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2D Sexual Preferences Question


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Please Note: If you don't want to discuss your sexual preferences like I have so gracefully done in this thread, you do not need to. I ask that people don't judge me based on my tastes though, as we all have our own way of finding something attractive. Also, please understand that this thread is not a "2D vs. 3D" thread, but rather a thread discussing if it's possible to find attraction in opposite character types. Can you like big breasted girls (among other traits) as much as lolis, or do you swing 1 way most of the time?


I felt like writing a post about my interest in 2D women, while at the same time discussing how I feel about the whole thing and ask others from the forum how they feel as well. Sorry ladies, but this post will only pertain to women in 2D. Please feel free to comment on your own personal tastes and what kind of types you find attractive. In fact, talk about men as well, but for the purpose of this thread I will only be focusing on women.


Now I understand that there are a ton of posts regarding what kinds of 2D women people are into, but I wanted to discuss a small issue I have with the separation of character preference. I like women. I am sexually attracted to women. I find 2D to be a fantasy that can fit every single preference of any person depending on what you are into, while at the same time defying the impossible if that should so suit your needs.


For example, many of you may be aware that I like girl's butts, both in real life and in the 2D world. An ass is just something I believe holds a lot of mystery to it, and as such it is fun to look at. Now please don't get me wrong and assume I go around staring at asses all day, but understand that they are just something I like. An ass is attached to a pair of legs, which on a woman I believe are the best physical feature you can have. Legs represent empowerment, stance, and say a lot about a woman's body language. This body language can translate to many different things that can easily manipulate any sane man. And it's not just the legs you see, it's the hips as well. The hips are attractive and say a lot about a woman's curves, and in that sense I find it appealing to look at. That, coupled with the legs and the FUPA (look this up if you don't know what it is) just deliver a package that is excellent to look at physically and mentally. Now that is not to say that women's personalities don't play an important role in my attraction as well, because these things are also extremely important when choosing who I like. This leads me to my next point regarding lolis and how I feel about them.


I will openly admit that I find lolis cute, and there are some lolis I find to be awesome characters. For example, I love Ro-500 and Hibiki from Kancolle. In fact, I love all the submarines (except I-8) from the series. I own those figures the most, and that's partly due to how awesome they are. I have a whole folder of images dedicated to these characters, and that says a lot:






Still, that does not mean I am sexually attracted to them, and that is something I want to make clear. To expand on this, let's look at the other side of things.


I am also attracted to girls with very large breasts, but only in the 2D world. For example, I find things like this a slight turn on:






Now, some people would tell me that this is disgusting, and that's fair; I like a little of both worlds. It seems that from the people I have met, you are either attracted to 1 type of girl or the other, while for me, I find both types to be attractive (though a lot less when it comes to lolis, as the 2 characters I mentioned are the only exception).


So now that you have listened to my openly express my opinions and what I am into, what do you think? Is it possible to like both kinds of girls or are you someone who only likes 1 type? It would be interesting to hear from both genders! In the end, I like women, plain and simple; no matter what you look like, a personality will always win the day, but that's just me.

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For me, I have a ratio of hair length to a variable proportionality constant bust size.  I find that in general, for me, the longer the hair of a female, the less I could care about the bust size.  It tends towards a moderate B-Cup at shorter lengths of hair.  I'm the type of person who also thinks that the way the back frames the hips is incredibly important.  The legs aren't so much alluring as is the way they carry their upper body (though I guess this is influenced by their legs).  As such, I can get incredibly aroused when a long haired female shows a well proportioned back, with the hair as an accent to it. 


I'm also in the department of 2D is purely meant for fantasies that can never be achieved in real life.  It's part of the reason why 80% of all media that I consume for entertainment has some form of fantasy element, and 100% of the romance falls into this 80%.  If I wanted a real world experience, I could go outside and get it.  Personal 2D fetishes such as dominating a female into submission and brokenness would never happen in real life, and as such I can get that pleasure from the 2D.  This is why I don't judge people on their 2D preferences, as ultimately, they are a form of escapism, and thus are useful for stress relief and mental health.


