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Blog Comments posted by XReaper

  1. wasn´t that much impressed by sabae no ou, basically one of many that fell flat somewhere in between story-/setting-wise, btw i personally found its cast to be a little imbalanced, but that´s just me deeply loathing authors who won´t treat each and every character of theirs with the same care (e.g. to hell with sakurai). 
    as for sth enjoyable(?) to recommend reading, well, france shoujo is a pretty darn good title in this regard. good amount of uniqueness, fleshed out cast that´s behaving realistically (more or less), a setting, having basically zero to do with highschool-ish shenanigans, a definite lack of unjustifiable happiness (hooray!) and lastly a very intriguing atmosphere, btw. no sudden bursts of whatsnot, totally ruining ones mood out of nowhere. granted, said title is by no means this world´s most impressive bephemoth in terms of being visually advanced (though i´ve a thing for such styles; also fuck dem hd-fetishists) or technically earthshaking, but if a good story is what matters to you most, then i´d say give it a try.

    edit: sequels are no good indicators of possible quality. there´s more than enough garbage floating around which´s sole excuse for existance was its predecessors having sold well, for better or worse.

  2. "... seems to be the fact that the VN wastes very little time on the romantic and slice-of-life aspects that would have been the center of a charage"

    especially this is what makes it (along the non convoluted writing) a pleasant read for me. not saying i do detest both, or the latter one by default, just too much of them (or the usual amount) would have ruined the setting, btw. distracted from what matters most. almost dare to claim re-lief´s overall experience could´ve  been even better in case its devs had decided on making it all ages, though i fucking hate that horribly missleading term with great passion. totally not fond of uninspired lovey-dovey crap just for including some pointless fucks.

  3. he´s the author of a free doujin called cyber-rebeat in which he rather darn promisingly demonstrated the potential writing-abilities of his (though the engine they´ve used sucked dinosaur balls). all in all it´s by no means a masterpiece, probably never meant to be one as well, but its thought-through concept and the overall premise sets itself pleasantly apart from many others of its kind.

  4. re: ...and I know that some readers don't want realism in VNs to begin with, so this is something they will never understand or even want in the first place ...

    - characters behaving in a realistic, non illogical and consequent manner does not neccessarily contradict a plotline that still gives off a fictional vibe, as both are pretty much able to co-exist, btw. enhance eachother, whereas most titles lacking the former often end up nothing but works of great retardism, making you cringe until there is no more. basically saying well written works of selfinsertion are long since dead, be it either because of authors seemingly giving some fucks, or to non scare off the more sensitive part of their readership who tend to favor maximized escapism over its pendant, prone to getting depressive and such. honestly speaking, to me every kind of art (unless it contains personal information) is and should always stand above ethics and morals, means, why should an author even care about some readers possibly hanging themselves, forwhy it´s simply neither his nor his works fault (obvious exaggeration(?) here). nothing worse than crippling your own works out of false consideration/playing amateur-therapist, seriously.

  5. think it´s also a matter of individual length, like coroblo could either end up in 4h long pointless arcs each, or all episodes together contributing to one single storyline as a whole.
    the kiseki-series, like already mentioned, is basically split into more big arcs, usually feeling complete in themselves coming to each installment, except for fc, but also forming a greater picture when read all.
    shenmue & xenosaga, yeah, might have been due to facing extraordinary costs of development or whatsnot that led them to be released years apart, or screwing up their overall approach as time went by. sure there´re some which could have been handled better, but also those who didnt end up dissappointing in that way, such as star ocean, akagoei (despite me non being that much fond of the series itself) mugen kairou, w-standard wonderland, or lisbelluru no ma for example.
    bit hard to say what take on the matter is a more suitable one, like episodes which are complete in themselves might feel good or pointless, despending on their length, and those who´re not could possibly become obsolete plot-wise if their devs decide on discontinuing the series for monetary reasons, as it already happened before. this is also important because you(reader) either get to waste only a little sum of money on sth semi-satisfactionary, or a whole lot on works which maybee wont ever see the day of continuation aka that leave you with a bitter aftertaste.

  6. 39 minutes ago, ChaosRaven said:

    Looking forward to your review of August's Senmomo. I think I wouldn't be too bothered with a lighthearted mood as long as they stick to it and don't make constant mood-changes from dark to light and back.

    pretty sure exactly this is going to happen. regrettably so. like mixing up some depressive era-related whatsnot with romantic comedy, hillarious shenanigans, some pow-boom-zack & idols, but hey

    "Remember that period in our country where people suffered a lot? How about we make a romantic comedy about it filled with cutesy stuff! It will be hillarious, but also very serious! Because, you see: THE MAIN PLOT WILL STILL BE SERIOUS BUSINESS!"

    honestly, i´m no fan of inluding cutesy for the sake of including cutesy, when there simply is no place for it.

  7. not sure what to expect from senmomo anymore, been severly dissappointed by its trial, as the whole idolrelated stuff felt pretty much out of place, if not totally unfitting the stories setting itself, btw. much too lighthearted and semi-moe coming to a rather serious era + how am i supposed to take a badass-ish fighting chick seriously, if she practices becoming an idol in secret? *sigh

    on another note, isnt liar soft´s DxD also coming out by the end of the month? might be worth mentioning, might, as it seems it´s being written by mareni only, might...

  8. 47 minutes ago, Arcadeotic said:

    About the typo, I fixed it like, four hours ago and even the screenshots and links have been replaced ages ago :P

    Thanks for the compliments and encouragement, everyone

    It's because of those, that this feels as rewarding as it is.


    the minor typo in itself wasn´t my concern there, more that it´s been related to one of those preview screens which should ideally advertise your project to the very fullest - happened to see lot´s of dudes & gals start publicly whining/bitching about a teams apparent incompetence based on minor mistakes only. but, yo good work i guess, hope the final product is going to make the critics shut up! XD

  9. sankai is pretty bad, yes, even that much of a apparent fail for their related staffmembers to promise some kind of improvement at a point (patch/overhauled version, or whatsoever), simply to calm those raging fans down. played its demo few weeks ago & been severly dissappointed by the whole darn thing - no idea what fucked up their brains, but them willingly decide on releasing semi-polished & halfbaked products like this one is what´s going to lead a company straight to doom, which i cant, btw. wont feel negative about (there´s no place for nostalgia when garbage costs alot of money), such is capitalism after all & history showed us that new stars are often born out of the rotten corpses of old.

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