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Protagonist's face appearing in the dialogue box


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I just noticed that in some otome titles, the main girl's portrait is shown in the corner during the game. Now, I am unfamiliar with the otome genre, so I am unsure if this only happens with English VNs, or if it can be seen in Japanese titles as well. Or maybe it also happens in other games, and I am just clueless :P. Just wondering if anyone has thoughts or insights about this. Thanks :)!

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Some bishoujo games have the current speaker's portrait in the corner next to the dialog box, and a rare few do this for the male protagonists as well, even though they don't show a full sprite during normal dialog. Some examples of this are Overdrive's games (Deardrops and later), Duel Savior, and Yumina the Ethereal.


edit: In Yumina, the sprites are static but the dialog portraits show different facial expressions, it's weird. I don't think the game's age has anything to do with it, 2008 is well beyond the era of static sprites, which for the most part was left behind in the '90s.

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i think is fine ,protagonist's face appearing in the dialogue box .

On the matter much worse , I read some vn don't have face on dialogue box , yet no name also , the vn text  ADV and no voice  ..........

It really make me confuse & headache if dialogue more then two person,....... rude my mood to read too..........7c0edf1a93.gif

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For some reason, the first game that came to my mind with that question was Black Wolves Saga, which I haven't actually played... Yes, it's puzzling to me too. However, the heroine's face actually does appear at the side of the text box when she's speaking. I must've been remembering a review I read? But yeah, only when she's speaking, it's not always there or anything..



(Edit: Actually, I just remembered Alice = Alice, too, and Gekka Ryouran Romance had similar systems... I obviously haven't played every game by Rejet, so I'll just say it appears like a large number of Rejet otomege have them. Quinrose appear to implement a similar system. Otomate's teams and standards basically change with every game, so I'll hold off broad assumptions of their style.)


I'm personally a fan of that. I'm a fan of anything that adds a little bit more personality to the protag, and knowing their reactions or how their feelings translate to their facial expressions is a plus.

Edited by Lambda
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Muramasa does this too, since it uses faces in the textbox instead of name tags. Since I'm a big fan of protagonists that are just as much characters as the rest of the cast, I like this as well. The 'faces instead of names' thing Muramasa had was also great - well, that VN probably has my favourite textbox to be honest, hooray for vertical text! :D

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Well, this is more or less the closest tag you'll get on vndb it seems: https://vndb.org/g737?fil=tagspoil-0.tag_inc-737;m=0;o=d;s=rating


I kinda liked protag looking all tsun in a certain X-Note route (look, Zaka is pulling out the really obscure shit here w.) X-Note is still kinda bad though due to a lot of stats bullshit and other problems :(

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A lot of VN's do this, and I am fine with it. 


There's the case in older Eushully games like Minna Daisuki Kozukuri Banchou. I don't dislike it. I admit that in Yumina's case this is really weird, it bothers me a little.

The problem with Yumina is all of the emotions are in the character portrait and the sprites are static images, which drives me nuts

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i think is fine ,protagonist's face appearing in the dialogue box .

On the matter much worse , I read some vn don't have face on dialogue box , yet no name also , the vn text  ADV and no voice  ..........

It really make me confuse & headache if dialogue more then two person,....... rude my mood to read too..........7c0edf1a93.gif

The only VNs I can think of that don't have names attached to dialog or voices are the 07th Expansion ones. That can be a little confusing every once in a while, but I was able to tell who was saying what 99.9% of the time. Usually (but not always) the sprite of the speaker changed. If you miss that cue, though...

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I have seen this happening in some tittles. Sometimes when the devs cant be arsed to show a heroine/hero portrait they use a face in dialogue box.


As for if its usual for a protagonist then its more prominent in VNs with a female protagonist since for some reasons Otome games prefers to use a female protagonist with a face and its usually nameable (She even tends to have voice acting) meanwhile in Bishoujo games prefer to use the faceless and voiceless male protagonist (He is usually unnameable). That speaks of different kinds of immersion for boys and girls (At least thats how Japanese devs seems to think.

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