Also, lolis are just adorable most of the time, they typically are small enough to sit in your lap and do wonderful things that make you melt.



I like women, plain and simple; no matter what you look like, a personality will always win the day, but that's just me.

Truer words have never been said, if you can't get along with the person, then no matter how attractive they are you won't be happy.

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I'm on the same point in a lot of ways. I have nothing against fictional or real women. I like them both and I am attracted too both. I don't see anything wrong in what you think. The only thing I am thinking about is your preferences. But I am not going to discuss them because we all got our preferences and I bet some of mine are equally weird. So I accept someone however they are.


My personal opinion is that it is a bit too weird not even being able to look at real women and feel something. But let's not push that topic further. I am just stating my opinion here. If I am downtown of course looking at women and searching for that one with the perfect curves and preferences. In the same time I can browse the Internet looking after what I like. But my preferences in the real world is completely different from my tastes on the Internet in some regards. The Internet is for your fantasies.


I am looking at the ass or breasts mostly. If they match and it is looking good together as a whole I am pleased. I don't like when it is too big. I like moderate/normal. But if I am browsing the Internet it could be anything my fantasies desires. Let's not dig in that.  :ph34r:


As you stated in the end. It is the personality that's the victory point.

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For me, I have a ratio of hair length to a variable proportionality constant bust size.  I find that in general, for me, the longer the hair of a female, the less I could care about the bust size.  It tends towards a moderate B-Cup at shorter lengths of hair.  I'm the type of person who also thinks that the way the back frames the hips is incredibly important.  The legs aren't so much alluring as is the way they carry their upper body (though I guess this is influenced by their legs).  As such, I can get incredibly aroused when a long haired female shows a well proportioned back, with the hair as an accent to it.


Of the stuff you mentioned, I found the hair comparison the most interesting. I didn't really connect the 2, but when I think about it I see what you mean.

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I'm on the same point in a lot of ways. I have nothing against fictional or real women. I like them both and I am attracted too both. I don't see anything wrong in what you think. The only thing I am thinking about is your preferences. But I am not going to discuss them because we all got our preferences and I bet some of mine are equally weird. So I accept someone however they are.


My personal opinion is that it is a bit too weird not even being able to look at real women and feel something. But let's not push that topic further. I am just stating my opinion here. If I am downtown of course looking at women and searching for that one with the perfect curves and preferences. In the same time I can browse the Internet looking after what I like. But my preferences in the real world is completely different from my tastes on the Internet in some regards. The Internet is for your fantasies.


I am looking at the ass or breasts mostly. If they match and it is looking good together as a whole I am pleased. I don't like when it is too big. I like moderate/normal. But if I am browsing the Internet it could be anything my fantasies desires. Let's not dig in that.  :ph34r:


As you stated in the end. It is the personality that's the victory point.


Well, in the end, I am not so much interested in anyone's opinions about 2D vs. 3D, but rather if you can find attraction in both 2D body types. For me, I find that people either like lolis and hate big tits, or like big tits and hate lolis (among other traits).

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Well, in the end, I am not so much interested in anyone's opinions about 2D versus 3D, but rather if you can find attraction in both 2D body types. For me, I find that people either like lolis and hate big tits, or like big tits and hate lolis (among other traits).

Alright. I see your point.


I am on the middle ground then. I like "normal" girls. They should have a bust but not too large. An example would be a typical kuudere or something.


Edit incoming: Nevermind. I am having a hard time finding a good example. I rarely ever save pictures and suck at recalling names.

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Purely on the aesthetic I can say that I like both types. However what is a big determining factor for me is does it look proportional. This is kind of why if I had to pick one or the other I would always pick small breasts over big because it can fit a lot more body types. Oversized breasts to me look really out of of place most of the time but that doesn't really mean that I hate big breasts either, in fact I love big breasts as well but for me it's a matter of quality over quantity. They can pretty much look like anything so long as they look somewhat proportional and I would find them somewhat attractive. Also as a side note I hate it when doujinshi make characters breasts like 2x bigger then they originally are, it looks pretty bad.

