tension that might have built up in the show. That is where the problem lies. Enter episode 4. At the end of episode 4 where by all rights you should have cried a little on the inside, I felt like laughing at the silliness instead. In both the previous episodes, they had played the sirenal intermission twice. When the third act finally comes around and they deal it again, it comes with the mixed message of FEELS and "this is insignificant downtime", and it completely soils what should have been by all rights a pivotal signpost in the phantasmagoria they are enacting. But it doesn't and you end up rolling your eyes at the once again stale host they proffer. Grimgar of Ashes and Illusions this show certainly is, in more ways than two. Do I sound sarcastic enough yet? This is what the show has done to me. Any good will this show had from me after having read the books has done burned and gone with the winds along with the cremated fictional remains of all the characters in the book.
  15. I haven't seen Grimgar 4 yet, tests today, homework due tomorrow. Brutal things. But it seems like you are saying the same thing I said 2 weeks ago. Grimgar is being slow despite cutting things, these inserts are entirely unnecessary. As for Heavy Object, nothing has really changed. It's just this is our first time seeing an actual Object fight in focus. The rest of them were in the background due to Qwenthur 'solving' things elsewhere without it. Qwenthur's brilliant ideas are standard tactical warfare, and the world just forgot about them because holy shit objects. They're the farthest thing from far-fetched, and are quite realistic in fact. They just seem absurd because you have this multi-thousand ton vehicle for comparison. If I were to complain about anything, it's that Qwenthur is too smart. I can believe all the things so far about design, that's his profession; the secret code, his ability to direct the flow of a fight between two combatants with just information warfare, and some of the other more tactical stunts he is pulling like during the canyon with the 3 way split? Those are kind of absurd from a skills standpoint. We have military roles for a reason, and he seems to check the boxes for the requirements of all of them.
  16. Is it just me, or does the book of maps (increase map range) and orienteering feel like they're translated/explained inappropriately. Like the first game, it should be something like increases awareness of enemies. I was slightly disappointed when with the book of maps I wasn't mapping a 3x3, but instead saw no effect due to already having a fairy in my party.
  17. You were trying to make an arguments that they were good examples of a harem, and I was pointing out that in regards to the specific trope in question: the open end, they aren't. And thanks for reinforcing the point of complaining about quantity of tropes is pointless, which is what this thread was doing. It wasn't about the annoyance, it was about the frequency. A trope is a trope because it is frequent, so complaining about it means you are attempting to deny it the qualification of being a trope instead of the annoyance of the trope itself.
  18. mamacon, okaacon I just want a girl who compliments me. I can't think of a relationship without a dynamic as anything but boring. Boobs or bust, I don't really care. Though C, the one that actually looks like a cup is best.
  19. If I ever get called in for jury duty, I could probably get off by pleading something akin to clinical insanity. It would be some fun hoops to get through, but it would not only exempt me from any further jury duty, but would also give me something to be redacted on a cia roster.
  20. So after continuing a bit further, I love the dynamic of Shia, Koze, and Forze. So damn good. I don't think I've laughed at antics like these in a while. Oh Shia, why can't you just act like a good mother for Koze and stop trying to corrupt her Also, was that Koze in the Overlord outfit during the opening movie? She looked so adorable.
  21. UQ Holder is still ongoing, so I would throw that one out. If you wanted a protagonist who was proactive in his confession with the harem, there's quite a few out there. I would totally throw Negima under the bus for the two reasons of the pactio's were born more out of necessity than romance except near the end, where it became obvious that the series was headed towards a rushed end. Even then, we STILL didn't get a proper ending. I would say DxD is actually the only legitimate example in this case because it's already blatantly clear he has a harem and it is going to stay that way. All of the tropes I've seen in this thread are complaints about quantity or misuse rather than the actual annoyance of the trope. It's all "I see this way too damn much". For me, an actual annoyance of a trope is the split protagonist being introduced partway through the story. Since most manga are written by expansion rather than full storyboard, the introduction of a second protagonist to add a second side of the story. It breaks the story and places it on effective hiatus without actually stopping serialization.
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