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Abyssal Monkey

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Everything posted by Abyssal Monkey

  1. As an old post from Beast's Lair once said: "Sakura's a great fucking character." If you were to completely change the personality of any one person on fuwa, who would it be and what would you change it into.
  2. Definitely not my strong point. I haven't read the manga in question, but this description leaves a lot to interpretation, so I'm going to toss the singular one that I think might fit in anyway. #YOLO Re:Marina was nice up until chapter 30, after which I lost the time to read it.
  3. The second idea sounds better. Just make NBs dream of becoming a super idol real. He'll be the Cthulhu of the series who people worship. And occasionally siphon/chanel the power of. As it stands, the idea of post/like count as power would basically exclude NB from being anything other than a curbstomp protagonist. He would break the scales instead of tip them.
  4. Confession: I laugh whenever someone tries to justify something by using a statement with no explanation. My favorite one recently is "it's cliched"/"it uses tropes"/"it's unoriginal". I think to myself "great, you've introduced a subject, now where is the evidence, and where is the explanation". I always wondered in sophomore english why our teacher bitched at us about proper use of quotations from a source as evidence. I mean we were always told to introduce the piece of evidence, actually include it, interpret/explain it, then integrate it into our argument as to why it is relevant. Now I understand why. It gets really old really quickly when people don't properly explain things and say something as a simple pretense. Sooooo many reviews on everything never get past the introduction step of "something is bad" and it's the main reason why when looking at any piece of media anymore I look solely at the genre tags it falls under.
  5. After procrastinating for a week because of episode 11, I finished Rakudai Kishi. Errr. I don't know what else to say other than even though what happened was obvious, this episode really is the culmination of the entire season. Such a perfect way to end the season and wait for the next one. The way they ended it was pretty great. I'll say it again, episode 12 is the culmination of every episode before it, and it was fucking fantastic payoff for the buildup of the entire season. This makes it my AOTS even over my pleasurable Heavy Object. Now we wait for next Fall Season for Season 2 of Rakudai Update: After finishing OPM, I only have one thing to say. Seriously. If I had to pin down what about it I didn't particularly care about, it would be that it half asses the continuity so hard. This is probably a byproduct of it being an old style monster of the week type of show where every week is about fighting the big bad that shows up, and that's its strong point. Where it falls apart to me is how there is only a singular method that you can tell how the world is changing, and that is that Saitama ever so slowly goes up in ranks with the hero association. Every week a part of the city basically gets wiped off the map, and by the next week it's somewhat back together again, reverting everything back to nothingness, almost making everything seem part of the twilight realm; the only thing making you sure that it wasn't a dream and is really a series of connected events is that Saitama rises in the ranks. That entire ranking system may as well not exist and the show would literally not change a single damn bit. As someone who takes pleasure in a story unfolding or being told, the events being displayed feel like the epilogue of the epic rather than the epic. We only see the glimpse of him as a job hunter and his crossing of the threshold, but then we cut to the point of mastery. The entire story between the two points is glossed over as "I did mediocre strength training and fought monsters, somewhere along the line I lost my emotional reaction to fighting." SERIOUSLY? The only thing keeping me from dropping it lower were that the animation is MADHouse standard quality of pretty good, and for it's ever so slight skew of traditional tropes of the genre. As far as the narrative goes, it's only an average 5/10. Also madhouse never making second seasons. This is the real truth of the post.
  6. 7/10 Protag turned into a total doormat during momoyo's route and chris' route was one of the biggest disasters I've ever read. Momoyo I wasn't exactly happy about either, which is probably why I failed the first time, because I just followed what choices I would make, not choices that would get senpai to notice me. The only reason I didn't rate it lower is because I felt that was just due to my preferences, and it didn't get in the way of me enjoying the route. May I ask what the problem(s) is with Chris' route? Too much sex. /s I found it to be the best route. All the routes felt sloppy, hence why I gave it a 6/10, but Chris's felt the least so.
  7. Don't forget that "literally" literally means "figuratively" now. But it's not? I wouldn't put it past NBs power level to cause the earth to become a spirit being, a female one, and copulate with it. Literally means exactly as read in this case, literally.