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Alright. I see your point.


I am on the middle ground then. I like "normal" girls. They should have a bust but not too large. An example would be a typical kuudere or something.


See, that is interesting to me because I feel I am 1 of the few people that actually appreciate traits from both ends of the spectrum. This pertains to a personality and body types. Most people only like 1 "area" and don't like the extremes. For example:




This chart is how I view preferences. There are obviously more extremes on the far right and left of this chart, but for all intent and purposes, this will do. In the end, I find myself leaning anywhere on the chart, both on the far right and on the far left, while most people pick a spot and land there.


It's like body types represent political views. You either lean left or right, and very rarely fall on both sides depending on your mood at the time. For me, I base it on my mood and the the person's personality. Some days I really want huge tits, while other days I want smaller bodies.

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I am on the middle ground. If I pick someone with small breasts it is probably thanks to the personality. It is the same with large breasts. For example I like Misaka Mikoto a lot because of her personality. But I would't say I am a loli lover because of that.


Personality is everything. If they aren't messing with my preferences I don't care a bit about them. it doesn't matter how they look in that regard. But of course I still got preferences how the ideal women would look alike. But that's not as important as the personality.

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All righty then


Interesting thread, Ren!


I have found that like many people, my tastes in 2D women have been wandering towards extremes. I'm actually not very attracted to loli-ish girls in real life, nor do I like um... let's call it 'very curvy' girls. A girl should obviously have some curves (like a B-C cup is perfect imo) but when I look at what attracts me in fiction it tends to very often be women with outrageous breast sizes (that would be completely impractical and probably not very attractive in real life either). Same with lolis I guess.


What I'm trying to say is that it seems to me that I'm looking for things in 2D girls that I can't get out of real life, which is why I feel attracted to both sides of the spectrum. I think  :P


edit: To put it into perspective: the girl I am currently in love with looks a bit boy-ish and has no chest to speak of...

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Before I begin let me just state for the record that I prioritise someone's personality over their bust or looks.

With that in mind, lets talk about tits!

My taste fluctuates on a regular basis. I generally go for proportionality over all else, if the tits department is too big or is going through a massive recession then it can be a little distracting. There are days were I prefer older characters with big boobs, days were I prefer moe character with small boobs and days where I prefer the small frames of lolis.

One thing I do notice is, particularly with moe characters is I find them more beautiful rather then sexy, which in a way makes any H-Scenes with them feel all the more satisfying as I know that both me and the protagonist see them for more than their sex appeal.
As for lolis, if I'm perfectly honest it is only recently that I have noticed how cute they are. With this in mind I do still feel a little guilt from finding them attractive as I don;t want to be branded a pedofile or anything like that. I'll probably stop feeling this eventually but I figured it was worth noting. 

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This chart is how I view preferences. There are obviously more extremes on the far right and left of this chart, but for all intent and purposes, this will do. In the end, I find myself leaning anywhere on the chart, both on the far right and on the far left, while most people pick a spot and land there.

This somehow makes me think that I can sum up preferences using graph theory along with "real" and "imaginary" planes.  I might just like graphs too much. I blame you for instigating my math section that forced me to think about such bad puns.  


I don't think that you can really classify people on a one dimensional line like that.  It seems too limiting and narrow of a view.  I think if you were to peg out the three most commonly associated characteristics of a person you might get a little closer to reality.


If we are talking about personality, I really don't have a preference in 2D, I can enjoy both ends of chasing and getting chased.  In reality though, I honestly can't see me chasing someone, it would have to be a girl who would drag me over my idleness hill in order to do something.


One thing I do notice is, particularly with moe characters is I find them more beautiful rather then sexy, which in a way makes any H-Scenes with them feel all the more satisfying as I know that both me and the protagonist see them for more than their sex appeal.

I find this incredibly odd.  Sometimes I find that the moe characters can turn out to be some of the more bewitching simply because they can do things you don't expect them too.

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Before I begin let me just state for the record that I prioritise someone's personality over their bust or looks.

With that in mind, lets talk about tits!

My taste fluctuates on a regular basis. I generally go for proportionality over all else, if the tits department is too big or is going through a massive recession then it can be a little distracting. There are days were I prefer older characters with big boobs, days were I prefer moe character with small boobs and days where I prefer the small frames of lolis.

One thing I do notice is, particularly with moe characters is I find them more beautiful rather then sexy, which in a way makes any H-Scenes with them feel all the more satisfying as I know that both me and the protagonist see them for more than their sex appeal.

As for lolis, if I'm perfectly honest it is only recently that I have noticed how cute they are. With this in mind I do still feel a little guilt from finding them attractive as I don;t want to be branded a pedofile or anything like that. I'll probably stop feeling this eventually but I figured it was worth noting. 


Your last point is what I find the most interesting. I feel the same way as well. I have always been against lolis, and when it comes down to actually thinking about it, I am completely turned off by it, but there are just certain characters (mainly Ro-500 and Hibiki) that do it for me. Strangely enough, these are the only exceptions.

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Your last point is what I find the most interesting. I feel the same way as well. I have always been against lolis, and when it comes down to actually thinking about it, I am completely turned off by it, but there are just certain characters (mainly Ro-500 and Hibiki) that do it for me. Strangely enough, these are the only exceptions.

I wonder if it has anything to do with age.  As a psychological matter, seeing children and adoring them comes naturally as it invokes our nature to protect them.  I wonder if this could also be extrapolated to find them cute and wanting to have children as a side effect, and thus sometimes get mixed up between actually protecting and creating them (I don't know any other way to put this) with performing the act with them instead.

Am I showing my biology side again? 

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Your last point is what I find the most interesting. I feel the same way as well. I have always been against lolis, and when it comes down to actually thinking about it, I am completely turned off by it, but there are just certain characters (mainly Ro-500 and Hibiki) that do it for me. Strangely enough, these are the only exceptions.

In my case the stand-out loli would be Mayuki from Comyu

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I wonder if it has anything to do with age.  As a psychological matter, seeing children and adoring them comes naturally as it invokes our nature to protect them.  I wonder if this could also be extrapolated to find them cute and wanting to have children as a side effect, and thus sometimes get mixed up between actually protecting and creating them (I don't know any other way to put this) with performing the act with them instead.

Am I showing my biology side again? 

This is right on the money. I've noticed that I do generally feel this way when a Loli is written well, finding them more cute than attractive and wanting to protect them rather than have romantic relations with them. 

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In my case the stand-out loli would be Mayuki from Comyu

This is right on the money. I've noticed that I do generally feel this way when a Loli is written well, finding them more cute than attractive and wanting to protect them rather than have romantic relations with them. 


See, a lot of people say it's because of protecting them that people feel that way; it's not the case for me. I don't care about protecting them, I just have these exceptions for some reason.

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I honestly think I am one of those in between people, but there are many exceptions to that rule. For instance, there are lots of some lolis I absolutely love, while there are some characters whom have massive plot devices that I love as well.


In my case the stand-out loli would be Mayuki from Comyu


Perfect example, as I absolutely LOVE Mayuki. While on the whole, I mostly find just find lolis adorable, Mayuki is one of those few exceptions that you guys are talking about (although I have more than just "a few" exceptions. However the lolis that I prefer, that I can like no matter what, are the ones who have the appearance of being a loli, but are not in fact a "little girl" in age. This is probably just something to make me feel better for liking them, but regardless, I do not care. I guess I really am a bit of a lolicon, but oh well.


Honestly, I mostly prefer characters with an average bust size, or maybe just a little larger than average. There aren't many things that exclusively like though. I like a bit of everything, although when I say it like that it makes it sound kind of bad, so let's just say within reason here.