  8. Well when you said that post/like count was power level, I was expecting something like this. NB is overpowered enough to be in the godly dimension, and without doing anything already gathers women around him. I wonder how this will end up. This is entirely 10/10 entertainment right now, and even if this isn't canon, NB being an OP genre savvy protagonist means she can literally fuck with the world. I wonder if she can bend reality.
  9. I understand that she was dumb for not reading the sign, but couldn't you have given her what she wanted anyway? I mean a customer is a customer. She is still there, nearing an hour after normal closing time, if only because I dragged my mom over there and said "if you care that much, you deal with her." Waiting for customers is fine and all, but if you don't stick to your established rules, the customers will walk all over you. We close when we close because all the machinery is on a timer. The boilers shut down at around 8:30. If you had a shopping mall, and it closed at 9pm, would you let customers continue to shop and not get in line at 10pm? Fuck no. If customers can't follow the rules of the establishment, then we have every right to refuse service. It was already grace on my part to let her stay for 30 minutes.
  10. Confession: I hate dumb bitches who can't read. > Me: I'm going to have to ask you to leave within 10 minutes. > Retarded whore: Why? > Me: Because it's past closing time. > I point to a sign literally 6 feet away that is lit up by her car lights. > We close at 9pm, it is now 20 past, I'm giving you 10 minutes to leave. Retarded bitches be retarded. Why is the literacy rate in this country astoundingly low sometimes.
  11. The shaking of the arms and the look at the end for the punchline are just perfectly executed. She is asking "why did something like this happen?" Soooo gooood.
  12. You made the mistake of assuming a manga adaptation was ending even after it got a second season. I don't know what to say to you.
  13. Visual novels are too feminist. The guy always has to slave away for the girl's pleasure and to gain their approval. Even when they finally get it, they have to keep up appearances or all that lost work will go to waste. Have you seen some of the shit they do for these women? Some might say that the men are capturing the easily fallen women, but it's actually the other way around, these minxes manipulate the man into doing their biddings and only rewarded with minor shows of affection. Nukige are the only real male supremacist games, at least there the male is in control and the one who is getting the most benefit.
  14. Walkthrough threads are pseudo locked to members, we just dont belong in the permission group to post there.
  15. Okay my cute drunken Eclipse. Your moon is always shining over the Abyss that I came from. Confession: The compression applied to my avatar depresses me so much. It's really obvious when looking at the blurring of the scarf and the color distortion of the hair. The one on the right is what it *should* look like at best scaling, and what I've also uploaded it as.
  16. Clearly you haven't read chapter 16.5 There was a hentai adaptation of it, but I can't remember who did it. Search and compare sadpanda enough and you should find it. That chapter was later added and marked as "fanfiction" by the author in Kawahara Wordgear site and it wasnt part of the original light novel releases. I kind of took it with a grain of salt. You can make an argument that the author did it so it must be canon but having to release it separately and tag it as "fanfiction" also can be interpreted that it's not part of the actual plot. You do realize it was created before the actual book got published right? Or at least he had planned it before then. If I recall correctly, it got pruned out in the official release for obvious reasons.
  17. My cookies are better. I like pastry making. I wish I could get employed at a bakery over the summer to learn and improve the craft
  18. Clearly you haven't read chapter 16.5 There was a hentai adaptation of it, but I can't remember who did it. Search and compare sadpanda enough and you should find it.
  19. Pretty sure an official twitter acc from Steam confirmed it was their cache servers and stuff acting up, and that they would turn off the Store and all to try and fix it. Dunno about nay updates though. https://www.reddit.com/r/Steam/comments/3y7x0c/nice_try_steam_but_im_still_not_going_to_spend/ If you are referring to what Down posted earlier, no, this isn't Steam official.
  20. They're still a company. It doesn't take much to say "We know somethings fucked up, we're not going to address it until Monday, until then, we're taking things down." and then do it. I can't believe it's anything more than 10 minutes of work. If they just did that, even if they didn't say anything about how this happened, people would be a lot less upset and more understanding. Public image is a thing, and I can only imagine that Steam is eventually going to lose it with all the shit they are pulling.
  21. This is actually hilariously true. As bad as EA is as a games publisher, as an actual company they are miles ahead of Valve. You know that if EA lost credit card information they would at least fucking make a statement in under 2 hours if it was this fucking obvious.
  22. I still want to know how to clean pages/redraw, or do you yank the ones already *mostly* cleaned. It's always been something I've been curious about.
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