What really gets me though, is not chest size or stature. It is definitely hair length. The longer the hair, the more attractive they get for me.


Hence, Usami Haru is bae.

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I find it a bit curious that you created a topic titled "Being a lolicon & oppai" lover, write a post focusing entirely on sexual preferences, openly declare you like 2D body types all across the spectrum...then suggest your favorite lolis you obsess over are not sexually attractive.  Furthermore, the surrounding word usage seems to undermine this statement.  It's almost like the statement was thrown in there as a proactive defense against anticipated backlash.


Admitting to being a lolicon is sort of like admitting to being homosexual.  Sometimes people won't admit their preferences, even to themselves.

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Damn this thread. I like big oppai but the pictures you posted.... I don't know what to say those boobs are way too big or maybe weirdly proportioned. If I would have to choose I would take loli for sure :P she looks so sexy  :yumiko:  I would do stuff to her :makina:

When I read my reply I think I should not express my thoughts so openly every time. But I'm not good at writing so I like to just put my pure though into a reply ;D

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Hmm... interesting question. I'll interpret the question as flat chest vs curves. Regarding real adult girls this question is impossible for me to answer as I am primarily attracted to facial features. Especially smaller rounded noses, which is why I love how east Asian girls look and the reason I envy you for being in Japan. If I had to choose, I would pick a girl with my ideal facial features over a girl with an average face and lots of curves. (Although a girl with my ideal facial features with curves is obviously the best case scenario).


Regarding 2D girls where nearly all of them have the same beautiful faces, then I would choose oppai. I can appreciate the aesthetic beauty of a 2D girl with no curves, but I don't find them very arousing. 2D beauties with large breasts arouse me fairly quickly. 


So in short: 

Irl: Beautiful face > average face and large curves.


2D: large curves > no/small curves.

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As far as 2D goes I'm only attracted to flat A&B cups. C is like borderline 50-50%. Anything bigger than that is actually a turn-off for me. (Don't ask me why it just happened to be that way...)


Body types don't really matter to me (loli or not), though really mature ones are a turn-off: motherly types, older office-lady like types, etc.


It is a wonderful gift that you can appreciate both spectrums lol. It is quite unfortunate here that I get turned off by like what... 75%? of 2D ecchi content made by Japan. Whenever I browse without a specific tag, I feel Iike I'm an outcast looking for those few turn-ons.


I think my 3D preferences are bound by the same principles but are more lenient in range.

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Lolis are cute as fuh and can make me squeal and HRNGGGG at their cuteness, but I don't find them sexually attractive one bit. Much like how girls (and guys) can go crazy over how cute babies are.

Huge oppais are no no. Minimum B, Maximum C is probably my range.

=> So a loli with huge oppais is a HUUUUGE no for me xD

Other misc. things:

  • When it comes to females and the whole 'Chest, legs, or rear' preference, I go legs > chest > rear. We all know personality master race though!
  • Ideal 2D body types are slim / petite. ie. Frenda, my avatar. 3D id' prefer normal weight. Bones are not pretty >.>
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I like my girls pettanko and with long, flowing hair, lolis are a bonus. Asses, legs, and faces in 2D girls don't matter as much to me, mostly because they're all drawn rather similarly, although they do matter in 3D girls who, naturally, have a bit more variety to them.

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Hmm, my mainly "target" is loli. I do have some favorite chara with BB, (for example, Kodachi Nagi from Daitoshokan, Iriya Koko from Hakoniwa Logic, Kojima Arisu from Monomono, all E+) but just because of their personality, not boobs. (I do like a lot of lolis just for their appearance, even though their personality may "errr" a little). Aside from those few exceptions, I find chara with huge boobs totally annoying, and, sorry to say, sometimes disgusting (this goes the same for my 3D preference).


And I will just be shameless here, because I could not care less about how people think about me: I'm not sexually attracted by loli. I like to keep them pure and innocent, that suits them the best.

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